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Odense MMA - Fight Or Die

Org name: Odense MMA - Fight Or Die
Kickboxing Hype:
TWGC Hype:
Fighters signed: 148
Number of events: 434
Base: Amsterdam
Owner: Brian Jensen
Ranking (Global): 7
Ranking (City): 1
Satisfaction rating: 90% from 15 ratings.
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Merch partner: Brooklyn Apothecary
About us: The org is growing, and I am very happy with the situation as it is right now! But I still need to make sure that there is room to grow, so I am giving a better pay when renewing contracts, but we cannot match the biggest orgs yet... In the end, this org is here for the fighters! I offer fair fights and as much money as possible
Latest News: New Partner!!
  Django Waits' company Brooklyn Apothecary is the new official partner here at Odense MMA!

Some of the fighters will be offered sponsorships from Brooklyn Apothecary, but some also from Brooklyn Threads
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Division Fighters Avg. Age Avg. ID Avg. Hype Notes
135 15 33 365292 93 Open ID
145 12 32 367787 108 Open ID
155 18 35 363387 129 Open ID
170 29 32 372135 101 Open ID
185 18 34 370395 131 Open ID
205 16 34 368936 102 Open ID
265 19 34 348599 118 Open ID
265+ 21 33 356270 90 Open ID
Upcoming Events
OFK 423-Anderson Vs Calrissian 2024-07-27 Amsterdam
OFK 424 - Maki Vs Esposito 2024-07-28 Amsterdam
OFK 425 - 2024-08-03 Amsterdam
OFK 426 - 2024-08-04 Amsterdam
OFK 427 - 2024-08-10 Amsterdam
OFK 428 - 2024-08-11 Amsterdam
OFK 429 - 2024-08-17 Amsterdam
OFK 430 - 2024-08-18 Amsterdam
OFK 431 - 2024-08-24 Amsterdam
OFK 432 - 2024-08-25 Amsterdam
OFK 433 - 2024-08-31 Amsterdam
OFK 434 - 2024-09-01 Amsterdam
Today's Events / Recent Events
OFK 422 - Mangold Vs Martin 2024-07-21 Amsterdam
OFK 421 - Knox Vs Nik 2024-07-20 Amsterdam
OFK 420 - Wright Vs Kersikov 2024-07-14 Amsterdam
OFK 419 - Drozd Vs Bogachev 2024-07-13 Amsterdam
OFK 418 - Green Vs Wulf 2024-07-07 Amsterdam

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Top 20 Ranked Fighters (MMA)
  Name Rank
1 Chest Mangold 41
2 Haruki Johnson 53
3 Jax Chambers 60
4 Aleks Nik 70
5 Jones Anderson 95
6 Thomas English 98
7 Time To Fight Wright 128
8 Hobo Garrincha 132
9 Sol Peters 202
10 Yar Bol 210
11 Porthos Knox 221
12 Yasol Kim 261
13 Sammy Nyla 302
14 Isopaa Mfer 315
15 See How Fook 364
16 Seppo Maki 395
17 KO Jacckson 401
18 Marlon Gazersky 468
19 Marek Brychczy 470
20 Mister McNasty 472
Weight Name Last Win
145 Hobo Garrincha Boko Haram
155 Chest Mangold Bald Martin
170 Aleks Nik Porthos Knox
205 Haruki Johnson Basko Godwin
265 Jax Chambers Kimbo Wahwah
265+ Thomas English Julio Christ

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Staff / Contacts
Owner:   Brian Jensen
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