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Coming up we have a light heavyweight MMA rules bout between Mike Smith (ranked 82 p4p, 264 weight class) and Jeremy Kilgore (ranked 15 p4p, 36 weight class). Smith's entrance music is Rush - Subdivisions. A fine choice. Kilgore has chosen HonestKey- Change as his entrance music. On his way into the cage it seems that Mike Smith has been attacked by a crazed fan! It looks like it might have been the just bleed guy! Luckily Mike Smith seems to be OK! I thought that lunatic was in prison!?

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Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, for the light heavyweight championship of the world!
Introducing the champion to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 13 - 4 - 0, fighting out of Amsterdam, Mike Smith!
And introducing the challenger to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 13 - 8 - 0, fighting out of Montreal, Jeremy Kilgore!
The judges for this bout are Gregory Folan, Robert Douchet and William Peck.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!
Kilgore throws a jab when Smith was well out of range.
Kilgore connects with a leg kick.
Kilgore throws a sloppy head kick and Smith moves out of range easily.
Kilgore looks more muscular than last time we saw him. He must have been on the weights.
Kilgore throws a low kick but Smith moves out of range easily.
Smith half commits to a counter takedown before pushing away, out of range.
We've been hearing reports that Smith has been drilling takedowns in recent sessions so let's see if that has an impact on the result of this fight.
Kilgore paws at his opponent with the jab and then lunges in with a straight, right on the button.
Smith on the wrong end of a nice low kick. He's acting like it's no big deal but he doesn't want to take many more of those.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Kilgore throws a chopping leg kick but Smith manages to avoid taking any serious damage.
Smith attempts a counter takedown but Kilgore avoids it well and moves away.
Jeremy Kilgore seems to be the more aggressive standup fighter in this bout.
Kilgore stuffs the takedown.
Kilgore throws out a counter right but Smith avoids it with no problem.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Kilgore tries a switch kick but it misses it's target.
Smith was looking to counter that move with a punch but didn't quite pull the trigger.
Kilgore throws a nice head kick!

It looks like Mike Smith has been cut.
Kilgore misses with a low kick.
A nice inside leg kick there by Kilgore. That's going to slow Smith down.
Smith misses with a body shot.
Smith blocks a head kick by Kilgore.
Smith changes levels looking for a counter takedown but doesn't commit.
Kilgore misses with a combination
and Smith counters with a quick right hand to the jaw.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Kilgore lands a jab followed by a nice looking cross.
Kilgore moves into range and connects with a jab.
Smith avoids a low kick by using good footwork.
An inside leg kick from Kilgore misses.
A head kick misses from Kilgore.
An attempted straight right counter from Smith misses the target.
This is a great period of action - very entertaining stuff!
Kilgore scores with a nice looking left hook and follows it up with an uppercut!
Kilgore throws a right hand that misses
and Smith counters with a good right hand that lands right on the jaw.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Kilgore lands a head kick. Smith smiles back at him and beckons him forward.
Kilgore misses with a looping right.
Smith tries to land with a swinging hook to the body but Kilgore was well out of range. Poor timing from Smith.
Jeremy Kilgore is looking to keep the fight on the feet at all costs.
Smith jabs. That one connects to the head of his opponent.
A head kick misses from Kilgore.
An attempted straight right counter from Smith misses the target.
Smith on the receiving end of a decent leg kick there by Kilgore. Kilgore obviously looking to wear him down.
Kilgore throws a head kick that misses and slips in the process. He scrambles back to his feet and the fighters circle.
Smith tries to counter with a takedown but Kilgore is quick to defend against it.
Kilgore attempts a low kick but it misses it's target.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Kilgore misses with a head kick.
Kilgore throws a sloppy head kick and Smith moves out of range easily.
A low kick from Kilgore is predictable there
and Smith counters with a left to the body.
Kilgore throws a leg kick which misses Smith's front leg but catches the back leg as Smith tries to avoid it.
Kilgore is the aggressor but that punch slipped nicely by Smith.
Kilgore throws a sloppy head kick
and Smith counters with a lovely straight right hand!
Fantastic stuff here - a very entertaining period of action, which has drawn cheers from the crowd.
Smith fakes high and swings low for a body shot but Kilgore manages to avoid it.

