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STRIKE! news history

04 May 24 - STRIKE! hands out multiple $10k Performance Bonuses!
After another banger STRIKE! event where we handed out 5 x $10k performance bonuses, along with the usual KO award and FOTN.

Some events ago we implemented our version of a Performance Bonus Award for fighters who produce entertaining fights. Being a KT org we are limited to only being able to offer 1 x KO award and 1 x FOTN for each event but are often left wishing we could offer multiple awards per event as our fighters continually produce entertaining fights.
We decided to take things into our own hands and send out Performance Bonuses. We do this by sending a re-negotiation contract and add the bonus as a signing bonus.

We’ve been handing them out at every event since it’s inception, often times we hand out multiple, as was the case with the last event where we handed out 5!
Our motto here is simple: If you produce entertaining fights, you’ll be rewarded.
The goal at Strike! Isn’t to become the most profitable fighting org, our plan is to attract the best fighters we can to keep KT going strong! We’re more than happy to see the majority of our profits headed to fighters who help make/keep this a reality.

There may be a misconception by some folks who think fighters can’t make money in KT - this I wrong. Orgs struggle to make big money but the right type of fighter can certainly make a decent amount at Strike!

So, if you have an MMA fighter who you think may do well in KT - please consider us as an option when their contracts are up!
16 Mar 24 - Keeping KT Great!
Couldn't have asked for a better start with Strike! With the fighters kicking ass, growing the org bigger and better with every event.

Come and join the KT fun, we're not going anywhere!

Every skill and age is welcome, we want to accomodate everyone.
Currently there doesn't seem to be a home for the lower weight KT youngsters (135-170), we're hoping to change that. So, if you have any young KT fighters around those weights and are looking for some fights, please contact us
19 Jan 24 - The Plan
KT only divisions - 135-265 /// MMA fights will be held under 265+ - but all fighters will be matched up with equal weight opponent /// Only accept fights you're happy with /// Come and go as you please

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