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Madness Island League Fighting (400k)

Org name: Madness Island League Fighting (400k)
Kickboxing Hype:
TWGC Hype:
Fighters signed: 163
Number of events: 150
Base: Sydney
Owner: Tycoon Judas
Ranking (Global): 7
Ranking (City): 1
Satisfaction rating: 100% from 22 ratings.
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Merch partner: Shadow Realm Apparel
About us: Everyone loves a MILF. Following the Island Season we look to change a few things. MILF will now be a home for 25 Y/O fighters.
Latest News: MILF August Rankings
  MILF August Rankings


Champion: - Jaylen Stout (16-5-0)

1: Angus Young (17-1-0)

2: Jorge Baroza (11-4-0)

3: Ryan Montana (14-5-0)

4: Freaky Trevor (13-5-0)

5: Eja Igwe (10-6-0)

6: Maciej Galecki (12-6-1)

7: Pope Callixtus (13-6-0)

8: Dragon Kingdad (12-5-0)

9: Vincent Duboulay (10-8-0)

10: Jin Matsushima (7-5-1)


Champion: - Eric Frost (16-4-0)

1: Jardani Jovonovich (17-2-0)

2: Faarooq Rahim (11-5-0)

3: Luke Ridley (12-7-0)

4: Gregor Reilly (9-5-1)

5: Mike Preston (9-3-1)

6: Jukka Raikkonen (10-5-0)

7: Raphael Couture (11-7-0)

8: Freaky Igor (8-6-0)

9: Danny Vargas (11-7-0)

10: Jose Joao Antonio Ferriera (8-6-0)

Light Heavyweight

Champion: - Jerome Browning (16-4-0)

1: Chick Hamland (16-4-0)

2: Erik Bjornsson (15-1-0)

3: Declan McCoy (14-5-0)

4: Marques Roy (15-3-0)

5: Jayden Marsh (13-5-0)

6: Alien Invasion (11-7-0)

7: Pitter Patter (11-5-0)

8: Grga Chvarak (8-6-0)

9: Lawson Serrano (16-6-0)

10:Larry LeFell (9-5-0)

Super Heavyweight

Champion: - Semi Veainu (14-3-0)

1: Yoshiaki Noda (12-2-0)

2: Uche Igwe (11-4-0)

3: Kaito Tanaka (14-4-0)

4: Enzo DiMaggio (7-8-0)

5: Domingo Don Dominguez (8-5-0)

6: Eli Vaughn(14-5-0)

7: Janne Virtanen (8-5-0)

8: Majid Rahim (8-4-0)

9; Louie Lopez (7-4-0)

10: Frane Vinkovic (10-5-0)
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Division Fighters Avg. Age Avg. ID Avg. Hype Notes
135 2 27 402547 34 NA
145 41 27 402916 107 NA
155 0 0 0 0 NA
170 41 27 402890 106 NA
185 1 27 401199 186 NA
205 42 27 402336 110 NA
265 0 0 0 0 NA
265+ 37 27 402697 113 NA
Upcoming Events
MILF 120 Jovonovich vs Ridley 2024-09-11 Montreal
MILF FW Week 1 2024-09-13 Amsterdam
MILF 121 Baroza vs Young 2024-09-14 Helsinki
MILF LHW week 2 2024-09-15 London
MILF TBD 2024-09-22 London
MILF SHW Week 3 2024-09-27 Helsinki
Today's Events / Recent Events
MILF WW Week 1 2024-09-07 London
MILF SHW Week 2 2024-09-04 Los Angeles
MILF 118 Browning vs McCoy 2024-09-01 Los Angeles
MILF LHW Week 1 2024-08-31 London
MILF 117 Ridley vs Rahim 2024-08-25 Sydney

View all events
Top 20 Ranked Fighters (MMA)
  Name Rank
1 Eric Frost 27
2 Jaylen Stout 41
3 Chick Hamland 68
4 Erik Bjornsson 91
5 Semi Veainu 105
6 Declan McCoy 135
7 Ryan Montana 164
8 Angus Young 168
9 Freaky Trevor 199
10 Jardani Jovonovich 205
11 Luke Ridley 232
12 Enzo DiMaggio 260
13 Janne Virtanen 265
14 Marques Roy 266
15 Domingo Don Dominguez 275
16 Jorge Baroza 294
17 Uche Igwe 316
18 Jerome Browning 343
19 Mike Preston 401
20 Raphael Couture 408
Weight Name Last Win
135 Angus Young Pope Callixtus
145 Jaylen Stout Angus Young
155 Eric Frost Luke Ridley
170 Eric Frost Jardani Jovonovich
185 Chick Hamland Marques Roy
205 Erik Bjornsson Jerome Browning
265 Yoshiaki Noda Eli Vaughn
265+ Semi Veainu Yoshiaki Noda

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Staff / Contacts
Owner:   Tycoon Judas
HR department: Jason Swanson
The Squirrley ONE: Squirrely Dan
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