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Sucker Punch Pro Series 84 - Event Preview

Event Preview: Sucker Punch Pro Series 84
Sucker Punch Pro Series (390K)
2021-09-15, Sydney, Schooners Bar
Author:Hare Rumpler

Hello Sucker Punch fans worldwide!  Hare Rumpler here and we’re about to jump into all the action coming your way tonight from the 7,000 seat Schooners Bar in Sydney!  But first, a bit of good news…and a bit of not so great news…and a bit of bad news.  The good news first…and that’s that we’re going to get a preview in for the first time in several events along with an actual poster going on here!  Woot.  And the not so great news…well, we’re one fight short on our card tonight due to a few folks going MIA and not accepting fights over the past month.  But that’s ok, we have nine other fantastic fights on tap this evening not the least of which is our Lightweight title on the line!

But…the bad news…I just had a bomb dropped on my head today at work and it looks as if my workload is about to double which means I’m going to be very hard-pressed to be able to keep up with things and run things the way I like to going forward for at least the next 3-6 months or so.  That’s really depressing me to be honest.  I’m looking into lots of options as we speak as I don’t want this org to flounder away without the attention it deserves.

As you can imagine, I’m tight on time and I’m still in the process of trying to complete divisional reviews of our Middleweight, Light Heavyweight and Heavyweight divisions and the fights over the past few weeks, so we’re going to get a quick word in about our merchandise partner and sponsor here before we hurry over and take a peek at each fight coming up tonight in more detail!

Do you find that you’re resting your fighters too often? Two, three, maybe even 4 times a week sometimes?  If that’s the case, you’re probably not supplementing their training, and if you are I’m thinking you’re not doing it with Shadow Warrior Tea 160Q, which is Shadow Warrior Nutrition’s outstanding energy loss reduction supplement.  It’s the best money can buy and will keep your fighter in the gym training rather than sitting days out resting!  Stop on over there today, you will NOT be disappointed!

Now, let's get to it!  The full preview is now up here:



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