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True Octagon Fighting

Org name: True Octagon Fighting
Kickboxing Hype:
TWGC Hype:
Fighters signed: 206
Number of events: 142
Base: Montreal
Owner: Jero Wolf
Ranking (Global): 8
Ranking (City): 2
Satisfaction rating: 100% from 9 ratings.
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Merch partner: None
About us:
Latest News: Welcome to TOF
This is where fighters square off in an octagon to see who the best man is. All fighters get opportunities for what they desire, whether that be a title shot, fair fights, or just having fun scrappin!

We take pride in the fact that we only Offer fair fights, with good compensation. A place where fighters can earn their reputation, and grow in the sport!

If anyone is interested in a contract, let any of us owners know! We are looking to grow the Organization to at least 20 fighters per division.

Fights will be 3 rounds, 10 minute rounds, in an octagon (of Course lol)

Title fights will also be 3 rounds, 10 minute rounds, in an octagon.

We want to keep the fights out of the judges hands, so it's up to you to finish your opponent, and not lay and pray to score points.

Thank you! We look forward to the upcoming fights!
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Division Fighters Avg. Age Avg. ID Avg. Hype Notes
135 28 26 394303 112 NA
145 24 25 388158 99 NA
155 26 25 392586 103 NA
170 35 25 384968 109 NA
185 30 25 390559 119 NA
205 22 26 382554 124 NA
265 41 26 388635 104 NA
265+ 0 0 0 0 NA
Upcoming Events
TOF 135 2024-07-27 Montreal
TOF 136 2024-07-28 Montreal
TOF 137 2024-08-03 Montreal
TOF 138 2024-08-04 Montreal
TOF 139 2024-08-09 Montreal
TOF 140 2024-08-10 Montreal
TOF 141 2024-08-11 Montreal
TOF 142 2024-08-17 Montreal
Today's Events / Recent Events
TOF 134 2024-07-21 Montreal
TOF 133 2024-07-20 Montreal
TOF 132 2024-07-14 Montreal
TOF 131 2024-07-13 Montreal
TOF 130 2024-07-07 Montreal

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Top 20 Ranked Fighters (MMA)
  Name Rank
1 Tevin Shay 59
2 Mike Smith 77
3 Simon Soap 84
4 Abelardo De Leon 124
5 Mason Love 147
6 Nykolai Kersikov 148
7 Gino Gambini 150
8 Matt Seal 187
9 Ben Passel 193
10 Julian Bashir 203
11 Gillechriosd McCoy 238
12 Ty Vanorden 248
13 Lenny King 258
14 Jeremy Kilgore 259
15 Ray White 281
16 Uriel Tartarus 286
17 Terrell Knight 288
18 Keanu Marlin 289
19 Kenzo Kulmunki 293
20 James Johnson 375
Weight Name Last Win
135 Matt Seal Ray White
145 Nykolai Kersikov James Johnson
155 Ben Passel Uriel Tartarus
170 Simon Soap Chaz Popizicki
185 Tevin Shay Shane Fergusson
205 Mike Smith Kenzo Kulmunki

View title history

Staff / Contacts
Owner:   Jero Wolf
PR/Matchmaker: John Wolf
Contract Manager: Jake Kelley
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