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Madness Island League Fighting (400k)

Org name: Madness Island League Fighting (400k)
Kickboxing Hype:
TWGC Hype:
Fighters signed: 162
Number of events: 135
Base: Sydney
Owner: Tycoon Judas
Ranking (Global): 6
Ranking (City): 1
Satisfaction rating: 100% from 21 ratings.
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Merch partner: None
About us: Everyone loves a MILF. Following the Island Season we look to change a few things. MILF will now be a home for 25 Y/O fighters.
Latest News: MILF Rankings 05/06

Champion: Pope Callixtus (7-2-0)

1. Angus Young (8-0-0)
2. Giancarlo Zuniga (6-2-0)
3. Jorge Baroza (6-2-0)
4. Landing Durham (6-2-0)
5. Eduardo Chavez (7-2-0)
6. Vincent Duboulay (6-4-0)
7. Eja Igwe (5-4-0)
8. Mike Miami (4-5-0)
9. Kona Kush (4-0-0)
10.Jin Matsushima (2-1-1)


Champion: Dragon Kingdad (8-1-0)

1. Jaylen Stout (8-4-0)
2. Felix Dakat (8-2-0)
3. Ross Morrow (5-3-0)
4. Malcolm Young (6-2-0)
5. Maciej Galecki (6-3-1)
6. Josh Jordan (4-4-0)
7. Nico Lange (4-3-0)
8. Freaky Trevor (4-4-0)
9. Reynaldo Barber (3-3-0)
10.Andy Benjamin (6-1-0)


Champion: Ryan Montana (8-2-0)

1. Eric Frost (6-3-0)
2. Danny Vargas (7-2-0)
3. Augustus Walls (5-2-0)
4. Gregor Reily (6-2-0)
5. Adonis Ford (7-4-0)
6. Mike Preston (5-1-1)
7. Remy Leeuwenhoek (7-2-0)
8. Luke Ridley (5-2-0)
9. Jake from State farm (6-4-0)
10.Xavier Knight (6-2-0)


Champion: Jardani Jovonovich (9-0-0)

1. Jukka Raikkonen (7-2-0)
2. Tao Pai (7-1-0)
3. Aden Parker (6-2-0)
4. Valentino Andolini (5-2-0)
5. Jamison Hutchinson (6-2-0)
6. Deshawn McKnight (6-2-0)
7. Will Hutchinson (5-2-0)
8. Faarooq Rahim (5-4-0)
9. Johnny Dough (3-1-0)
10.Chief Blood gates (3-1-0)


Champion: Lawson Serrano (10-1-0)

1. Danilo Zoric (8-2-0)
2. Scott Potter (7-2-0)
3. Marques Roy (7-0-0)
4. Alien Invasion (7-2-0)
5. Jake Walton (6-3-0)
6. Adrian Ortiz (5-4-0)
7. Declan McCoy (7-3-0)
8. Pitter Patter (5-2-0)
9. Larry LeFell (4-1-0)
10.James Dean (5-4-0)

Light Heavyweight

Champion: Erik Bjornsson (8-0-0)

1. Jayden Marsh (8-2-0)
2. Jerome Browning (9-2-0)
3. David Snake (7-1-0)
4. Big Red Machine (7-2-0)
5. Santa Cruz (5-2-0)
6. Orville Dudpops (5-2-0)
7. Stanley Reynolds (3-1-0)
8. Crazy Mike (5-3-0)
9. Randall Cunningham (4-2-0)
10.Tug Violet (5-4-0)


Champion: Frane Vinkovic (5-2-0)

1. Yoshiaki Noda (5-1-0)
2. Aleki Veainu (6-2-0)
3. King Hippo (5-3-0)
4. Kaito Tanaka (6-2-0)
5. Louie Lopez (4-2-0)
6. Michael Harrison (6-2-0)
7. George Pogie (5-2-0)
8. Jesse Kidd (5-3-0)
9. Lou Parisini (5-3-0)
10.Janne Virtanen (5-3-0)

Super Heavyweight

Champion: Kristopher Marks (7-1-0)

1. Semi Veainu (5-2-0)
2. Scooter McGraw (5-3-0)
3. Uche Igwe (6-2-0)
4. Tristan Sandoval (6-3-0)
5. Antwan Tran (4-0-0)
6. The Jewru (6-3-0)
7. Stefan Schilt (4-4-0)
8. Enzo DiMaggio (4-5-0)
9. Freaky Craig (2-4-0)
10.Xavierntreal Couture (4-4-0)
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Division Fighters Avg. Age Avg. ID Avg. Hype Notes
135 22 27 402874 104 NA
145 16 27 403051 105 NA
155 22 27 402858 95 NA
170 22 27 403004 108 NA
185 23 27 402187 121 NA
205 16 27 403000 98 NA
265 14 26 402944 71 NA
265+ 27 27 402778 103 NA
Upcoming Events
MILF 108 Rahim vs Vinkovic 2024-07-27 Tokyo
MILF 109 Kingdad vs Galecki 2024-07-28 Sydney
MILF 110 Young vs Callixtus 3 2024-07-31 Hilo
MILF 111 Browning vs Popper 2024-08-03 Amsterdam
MILF 112 Patter vs Snake 2024-08-04 St Petersburg
MILF 113 2024-08-09 New York
MILF 114 Frost vs Jobonovich 2024-08-10 Las Vegas
Today's Events / Recent Events
MILF 107 Montana vs Ridley 2024-07-26 London
MILF 106 Stout vs Trevor 3 2024-07-21 Tokyo
MILF 105 Young VS Igwe 2024-07-20 London
MILF 104 Jovonovich vs Couture 2024-07-17 Sydney
MILF 103 Enter the Mainland 2024-07-14 London

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Top 20 Ranked Fighters (MMA)
  Name Rank
1 Eric Frost 40
2 Angus Young 74
3 Chick Hamland 89
4 Jerome Browning 92
5 Jaylen Stout 97
6 Jardani Jovonovich 99
7 Enzo DiMaggio 198
8 Declan McCoy 242
9 Erik Bjornsson 244
10 Ryan Montana 246
11 Jorge Baroza 318
12 Semi Veainu 329
13 Kaito Tanaka 330
14 Marques Roy 393
15 Faarooq Rahim 402
16 Jukka Raikkonen 409
17 Eja Igwe 429
18 Freaky Trevor 452
19 Pope Callixtus 454
20 Pitter Patter 469
Weight Name Last Win
135 Angus Young Eja Igwe
145 Jaylen Stout Freaky Trevor
155 Eric Frost Luke Ridley
170 Jardani Jovonovich Raphael Couture
185 Chick Hamland Declan McCoy
205 Jerome Browning Randall Cunningham
265 Yoshiaki Noda Eli Vaughn
265+ Enzo DiMaggio Semi Veainu

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Staff / Contacts
Owner:   Tycoon Judas
HR department: Jason Swanson
The Squirrley ONE: Squirrely Dan
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