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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

MILF Playoffs

Madness Island League Fighting (400k), Fight Organization, Sydney
Company profile by Tycoon Judas

 The MILF league will end on March 17th. Hath no fear though, the MILF Playoffs are here. The top Performers from each division will be seeded into a Title Tournament aka Playoff to decide the Inaugural Champions for each Weight Class. 

The Festivities will begin the final weekend of March 30th and 31rst and round 1 will carry over to the following weekend of April 6th and 7th. NFL, NBA, and NHL can all suck my MADNESS balls cause the real playoff action will be right here on the Island.
We look forward to some absolute bangers in the playoffs, as the true Kings of MILF will be crowned and seek Island Domination for the remainder of the Island Season!


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