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True Octagon Fighting news history

12 Jul 23 - Welcome to TOF
This is where fighters square off in an octagon to see who the best man is. All fighters get opportunities for what they desire, whether that be a title shot, fair fights, or just having fun scrappin!

We take pride in the fact that we only Offer fair fights, with good compensation. A place where fighters can earn their reputation, and grow in the sport!

If anyone is interested in a contract, let any of us owners know! We are looking to grow the Organization to at least 20 fighters per division.

Fights will be 3 rounds, 10 minute rounds, in an octagon (of Course lol)

Title fights will also be 3 rounds, 10 minute rounds, in an octagon.

We want to keep the fights out of the judges hands, so it's up to you to finish your opponent, and not lay and pray to score points.

Thank you! We look forward to the upcoming fights!
27 Dec 22 - True Octagon Fighting (387k+)
We are celebrating the grand opening of True Octagon Fighting! We Offer only fair fights, with good compensation. A place where young fighters can earn their reputation, and grow in the sport!

If anyone is interested in a contract, let us know! We are looking to grow the Organization to at least 10 fighters per division. (Just remember 387k+).

Fights will be 3 rounds, 10 minute rounds, in an octagon (of Course lol)

Title fights will also be 3 rounds, 10 minute rounds, in an octagon.

Thank you! We look forward to the upcoming fights!

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