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Sucker Punch Pro Series 78 - Event Preview

Event Preview: Sucker Punch Pro Series 78
Sucker Punch Pro Series (390K)
2021-08-14, Sydney, Schooners Bar
Author:Hare Rumpler

Hello out there Sucker Punch fans!  I’m Hare Rumpler and I’ll be joined tonight by my pal and colleague, Donkey “Dan”, while we take a sneak peek into SPPS 78!  And we have a treat for everybody as this card is not only stacked with some high profile fights that bring a ton of hype to the event but also we’re moving back over to the 7,000 seat Schooners Bar this evening!  It’s really a trial just to see how much cash we hemorrhage but what it might do for our event rating.  I very much suspect we’ll put up our best rated event ever this evening folks!

This card is stacked all the way through and features a large number of Featherweight fights this evening.  We’ll start out with three of them in a row and then sidestep over to a couple fights with Welterweights and Light Heavyweights before we bounce back to another pair of Featherweight fights to open up the Main Card.  Then you’ll have Middleweights Joseph DeAngelo and Sirus Hall mixing it up in the cage in the final bout before the Main Events. Those will feature high profile Welterweights Mister Lee and Leroy Jinx going at it to see who can be the next Top Contender to take on Juan Christiano.  Christiano is sitting and waiting after recently defending and will no doubt be watching tonight’s fight very closely! 

Last but certainly not least we’ll have our Main Event of the evening as reigning, defending Sucker Punch Pro Series Light Heavyweight Champ, Jacob Parker, defends against challenger Eemeli Lampi!  That’s going to be an awesome fight that I just cannot wait to see!  So, with that, hold onto your seats and get set as the action is only a few hours away and we’re about to get into each fight a bit more here before we set you all free to enjoy these fights.  But first, let’s get a quick word in about our sponsor and merchandise partner!

Shadow Warrior Nutrition will be on hand at the event tonight and I cannot say enough about how much we appreciate having them as our merchandise partner and sponsor here at Sucker Punch!  Do yourself a favor…better yet, do your fighters who you spend so much time developing and preparing a favor…and stop by the stand tonight or visit their store to grab some of their Shadow Warrior Tea 160Q.  It is literally the best energy loss reduction supplement money can buy and will keep your fighter in the gym training rather than sitting days out resting!  Stop on over there today, you will NOT be disappointed!

Now, let's get to it!  The full review is now up here for you, enjoy!



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