That's five minutes gone in the round.
Kilgore looks to throw the jab but Smith is out of range.
Smith ducks under a wild hook from Kilgore.
Kilgore throws a lazy right hand but Smith sees it coming a mile off and sidesteps it easily.
Kilgore displays some good footwork, moving neatly out of range as Smith throws out the jab.
A big left from Kilgore misses.
Kilgore throws a head kick but Smith moves out of range.
Smith appears to be looking for a counter takedown.
Smith blocks a head kick by Kilgore.
A head kick by Kilgore misses
and Smith counters with a nice jab to the body that keeps Kilgore thinking.

That's six minutes gone in the round.
Kilgore throws a body punch but Smith moves out of range.
Smith swung with a counter right hand that didn't connect.
Kilgore pushing out the jab but it's not landing.
Smith feinted with a counter takedown.
Smith slips a straight right by Kilgore.
An attempted straight right counter from Smith misses the target.
A head kick misses from Kilgore.
Smith tries to counter with a takedown but Kilgore is quick to defend against it.
Kilgore connects with a solid leg kick.
Kilgore lands a high kick!
Kilgore scores with a leg kick.

That's seven minutes gone in the round.
Kilgore tries a head kick but it misses.
Kilgore throws a leg kick but he was too far away and it doesn't land.
Nice defenses there by Kilgore.
Kilgore flicks out a counter leg kick but Smith steps away.
Good standup being displayed there by Smith as he connects with a hook.

Kilgore gets caught on his heels momentarily as he allows Smith to score an easy takedown into full guard.
Smith throws a big right hand that misses.
Smith is fighting to break Kilgore's control of his arms but Kilgore is doing a good job of controlling the position at the moment.
Smith has been looking to land a fair amount of strikes on the ground. He might be looking to soften his opponent up in order to work for a submission.

That's eight minutes gone in the round.
Smith postures up to throw the ground and pound strikes but they don't connect.
Smith looking to pass the guard.
Smith trying to land body shots but he keeps hitting the mat.
Smith trying to control but Kilgore is working from the bottom.
Smith throwing shots from guard but he's hitting more mat than opponent.
Kilgore is adopting a defensive guard.
Smith chips away with some ground and pound.
Smith throws a big right hand that misses.

That's nine minutes gone in the round.
Kilgore is pulling down on Smith's head to control his posture.
Kilgore avoiding any damage from the ground and pound.
Kilgore utilising some decent striking defenses from the guard, preventing the ground and pound.
Smith wants to control from the top but Kilgore keeps moving.
The ref warns both fighters not to hold the cage as they work up against the meshing.
Kilgore controlling Smith's posture.
Smith is working the ground and pound from guard. He might want to try advancing position though to get more of an impact.
The crowd thankful this round is nearly over.
Smith looking to pass the guard.
Smith controls from within his opponent's guard.
Smith stands up over Kilgore, holding his feet. He dives back in and lands a decent shot to the head.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Jeremy Kilgore dominated that round.
The cut man is working on Mike Smith's cut.
That's the end of the round. The referee orders the cornermen out of the cage so we can get back down to business.

