MMA Tycoon Game

PEDs allowed

Org name: Sunrise FC
Fighters signed: 100
Number of events: 13
Base: Tokyo
Owner: Manager Tao
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Upcoming events
Sunrise 9 2025-01-25 Tokyo
Sunrise 10: Hao Vs Harrison 2025-02-01 Tokyo
Sunrise 11 2025-02-01 Tokyo
Sunrise 12 2025-02-08 Tokyo
Sunrise 13 2025-02-08 Tokyo
Weight Name Last Win
145 Terrell Brooks Panda Cuchi
185 Jakul DuVicius Ezequiel Campos
205 Lerouch Vanitis Toby Gronkowski
265+ Giang Hao Philip Roth

View title history


Here at Sunrise, we promote the use of PEDs, we want the biggest, baddest, craziest gringo's to come to Sunrise. You have to snort a line and smoke a bowl before hoping into the Sunrise ring, but glory awaits for those willing to hit that shit and smack that shit

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