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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
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Sucker Punch Pro Series 23 - Event Review

Event Review: SPPS 23 - Resurrection!
Sucker Punch Pro Series (390K)
2020-11-14, Sydney, The Bridge
Attendance:10,000, Event Rating:120
Author:Hare Rumpler

And our review is up folks!  You can find it here:  http://www.mmatycoon.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=65096&p=934779


And please don't shoot me, as I said in this preview here, it wasn't me!  Seriously, it really was my daughter...haha.


Hello out there Sucker Punch fans everywhere!  Hare Rumpler here and I'm only here for a few moments to intro this thing...because, well...as I hinted about up above when I posted the updated SPPS Records...I was able to get to the rankings and records updates today because I was freed up from having to do the review for SPPS 23 this weekend!  Yay right?  Well, hold on there, don't get too excited yet...because that just means that somebody else wrote it...and no, it wasn't another one of my multiple personalities...instead, it was one of my offspring this time!  Yes, my eldest daughter, an 18 (almost 19) year old nutso who should be off at college but instead is stuck at home for her freshman year due to Covid and her school not allowing anybody on campus. 



So here's how this came about.  She's been razzing me nonstop lately telling me that my roast game is weak, that there's a reason why I was lit up by Chris Karter recently not only in the cage with his boy Marcello over with HFC against my boy Nati Pisswater, but also in the Tycoon Times where he dusted me pretty badly.  So she declared that SHE could do a better job with these write-ups than I could.  Well, that remains to be seen, but she'll certainly have a different take on things. She doesn't play MMAT, but she is familiar enough with UFC from having seen it on TV more than a few times here at home.  She's an avid WWE fan (yes, let her have it for that!) and a big fan of American Ninja Warrior and Survivor.  Now, I haven't read this thing yet.  I basically just copy pasted it, and I'm going to read it at the same time as you guys do.  She did have me read at least one section of it and I heard her going on and on about certain things while she was working on it.  So, um, if she got into you pretty bad at any point, well, I'm sorry and please don't leave us because of it! Haha, although this is Sucker Punch, you should be able to take it!  



In advance though, I want to apologize to poor Dennis Jorge.  I know she let you have it pretty good...you were one of the first fights, and she latched onto you like a pitbull and just wouldn't let go!  She even kept calling you "George".  I told her it was probably pronounced more as you would in spanish, more like "Hor-hay", but she declared that Jorge sounds like more a badass than George, and when you lose...well, you get to be called George!  That's one of the few things I know about this write-up without reading more.  Other than that she doesn't like long names. I got that from the passing conversation as well.  So anyways...here we go...and if this is horrendous...let her have it!


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