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Coming up we have a lightweight MMA rules bout between Jian Zhao (ranked 636 p4p, 653 weight class) and Galen Dall Jr (ranked 92 p4p, 97 weight class). Zhao comes to the cage accompanied by Dirty Harry (Schtung Chinese New Year Remix) - Gorillaz. Jian Zhao is staring across the cage at his opponent, tweaking his nipples... Tweaking his own nipples that is.

173 cm
18 - 10 - 1
180 cm
16 - 11 - 0
Good wrestling
World class MT
Granite chin
Excellent grappler
World class MT
Good gas tank

Bondi MMA 🏝️
Ma Balls Is Hot Clothing

30th Century Beer Store

Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the lightweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 18 - 10 - 1, fighting out of Las Vegas, Jian Zhao!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 16 - 11 - 0, fighting out of New York, Galen Dall Jr!
The judges for this bout are Don Winkell, Jack Bonds and Timothy Bukovac.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!
Dall Jr tries a head kick but it misses.
Zhao swings wildly with a right hand that was never going to find it's target.
Dall Jr steps in looking to counter with the mid kick but it doesn't connect.
Zhao lands a leg kick. The shin dug right into the meat of the thigh.
Zhao misses with a wild body shot.
Zhao connects with a good right hand that stumbles Dall Jr. Dall Jr circles away out of range and recomposes himself.
Zhao lands an overhand right.

It looks like Galen Dall Jr has been cut.
Zhao misses with a body shot. Nice footwork from Dall Jr.
Dall Jr looks like he wants to counter punch here.
Zhao sizes up Dall Jr with a pawing jab and scores with a straight right down the middle.
Dall Jr takes one to the chin there.

Zhao has managed to clinch.
Dall Jr throws a head punch that misses.
Dall Jr tries to throw a body punch but Zhao avoids it by throwing Dall Jr back against the cage.
Zhao struggles to land a body shot inside as Dall Jr controls his hands.
The crowd cheering loudly, showing their appreciation for the quality fight we're seeing here.
A head punch on the inside from Zhao fails to land.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Dall Jr misses with a punch to the body.
Zhao is pressed up against the cage. Dall Jr has hold of a leg and is looking to drag Zhao down to the mat. Zhao avoids the attempt though and has circled away. We're back to striking at a distance.
Dall Jr is pinned up against the cage taking some big shots here. The referee is looking closely deciding whether he should stop the fight.
Zhao throws an ugly left hook that misses
and Dall Jr counters with a crisp hook to the side of the head.

It looks like Jian Zhao has been cut.
Zhao connects with a good right hand that stumbles Dall Jr. Dall Jr circles away out of range and recomposes himself.
It looks like Zhao has been trying to sharpen up his punching technique, as it looks crisper than last time we saw him.
Zhao throws a predictable looking body shot
and Dall Jr finishes the little exchange by landing a big kick to the body.

Zhao feints and then winds up with a huge right hand that connects perfectly and sends Dall Jr sprawling to the canvas! Dall Jr rolls over backwards and springs off the cage and manages to regain his footing - how acrobatic! Oh, he's still wobbly - can Zhao finish him?!

Dall Jr is rocked!
We've seen a great period of action over the last minute or so - credit to both fighters for going all out!
Zhao misses with a body punch
enabling Dall Jr to counter with a crisp jab.
Dall Jr is still on wobbly legs! Can Zhao finish him?
Dall Jr takes a thudding leg kick, right into the meat of the thigh.
Dall Jr seems to have recovered his senses.
Jian Zhao seems to be the more aggressive standup fighter in this bout.
Zhao throws an off balance right hand
and Dall Jr counters with a one-two to the body.
Dall Jr checks a low kick. Bone on bone - not my idea of a good time.
Dall Jr let fly with a counter punch to the body but it didn't land.
Zhao throws a sloppy head kick
and Dall Jr counters with a stiff right hand.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Zhao with a nice looking leg kick. You could hear that one land in a back row.
Zhao bobs and weaves and throws out a fast jab that snaps Dall Jr's head backwards.
Dall Jr ducks under a wild hook from Zhao.
Zhao throws a leg kick but Dall Jr checks it.
Dall Jr is trying to avoid his opponent's strikes and get into the clinch.
Zhao lands with a kick to the ribs.
Zhao is looking to chop away at Dall Jr's legs.
Dall Jr steps in looking to counter with the mid kick but it doesn't connect.
Jab from Zhao.

That has opened up Galen Dall Jr's cut even more.
Zhao tries to score with a leg kick but it misses it's target.
Dall Jr follows through with a counter body kick but it doesn't land.
Zhao throws a lazy uppercut
and Dall Jr counters with a straight right hand.

