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Sucker Punch PS - Heavyweight Sorter Series Semi-Finals Revi

Event Review: Sucker Punch 265# CSS Semis
Sucker Punch Pro Series (390K)
2020-06-20, Sydney, Hard Knocks - Sydney
Attendance:3,000, Event Rating:77
Author:Hare Rumpler

So there we have it Sucker Punch fans!


The big boys brought the thunder, the lighting (or Lighting, haha), the pain and a pulse pounding night of excitement for us!  This is one I definitely would not have wanted to miss, and I hope everybody who was there with us enjoyed it as much as Donkey and I did!  We found a lot out last night, and this division is about to have itself fully sorted.


The Review is up on the forum now here:  http://www.mmatycoon.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=65096&p=919198


Enjoy and take care all!



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