Smith misses with a left hand
and Kilgore counters with a crisp hook to the side of the head.
Jeremy Kilgore seems to be getting the better of the standup.
Kilgore turns his hip over beautifully as he lands a nice leg kick.
Kilgore is looking to score with low kicks.
Smith chopped to the floor by a nice leg kick but he springs right back up before Kilgore can pounce on him.
Smith dips down and scores with a jab to the body.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Smith avoids a low kick by using good footwork.
Smith half commits to a counter takedown before pushing away, out of range.
Smith scores with a body shot.
Kilgore keeping a good distance there, avoiding the body shot.
Despite the aggression on Kilgore's face he doesn't fully commit to the counter.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Kilgore throws a jab when Smith was well out of range.
Kilgore lands with a slapping head kick.
Kilgore throws a head kick that misses.
Kilgore lunges in with swinging rights and lefts but Smith circles away quickly and effectively.
Smith is looking to counter punch.
Smith bobs and weaves well there to avoid the strikes.
Smith drops down looking for a counter takedown but Kilgore sprawls and moves away.
Kilgore plants his feet and lands a nice head kick!
Kilgore throws the left hand but Smith avoids the punch easily.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
A head kick misses from Kilgore.
Kilgore lands with a slapping head kick.
Kilgore throws a head kick that misses.
Smith changes levels looking for a counter takedown but doesn't commit.
Kilgore tries a switch kick but it misses it's target.
Kilgore goes for a high kick. It partially lands.
We've seen a great period of action over the last minute or so - credit to both fighters for going all out!
Kilgore looks to land a combination but Smith avoids it well.
Kilgore throws a leg kick that misses.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Kilgore waving his hands out in front of him, looking to distract Smith.
Kilgore scores with a three punch combo!
Kilgore turns his hip over beautifully as he lands a nice leg kick.
Kilgore uses good footwork to avoid the strikes from Smith.
Kilgore appeared to try and counter that last move with a leg kick.
Kilgore throws a left and a right that both miss
and Smith counters with a stiff right hand.
Kilgore throws a right hand that misses
and Smith counters with a straight right hand.
A jab from Kilgore misses.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Kilgore tries to score with an inside leg kick but telegraphs it and Smith is able to avoid easily.
Smith blocks a low kick nicely.
Smith connects with a nice looking jab.
Kilgore is looking to slow Smith down with leg kicks.
Kilgore misses with a head kick.
Smith changes levels looking for a counter takedown but doesn't commit.
Smith uses decent footwork to sidestep a right hand from Kilgore.
It looked like Smith wanted to counter with a hook but didn't fully commit.
Smith misses with a body shot.
Kilgore appeared to try and counter that last move with a leg kick.
The crowd cheering loudly, showing their appreciation for the quality fight we're seeing here.
The fighters circling - Kilgore throws out the jab but it was never going to land.
It looked like Smith was trying to counter with a body shot coming off that last attack from Kilgore.

That's five minutes gone in the round.
Kilgore looks to land a left hand but Smith moved out of range nicely.
Kilgore throws out a token jab with nothing on it.
A little feinted left hand from Smith on the counter but he doesn't commit to it.
Kilgore tries a head kick but it misses.
Smith was looking to counter that move with a punch but didn't quite pull the trigger.
Smith works Kilgore's body with a nice hook.
Kilgore throws an overhand right that lands on Smith's shoulder, as Smith tries to avoid the shot.
Smith is looking to counter with a shot to the body.
Kilgore throws a nice looking combination but Smith bobs and weaves to avoid any damage.
A counter left hand to the body from Smith misses its target.
Kilgore throws a leg kick but Smith checks it.

That's six minutes gone in the round.
Kilgore throws a hook but Smith avoids it easily.
Kilgore throws a head kick that misses

and Smith counters with a shoot takedown. Kilgore fights it but they end up in guard.

Smith drops back for a leg! It's a sloppy attempt though and Smith jumps back into guard quickly, to retain the dominant position.
Smith stands up and looks to throw the legs aside to pass to side control. Kilgore swivels though and keeps the full guard.
Smith is just sitting in guard, looking to avoid any submissions.
Smith trying to land body shots but he keeps hitting the mat.
Smith throws a big right hand that misses.

That's seven minutes gone in the round.
Smith keeps in close for a moment and lands a decent shot to the side of Kilgore's head.
Smith keeps in close for a moment and lands a decent shot to the side of Kilgore's head.
Kilgore keeping moving, preventing Smith from controlling successfully.
Kilgore controls Smith momentarily but Smith frees himself.
Mike Smith overall seems to be getting the better of the ground position in the fight so far.
Smith throwing strikes from guard but Kilgore blocks nicely.
Smith passes Kilgore's right leg, so he's now in half guard.
Kilgore wants to improve his position but Smith is controlling well.
Smith is looking for the mount but instead finds himself back in full guard.
Smith landing some decent shots from guard.

That's eight minutes gone in the round.
Smith makes a bit of distance and scores with some ground and pound, still in guard.
Smith trying to control the position from guard on top but Kilgore is wriggling around, looking for whatever he can.
Hammerfist, elbow! yells Smith's corner. There ya go! There ya go!
Smith throwing shots from guard but he's hitting more mat than opponent.
Smith scores with a decent looking elbow strike.
Smith throwing strikes from guard but Kilgore blocks nicely.
Smith postures up to throw the ground and pound strikes but they don't connect.
Smith wants to control from the top but Kilgore keeps moving.

