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Sucker Punch Pro Series 87 - Event Preview

Event Preview: Sucker Punch Pro Series 87
Sucker Punch Pro Series (390K)
2021-09-29, Sydney, The Bridge
Author:Hare Rumpler

Welcome back Sucker Punch faithful!  With a week in between events here we’re ready to ramp back up into SPPS 87 tonight and I do mean ramp up!  We’ll continue to build here over the next month as each event gets a little bit bigger, hopefully a little bit better, and we continue to march potentially towards full PPV experiences and all the bright lights, adrenaline and craziness that comes with it! 

As always, I’m Hare Rumpler and I’ll be joined by that faithful four legged one himself, Donkey “Dan”, as he brings us his picks and analysis!  As mentioned, tonight we continue to build and that means the venue gets a bit bigger!  We head over to The Bridge in Sydney this evening which holds a full 10,000 screaming, maniacal, low-blow and cheap shot loving fans!  Along with it we’ll continue providing some great production values for those at home as we bring you the best hour of action for those who can’t be here live with yet another One Hour PPV!

I’m excited Donkey and I hope you are too.  No titles on the line tonight, but the action will absolutely be intense regardless!  We’ve got just about everything an MMA fan could want short of the big boys tonight.  No Heavyweight action on tap.  But we do have everything from a single Featherweight bout to quite a few Lightweight matchups and a sprinkling of Welterweight action.  Also a pair of Light Heavyweights will get in on things as well and the evening will be capped off by our two Main Events, both premiere matchups in the Middleweight division! 

So with all that said, let’s get a quick word in about our merchandise partner and sponsor here before we hurry over and take a peek at each fight coming up tonight in more detail!


Do you find that you’re resting your fighters too often? Two, three, maybe even 4 times a week sometimes?  If that’s the case, you’re probably not supplementing their training, and if you are I’m thinking you’re not doing it with Shadow Warrior Tea 160Q, which is Shadow Warrior Nutrition’s outstanding energy loss reduction supplement.  It’s the best money can buy and will keep your fighter in the gym training rather than sitting days out resting!  Stop on over there today, you will NOT be disappointed!

Now, let's get to it!  The full review is up here, enjoy all!



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