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Iron Fighting Alliance (400k+)

Org name: Iron Fighting Alliance (400k+)
Kickboxing Hype:
TWGC Hype:
Fighters signed: 42
Number of events: 20
Base: Los Angeles
Owner: Donovan Jimenez
Ranking (Global): 21
Ranking (City): 3
Satisfaction rating: 90% from 3 ratings.
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Merch partner: None
About us: A new org for 400k+ fighters! Fair and fun fights for all!
Latest News: IFA 3: Pressure Preview
  Another Saturday, another banger fight card in the Micro Arena, Los Angeles as we start our third event. As the names states, expect every fighter to put the pressure on each other.

Ahmed Safwan vs Ayden Dorsey

Kicking things off we got Malaysia’s Ahmed “Kilat” Safwan against the Grenadian Ayden Dorsey. Safwan hopes to comeback after his loss on the first IFA card, he wants to put on a show against his opponent. He is going against newcomer Ayden Dorsey who is coming from a long layoff in hopes of making a comeback as well. Both men want to make their country proud.

Liu Xan vs Wayne Martin

The second fight of card is Liu Xan vs Wayne Martin. Xan is virtuoso in martial arts competing in both MMA and Grappling Matches and is going to use those skill against the undefeated Canadian Wayne Martin who plans to start his winning streak and aim for an eventual title shot. They both plan to give it their all for this fight.

Demetrius Cuevas vs Jordan Sandoval

Our co-main event is Demetrius Cuevas vs Jordan Sandoval. Cuevas is making his MMA debut and promises to make a statement by winning. Sandoval on the other hand plans to even up his record and avenge his debut loss with his wonderful Muay Thai skills. Expect this to be a fun fight because both men are aiming to win.

Ganon Allstrander vs Joe Moma Jr

Last and certainly not least is Ganon Allstrander and Joe “Jjm” Moma Jr. Not much is known about these guys but Allstrander will use his Kickboxing skills while Moma is going to use his jiu-jitsu skills. They are both making their debut and want to start their career with a victory.

That was my preview of IFA 3, I am grateful for all the fighters signed to the IFA and may the best men win.
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Division Fighters Avg. Age Avg. ID Avg. Hype Notes
135 4 21 407822 35 NA
145 6 23 404842 62 NA
155 5 21 406037 42 NA
170 9 24 406194 47 NA
185 5 22 405909 34 NA
205 6 20 408259 28 NA
265 7 21 407331 38 NA
265+ 0 0 0 0 NA
Upcoming Events
IFA 17: New Mexico 2025-02-01 Los Angeles
IFA 18: Downtown 2025-02-08 Los Angeles
IFA 19: Carnival 2025-02-15 Los Angeles
IFA 20: Chrome 2025-02-22 Los Angeles
Today's Events / Recent Events
IFA 16: Bar Brawl 2025-01-25 Los Angeles
IFA 15: Country 2025-01-18 Los Angeles
IFA 14: New Year 2025-01-11 Los Angeles
IFA 13: San Diego 2025-01-04 Los Angeles
IFA 12: Maximum 2024-12-28 Los Angeles

View all events
Top 20 Ranked Fighters (MMA)
  Name Rank
1 Denga Sanyu 966
2 Reynaldo Barber 1124
3 Freddy Reyes 1391
4 Datsuro Sato 1401
5 Samuel Parker 1587
6 Peter Okropir 2162
7 Liu Xan 2233
8 Mike Hanson 2404
9 Scooter Dahan 2420
10 Alexis Herny 2468
11 Spunk Guzzler 2637
12 Willy Klarenet 2901
13 Ranaldo Ferreira 3004
14 Koda Southam 3089
15 Gaston Joris 3150
16 Salvador Orivarez 3170
17 Jay Picote 3198
18 Gray Dixon 3375
19 Kaizer Cole 3671
20 Rokky Toyota 3851
Weight Name Last Win
135 Koda Southam Tin Williams
145 Reynaldo Barber Spunk Guzzler
155 Freddy Reyes Scooter Dahan
170 Denga Sanyu Gaston Joris
205 Johnny Sawyer Aldo Leopold
265 Kimbo Slaissi Salvador Orivarez

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Staff / Contacts
Owner:   Donovan Jimenez
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