Hey out there Sucker Punch fans!
Great stuff in store for us all tonight folks! The championship fight for the Main Event may be a bit anticlimatic given what we’ve learned, but don’t let that stop you from being all in on this event and the fights on this card, the others leading up to that fight are going to be absolutely off the hook! I can’t wait, Donkey can’t wait, and hopefully you guys can’t either!
And you know the action is anticipated to be hot and heavy when you find out that your card is being covered by the bookies man! I just got word early that apparently Hoolahan Billiard Room ( http://mmatycoon.com/bookmakerpublic.php?bid=8554 ) is covering the event! Damn man, people gonna be bettin' on this stuff! And no, Sucker Punch had nothing to do with this...Hoolahan is apparently trying to make a name for themselves and is going all out to cover as much action as they can, and we thank them for choosing to cover us! It's a privilege and exciting for sure.
The preview is now up here in the forum: http://www.mmatycoon.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=65096&p=927370
Till then…remember…
Keep it cheap and dirty…Sucker Punch Pro Series 355k+ style!
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