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Sucker Punch Pro Series 35 - Event Preview

Event Preview: Sucker Punch Pro Series 35
Sucker Punch Pro Series (390K)
2021-01-16, Sydney, Hard Knocks - Sydney
Author:Hare Rumpler

Hell all you Sucker Punch fans out there!  I’m Hare Rumpler and I’ll be joined by my partner and analyst, Donkey “Dan”, as we unfortunately prepare to run through this preview in what I hope will be record time!  We’re moving Risa Roo, our oldest daughter, into her college apartment this weekend and honestly I thought I had this preview covered with a guest writer.   Things have been quiet on that front though, so my guess is that it’s actually not covered so I’m going to do my best to get one in here while still bouncing between the madness at Casa de Rumpler this weekend! 

So, let’s see…what do we have in store tonight with Sucker Punch Pro Series 35 and all the fun it’ll be bringing from over at Hard Knocks – Sydney?  Just about a little bit of everyting!  I think every division is represented tonight except maybe the Heavyweights.  Obviously the biggest of all this evening is the Featherweight title fight between challenger Luke Skywalker and defending champion Michael Aalto.  But there are some other hot ticket items on tap as well, with some Welterweight matchups between Hodkiewicz/Marka and Queen/Sanchez that are sure light the place up, as well as a bit of ground battle insanity between Lightweights Jubbly and Winston! 

And then there’s some real craziness earlier in the evening to start out the Main Card as Middleweights Filth and Ainsworth go at it AGAIN to settle it once and for all after their draw last go round!  This time, one of these will certainly walk out of there on top…and in line for a title shot…I think?  I hope?  They couldn’t draw again…could they?  We’ll find out!  As for the Featherweight butting of heads we have coming at the end of the Undercard this evening between DIsmantle and Nagashima…well, DIsmantle was already in line and offered a title shot but wanted another month or so to continue developing and ramping up.  He may want that shot after this, assuming he wins, or he may want to hold off.  We don’t know, but certainly the man who wants to know for sure is Destin Craven who is standing by and chomping at the bit for that shot! 

The full review is up here now for everybody, enjoy!



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