 Jose "Scarface" Nabijos (36-15-1)
Career Summary
Jose Nabijos was an established fighter with a respectable record of 13-2-1 when Chris Karter picked him up from Free Agency. He as one of the better Light Heavyweight fighters in the game but was roadblocked by some of the all time greats in his division like Jeremy Tonal, Smokudju Womba, and his team mates Taj al Din, and Moses Diggs. Talent wise Jose was a Light Heavyweight version of Jorge Masdival. His only two TKO losses came after he hit his age drop off of 31. Under Chris Karter's management he never lost to a fighter that didn't eclipse the top 50 P4P cont...
  Ozzy "Insane" McKane (45-19-0)
Career Summary
Ozzy "Insane" McKane is an enigma of Chris Karter's camp known for his KO power, durability, and exciting fights. He was awarded 8 Fight of the Nights, 6 Sub of the Night, and 6 KO of the Nights over the course of his career. He is a Hall of Famer at both the Insanity and Trinity organizations where he captured and defended his belt on 15 different occasions (10 at Insanity, 5 at Trinity). He was the EPL 12 season winner, also known as the Iron Man tournament, and TWGC 16 Division 1 Gold Medalist grappler. He finished his career with 19 knockouts and 11 su cont...
 Fighter profile of Deair Shaw by  *Camera pans around the studio and we see our co-hosts Jenkins Jennson and Kale “The Legend” Suanders sitting beside none other than Cage Warriors MMA Middleweight Deair “King” Shaw. He’s fidgeting in his seat slightly like it’s his first TV interview ever. With his wide-body frame, he looks like a chifforobe with a head.  Jenkins and Kale look like to towers hovering next to him, but his ass can barely fit in the seat. Behind them are two monitors with the CWMMA logo shimmering across them. Jenkins appears to be fiddling with his chair height, he’s got his finger stuck and he is trying harder and harder to jerk it out, only increasing the looks of agony across his face. Kale looks over to Jenkins*
Kale “The Legend” Suanders: Jenkins, we’re on, are you ready to get started? muttering obscenities under his breath Jenkins Jennson: screeching in pain EEERRR I’m stuck Kale!!
cont... |
 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The Truth Detector
*The camera pans over a seedy motel at the southeastern outskirts of downtown Los Angeles. It’s about half past seven in the evening. The sun is starting to set. At this locale, that means the residents are just waking up. The motel is a long one-story building with doors lining the front. There is a large backlit yellow and red sign above the motel with the name “S—D Piper Motel.” The “A” and the “N” are barely visible as the bulbs behind them appear to be out. The camera scans across the front of the motel until it reaches a door with the number †cont... |
 At a time when the windows for true startup organizations has seemed to dwindle, there appears light in the distance... and it shines down from Mount Royal in beautiful Montreal, Canada.
Local correspondant Phillipe Rochard took the time to speak to owner Billy Talent to understand what this new upstart organization was about.
Rochard: Thank you for taking the time today, Monsieur Talent. It's clearly a busy time for you.
Talent: It's my pleasure. You're absolutely right, though; times are extremely busy. We've been involved in the the fight game for a while, we were involved in the apparel business for a while, but always yearned to be pulling the strings instead of the dressing the players. Fighting is in our blood here at C4, and there came a point where we looked at the landscape and asked: why not us?
Rochard: Maybe a better question is: why you?
Talent: Great question! Why us, and not someone else? Well, because this is what we do. We ma cont... |
  *Camera pans around the studio and into view appear our illustrious co-anchors. Kale “The Legend” Suanders is looking large-and-in-charge. Jenkins Jenson, in the meantime, decked out in his trademark checkered green suit is clipping his finger nails. To the right of them is the behemoth known as Kwawi Mumba. Jenkins looks like a toothpick with glasses compared to Mumba. Even The Legend, at 6’4 270 Ibs. of muscle piled on top of muscle is dwarfed by this man. Kwawi looks surprisingly comfortable and relaxed even as it appears that the world is his dollhouse. The chair he is sitting on however, built for normal sized humans, is showing signs of near demise. The camera focuses on the three and the show sets to begin. Jenkins seeing the red light go on out of the corner of his eye begins to clip his nails more rapidly, Kwawi looks down at him semi-amused and then looks over at Kale*
Kale “The Legend” Suanders: Hey there cont... |
 The top p4p guys are a bunch of animals
By Alika Webb
Latrobe Arundel - lion
Arundel is the top pound for pound fighter in the MMATycoon world. He prowls in the cage like it’s his personal savannah. He lulls his opponents into a false sense of security as he dances around them but as soon as he sees an opening, he pounces. With razor-sharp teeth and claws like swords, his unsuspecting prey doesn’t stand a chance. Latrobe Arundel is a lion, the king of the jungle personified. Who will be the one to kick him from his throne life or will he keep on roaring from the top of the mountain until he’s ready to retire?
Crotch Grabber - rhino
Urban Fighter continues the tradition of providing stylish clothing for great prizes. Feel free to stop by and pick up some fresh new clothes for your fighters.
Contact: Alika Webb |
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 So there we have it Sucker Punch fans!
Some crazy stuff the other night folks, especially that last Main Event fight! Check it all out, and if you were you there, that turned out to be a much more interesting night than we anticipated, so Meh! to anybody who didn’t buy a ticket and get down to the Bondi in Sydney! Had a fun time with our Sucker Punch fans who were there, can’t wait till next time tomorrow night! Same place, same time, different date, more amazing action! See you then!
Here's the review up on the forum for ya guys!
Till then…remember…
Keep it cheap and dirty…Sucker Punch Pro Series 355k+ style! |
 So there we have it Sucker Punch fans!
Overall, the event could have been a bit more energized and exciting early on, I’m not going to lie. But, in the end, we got what we really paid for, a HUGE big time fight for the championship, one that may not have gone forever, but had that dramatic finish out of nowhere that will keep the fans talking for weeks until they see these men in action again! We’re happy to have been there with you all, we’ll see you later this week for our next big event!
The review is up on the forum for you now:Â Â http://www.mmatycoon.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=65096&p=929158
Till then…remember…
Keep it cheap and dirty…Sucker Punch Pro Series 355k+ style! |