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Sucker Punch Pro Series 29 - Event Review

Event Review: Sucker Punch Pro Series 29
Sucker Punch Pro Series (390K)
2020-12-12, Sydney, The Bridge
Attendance:10,000, Event Rating:146
Author:Hare Rumpler

Well hello again everybody! 

I’m Hare Rumpler along with my partner and analyst Donkey “Dan” and we’re back and ready to take a look at all the action from Sucker Punch Pro Series 29!  The Bridge welcomed 10,000 of our crazy, low-down, cheap-shot loving fans the other night and we made sure Sydney knew we were in town as the place was hopping, the crowd was loud and proud and the fights were nasty and mean!    

Middleweights Filth and Ainsworth had plenty to say leading up to the fight at SPPS 29 and they sure didn’t let the crowd and us in management down!  Go on to see more about that! Hodkiewicz and Wagner had a great Welterweight matchup that left the crowd a bit stunned and there was a whole lot more on tap as well! And we’ll get to it all here and look at it a little closer, with Donkey letting us know where it leaves guys throughout the divisions in his Takeaways!

Oh, did I forget to mention a bit ole title fight between the defending champion, the beast, Chontamenti and talented challenger Kingston Wall? Yeah, that happened as well and topped off one crazy night! 

So, without further ado…here is the review up on the forum!



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