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Tycoon World Grappling Championship

Org name: Tycoon World Grappling Championship
Kickboxing Hype:
Fighters signed: 0
Number of events: 3271
Base: London
Owner: Mike Tycoon
Ranking (Global): 53
Ranking (City): 10
Satisfaction rating: 0% from 0 ratings.
Website: MMA Tycoon
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Merch partner: None
About us: The Tycoon World Grappling Championship is a grappling based organization, running events over 4 different skill divisions. Tournaments start with regional qualifiers, then a global final. Winners receive prizemoney and a trophy for the fighter and manager.
Latest News: Finalists
  Good luck to all the finalists in the latest edition of the TWGC!
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Division Fighters Avg. Age Avg. ID Avg. Hype Notes
135 0 0 0 0 NA
145 0 0 0 0 NA
155 0 0 0 0 NA
170 0 0 0 0 NA
185 0 0 0 0 NA
205 0 0 0 0 NA
265 0 0 0 0 NA
265+ 0 0 0 0 NA
Upcoming Events
Today's Events / Recent Events
TWGC 41 (265lbs, D4): Finals - Round 3 2024-05-31 London
TWGC 41 (265lbs, D3): Finals - Round 3 2024-05-31 London
TWGC 41 (265lbs, D2): Finals - Round 3 2024-05-31 London
TWGC 41 (265lbs, D1): Finals - Round 3 2024-05-31 London
TWGC 41 (170lbs, D4): Finals - Round 3 2024-05-31 London

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Top 20 Ranked Fighters (Kickboxing)
  Name KT Rank
Weight Name Last Win
135 Marcelo Silva Mae Joon
145 Dan Kim Paddy Lee
155 Gino Gambini Charles Lee
170 Mondo Arellano Hassan Amir
185 Ryan Gordon Clayton Ladine
205 Tanner Kyng Daniel Grigoryan
265 Harry Nile Terrance Glover
265+ Roddy Banner Tsuyoi Empi

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Staff / Contacts
Owner:   Mike Tycoon
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