Recent Winners
1. Dane Chakrawan won 56 lottery tickets. 2. Nik Luk won 58 lottery tickets. 3. Nik Luk won custom avatar / trophy. 4. Jack Howard won $4,005 in cash. 5. Car MacGib won custom avatar / trophy. 6. Damion Price won $540 in cash. 7. Damion Price won 68 lottery tickets. 8. Damion Price won custom avatar / trophy. 9. Damion Price won $3,440 in cash. 10. Damion Price won $1,128 in cash. 11. Brandon Marshall won 4 super supplements. 12. Cj Smith won $240 in cash. 13. Jimmy Crowe won $2,142 in cash. 14. Jimmy Crowe won $1,920 in cash. 15. Jorma Oltsu won $3,520 in cash. 16. Joseph Rathbone won a free agent credit. 17. Joseph Rathbone won $780 in cash. 18. Big Larry won $777 in cash. 19. Bastian Schell won an extra fighter slot. 20. Bastian Schell won 49 lottery tickets. 21. Panic Anabolic won $12,740 in cash. 22. Panic Anabolic won $360 in cash. 23. Panic Anabolic won $47,000 in cash. 24. Panic Anabolic won $312 in cash. 25. Panic Anabolic won an extra fighter slot. |
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Users With Most Credits
1. Online Sportsmanagers: 47016 credits2. Jooseppi Ryysyranta: 46182 credits3. Gm Games: 35824 credits4. Heri Doank: 24584 credits5. Quiet Forums: 23054 credits6. Ad Words: 10660 credits7. Brandon Brashears: 6450 credits8. Louie DePalma: 4522 credits9. Captain Spaulding: 4096 credits10. Crazy Horse: 3556 credits