Zhao clinches.
Zhao stops a takedown attempt from Dall Jr.
Dall Jr has hold of a leg and is looking for a trip takedown. Zhao avoids it nicely though and we remain in the clinch.
Jian Zhao has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of Galen Dall Jr.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Zhao can't find room to land a body shot as Dall Jr controls the action.
Zhao doesn't land with the attempted body shot.
Zhao is pressed up against the cage. Dall Jr has hold of a leg and is looking to drag Zhao down to the mat. Zhao avoids the attempt though and has circled away. We're back to striking at a distance.
Zhao lands with a hook. Dall Jr tried to avoid it but it clipped the top of his head.
Zhao throws the left hand but Dall Jr avoids the punch easily.
Zhao throws a lazy uppercut
and Dall Jr finishes the little exchange by landing a big kick to the body.

Dall Jr closes the distance and clinches up, looking for a takedown. He shifts his weight and gets a nice trip into half guard.

Dall Jr seems to be working for a kimura but Zhao defends the submission attempt.
Dall Jr not doing much here.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Zhao gets back to full guard.
Zhao keeping full guard, as Dall Jr tries to pass.
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.
Dall Jr is stalling in the full guard.

Zhao is working actively off his back, looking to secure an arm or perhaps work for a triangle.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Jian Zhao dominated that round.
Both fighters have cut men working on them during the interval.
The fighters get back to their feet, the hooter sounds and we're back to the action!

Zhao misses with a straight left.
Dall Jr steps in looking to clinch after the strikes miss from Zhao.
A cross from Zhao lands.
Zhao dances in quickly and lands a nice inside leg kick on Dall Jr. That did some damage!
Zhao is really dominating this fight. Is there anything that Dall Jr can do to turn this around?
Dall Jr blocks a leg kick.
Zhao ducks down and throws a hook to the body but Dall Jr moves away.
Zhao fakes a head punch and goes low to the body. Nicely done.
Zhao with a nice looking leg kick. You could hear that one land in a back row.
A big left from Zhao misses.
And Dall Jr responds with a good body kick, but Zhao manages to step out the way in time.
Nice jab there from Zhao.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Zhao looks to score with a jab to the body but Dall Jr is just out of range.

Dall Jr closes the distance, clinches up and gets a nice trip takedown into side control. Very smooth.
This is a great period of action - very entertaining stuff!
Dall Jr trying to control the position but Zhao is working away.
Zhao is trying to improve his position.

That's one minute gone in the round.
The ref warns both fighters not to hold the cage as they work up against the meshing.
Zhao is working hard here to advance position.
Dall Jr taking a break here but Zhao is having none of it and regains half guard.
Zhao is trying to stand back up but Dall Jr is controlling him

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Neither fighter has done anything of merit for a good minute or two here and the crowd are not happy about it.
Zhao tries to roll over but Dall Jr keeps him under control.
Zhao keeping control of the leg, stopping his opponent passing to mount.
Dall Jr passes into side control, despite Zhao's attempt to control the position.
Dall Jr is looking to take a break and control but Zhao is keeping him honest, looking to work from the bottom.
Dall Jr laying and praying for a moment but Zhao takes advantage and regains half guard.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Zhao trying to hold on to Dall Jr's head to control him but Dall Jr postures up.
Dall Jr looking to pass the half guard. Not this time.
Zhao keeping control of the position.
The referee must be thinking about standing these guys back up.
Dall Jr prevents Zhao from improving his position.

The referee decides to stand the fighters back up.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
The crowd are showing their displeasure at the lack of action as loud boos ring out around the arena.
Zhao bobbing and weaving, closes the distance and lands a hook to the side of Dall Jr's head.
Dall Jr gets his head snapped back by a nice shot there.
Zhao misses the jab.
Dall Jr throws a counter combo.
Zhao throws a sloppy body shot
and Dall Jr counters with a lovely straight right hand!
Zhao fakes a jab and scores with a low kick.
Zhao uses good footwork to get in and out and land a nice right hand before Dall Jr has time to react.
The crowd thankful this round is nearly over.
Dall Jr defending well as Zhao loads up on a big left hand.
Zhao misses with a lunging right hand
and Dall Jr counters with a nice body shot.
Zhao throws an ugly left hook that misses
and Dall Jr connects with a straight left hand counter down the middle.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Jian Zhao dominated that second round.
Both fighters have cut men working on them during the interval.
That's time! Back to the action! This is the final round!

