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Super Sydney Square Down(407k) news history

17 Sep 24 - Recruiting
So I havent signed as many fighters as I thought I was going to but thats okay!
Slowly but surely you know.. Hmu if you have an questions about what im doing with the org or you possibly want to work for SSSD.
05 Sep 24 - SSSD RETURNS
Yes ive brought restricted ID fighting back to Sydney.. Youre welcome.
SSSD returns with new rules too due to alot of opinions ive gotten about the 2 round 10 minute/3 round 10 minute fights being too much on the young fighters, Ive changed it to 1 round 10 minute/ 2 round 10 minute.
The contracts are alot better as well! I wont be selling this org so give SSSD a shot and roll with me for the long run.

SSJ out.

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