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Sucker Punch Pro Series 48 - Event Review

Event Review: Sucker Punch Pro Series 48
Sucker Punch Pro Series (390K)
2021-03-13, Sydney, Hard Knocks - Sydney
Attendance:3,000, Event Rating:158
Author:Hare Rumpler


Sucker Punch Pro Series 48

Welcome back all you crazy Sucker Punch fans!  It’s been a few days now since SPPS 48 went off over at Hard Knocks – Sydney and I’ve  had a chance to go through, process everything from this event as well as the last and get matches set up for this coming month (for the most part, with some exceptions for guys I’m waiting on better matchups for).  So, as usual, let’s get ready to look back on the action from the other night!  I’m Hare Rumpler and as always I’ll have my friend and analyst, Donkey “Dan” with me here in the booth as we pick apart all the action from Saturday!

SPPS 48 took a totally different path than its predecessor, SPPS 47, did!  While SPPS 47 midweek last week was full of fights that went the distance and put things in the hands of the judges, SPPS 48 this past weekend was the total opposite with only a single fight going to a Decision!  On top of that, only a single Submission finish as well, with all of the other eight fights ending via TKO or KO!  So if you like hard hitting action that leaves a mark, well, this one was for you folks!

Our two Main Events were KO’s as well with both ending just barely into the second minute of action! Big time finishes that earned those two fights ‘KO of the Night’ and ‘Fight of the Night’ honors for closing out the card with a BANG!

Let’s shut me up and dive right into the details right after a word about our sponsor and merchandise partner!

Our fantastic and respected sponsor is Shadow Warrior Nutrition!   Many of you already know them as the providers of Shadow Warrior Tea 160Q, THE energy loss reduction supplements!  For those of you who aren’t in the know on that, you should be, because this is the way you keep your fighter training more often and not taking sessions off to try to keep his energy above 90%!  If you aren’t using this supplement, hurry over and check them out today, you will not be disappointed!

Now, let's get to it!  The full review is now up here folks!



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