Zhao moves into range and lands a nice leg kick.
Zhao throws a lazy uppercut
and Dall Jr counters with a quick right hand to the jaw.
Zhao goes for a high kick. It partially lands.
Zhao throws a monster uppercut resembling something out of street fighter but it doesn't land.
Zhao backing away here, and Dall Jr unleashes a leg kick that just misses.
Zhao scores with a jab to the jaw of his opponent.
Zhao tests Dall Jr's chin there with a solid looking shot.
A low kick from Zhao is predictable there
and Dall Jr counters with a straight right hand.

Jian Zhao's cut is getting worse.
A shot to the body from Zhao misses
and Dall Jr counters with a good right hand that lands right on the jaw.

Zhao is rocked!
Zhao pushing out the jab but it's not landing.
Oh Zhao is still all over the place! His legs are completely gone! Will he be able to recover?!!
Jian Zhao is winning the standup battle so far.

Zhao has taken the fight to the clinch.
Wooooo! Give it up for these two warriors! They are putting on a show!
Zhao goes for a body shot but it's blocked.
Dall Jr misses with a punch on the inside.
Zhao seems to have got his legs back now.
Zhao lands punches inside but they're not really causing much damage.
Dall Jr is working for a takedown up against the cage. He can't get it on this occasion though.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Dall Jr drops down looking for an ankle pick but Zhao pulls his leg out and moves away.
A nice leg kick lands there from Zhao.
Zhao changes levels and scores with a jab to the body.
That kick from Zhao tenderised Dall Jr's leg. Dall Jr is trying to keep his angry face on.
Dall Jr lands with a head kick! That's gotta hurt.
Zhao does a little shimmy and throws a leg kick. The leg kick missed by a considerable margin though, making him look a little bit silly for doing the shimmy.
Dall Jr steps in looking to counter with the mid kick but it doesn't connect.
Zhao works Dall Jr's body with a nice hook.
A swing and a miss from Zhao.
Zhao throws a jab but it's blocked by Dall Jr.
Galen Dall Jr has stepped it up - he knows he needs a finish here!

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Zhao scores with a punch to the gut of his opponent.
Zhao thows a leg kick but Dall Jr checks it
and Dall Jr counters with a lovely straight right hand!
Zhao loads up on a big right hand but Dall Jr slips the punch.
Zhao throws a head kick that misses
and he gets countered with a snapping leg kick.
The fans in attendance giving it up for the two fighters, who have really let it all hang out in the last minute or so!
Zhao throws a hard body shot but it just misses.
Dall Jr was about to counter that last move with a leg kick but changes his mind.
Zhao lands the left hand.
Zhao throws a hook to the body but it doesn't connect.

Zhao gets a clinch.
Dall Jr's leg has a nasty welt from taking a succession of leg kicks. That must be slowing him down.
Dall Jr gets through Zhao's defenses to land a nice punch to the side of the head.
Dall Jr struggles to land a body shot inside as Zhao controls his hands.
Dall Jr tries to throw a body punch but Zhao avoids it by throwing Dall Jr back against the cage.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Dall Jr misses with a body punch.
Zhao tries a shoulder strike but it doesn't do any damage.
Dall Jr goes for a takedown in the clinch but Zhao prevents it.
Jian Zhao has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of Galen Dall Jr.
Dall Jr misses with a body punch.
Dall Jr looking for a takedown.
Dall Jr tries to pull guard but Zhao won't allow it.
Zhao lands with a short shot to the head.
Dall Jr tries a body shot but Zhao blocks it.
A short uppercut from Zhao.
Zhao fails to land with a short punch on the inside.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Dall Jr tries a body shot but Zhao blocks it.
Dall Jr swings wildly with an uppercut but Zhao uses good head movement to avoid it.
Zhao blocks a punch to the side of the head.
Dall Jr tries a shoulder strike but it doesn't do any damage.

Zhao pushes off and circles away, back to the middle of the mat.
Zhao misses with a straight left.
Dall Jr throws a counter combo.
Dall Jr tries a switch kick but it misses it's target.
A shot to the liver by Zhao. Beautiful body shot.
Zhao misses with a right hand
and Dall Jr counters with a nice body kick.
Zhao fakes with a right hand and throws a good leg kick, right into the thigh. That had to hurt Dall Jr.
Zhao misses with a leg kick.
Dall Jr swings away with a counter right hand but no contact made.

And that's the end of the fight!
Jian Zhao showed his dominance in that final round.
Well I reckon that's a shut out for Zhao, winning every round. Will the judges agree? They are the ones who matter, even if they are often depressingly incompetent. Over to the ring announcer for the scorecards.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.
Judge Don Winkell scores the fight 30:27
Judge Jack Bonds scores the fight 30:27
Judge Timothy Bukovac scores the fight 30:27

In favor of your winner, by unanimous decision... Jian Zhao!

A victorious Jian Zhao thanked his army of followers in his post fight interview, telling people to make sure they follow him on Twitter.
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