MMA Tycoon Game

HFA 36 (986812)

Organization: 🐢 Honu Fight Arts 🐢
Date: 25 Jan 2025
City: Hilo (08:00 GMT)
Arena: Hard Knocks - Hilo (3,000)
Rules: MMA
Ring/Cage: Cage
Judging System: 10 point must
Ticket price: Medium
Pay per view?: No
Merchandise Partner: Pulling Guard
Bookmakers: None
Event Discussion: Click here
Confirmed fights
Weight Rnds Mins Fighters  
145 lbs 5 5 Deandre Little v Damien Karras Add to my spoiler fight list. 145 lbs title    
135 lbs 3 5 Soo Young Yoo v Larry Pindleton Add to my spoiler fight list.    
170 lbs 3 5 Koa Yagan v Sean Whelan Add to my spoiler fight list.    
170 lbs 3 5 Trevor Johns v Broken Hope Add to my spoiler fight list.    
170 lbs 3 5 One Punch One Sub v Khamzat Chimaev Add to my spoiler fight list.    
205 lbs 3 5 Travis Mayweather v Elvis Park Add to my spoiler fight list.    
170 lbs 3 5 Logan Mahoney v Harry Payne Add to my spoiler fight list.    
135 lbs 3 5 Roy Strickland v Archie Evans Add to my spoiler fight list.    
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