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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
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Sucker Punch Pro Series 15 - Event Review

Event Review: Sucker Punch Pro Series 15
Sucker Punch Pro Series (390K)
2020-10-10, Sydney, Bondi Outdoor Arena
Attendance:5,750, Event Rating:88
Author:Hare Rumpler

So there we have it Sucker Punch fans!


Well, some good, some bad, a lot in between but still a lot of fun on this night Sucker Punch crew!  Sure, we cut six guys after this event, all from the Light Heavyweight division, but hey, sometimes you need to cull the herd eh?  These guys knew it was coming, and yet, for the most part many of them didn’t care to bother fixing what needed to be fixed.  Oh well.  Our loss is…well, somebody else’s loss if they get them, but it’s not our issue anymore!  The fun was there though, and we hope you enjoyed the crazy action the other night, we look forward to being back with you this coming Wednesday everybody!

The review is now up here for ya'all, enjoy!


Till then…remember…

Keep it cheap and dirty…Sucker Punch Pro Series 355k+ style!


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