That's nine minutes gone in the round.
Kilgore wants to stand and escape but Smith is having none of it.
Smith postures up to throw the ground and pound strikes but they don't connect.
Smith keeps in close for a moment and lands a decent shot to the side of Kilgore's head.
Smith not doing a lot at the moment. He'll have to show some more aggression or the fight will get stood up.
Kilgore not looking particularly offensive just at the moment.
Smith cracks Kilgore with a solid left hand.
The crowd thankful this round is nearly over.
Smith is just sitting in guard, looking to avoid any submissions.
Smith throwing elbows and punches but not connecting, as Kilgore works some decent striking defense from the bottom.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Jeremy Kilgore showed his class in that round. I'd imagine he'll take it on all the scorecards.
The cut man is working on Mike Smith's cut.
The minute break is over - no more time for sponges and pep talks - back to the action! This is the final round!

Kilgore throws a low kick but it's checked well by Smith.
Smith dips down and scores with a jab to the body.
Kilgore has been the more effective fighter overall so far.
Kilgore lands a high kick!
Kilgore tries a switch kick but it misses it's target.
A good leg kick by Kilgore.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
A slow jab from Kilgore misses its intended target.
A solid leg kick lands there for Kilgore.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Kilgore throws a series of punches but Smith moves out of range.
Kilgore is the aggressor but that punch slipped nicely by Smith.
Smith was looking to counter that last move with a shot to the body but he didn't commit.
Kilgore throws a leg kick but he was too far away and it doesn't land.
Smith checks a leg kick.
Kilgore throws a leg kick that is checked
and Smith counters with a good right hand that lands right on the jaw.
Kilgore loads up on a big right hand but Smith slips the punch.
Smith appears to be looking for a counter takedown.
Kilgore throws a body shot but no joy.
Smith half commits to a counter takedown before pushing away, out of range.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Smith blocks a head kick by Kilgore.
Smith tries to counter with a takedown but Kilgore is quick to defend against it.
Kilgore buckles his opponent's knee momentarily with a nice leg kick.
Kilgore dances in quickly and lands a nice inside leg kick on Smith. That did some damage!
Kilgore throws a head kick that misses and slips in the process. He scrambles back to his feet and the fighters circle.
Kilgore swinging wildly here.
Smith attempts a counter takedown but Kilgore avoids it well and moves away.
Kilgore throws the left hand but Smith avoids the punch easily.
Smith attempts a counter takedown but Kilgore avoids it well and moves away.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Kilgore misses with a head kick.
A low kick from Kilgore is predictable there

and Smith counters with a takedown into side control.
Smith works a knee to the body and follows up with a nice elbow to the head.
Smith working the body and head with strikes.

Smith wants to work for a kimura but he's foiled early by Kilgore, who protects the arm well.
Kilgore taking a bit of punishment here - Smith scoring with strikes.

Smith is looking for a kimura. He might have it! No, Kilgore has escaped the position, nice work there.
Smith wants to lay and pray for a moment but Kilgore keeps working.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Smith misses with the ground and pound.
Smith looking to punish the body of his opponent here but Kilgore is avoiding damage well.
Kilgore is working to avoid the ground and pound but Smith connects with a decent elbow.
Wooooo! Give it up for these two warriors! They are putting on a show!
Smith in side control lands a nice looking series of punches and elbows.
Kilgore is trying to get back to half guard.
Smith is looking to take a break and control but Kilgore is keeping him honest, looking to work from the bottom.
Kilgore struggling a bit here.
Mike Smith has stepped it up - he knows he needs a finish here!

That's five minutes gone in the round.
Smith working away diligently from side control. Landing strikes effectively there - that will score him some points on the judges scorecards.
Kilgore is trying to get back to his feet.

Smith working hard here to secure a kimura but he's not really in the right position for it.
Kilgore tries to escape but Smith is in control.
Smith fails to land a wild elbow strike.
Kilgore is not content to let Smith control the position.
Kilgore is putting a lot of effort into getting back to his feet here.

That's six minutes gone in the round.
The crowd are starting to boo a lack of action.
Kilgore dodges the ground and pound from Smith.
Smith throwing strikes but Kilgore manages to buck up and roll into a nice reversal - now he's on top in side control!
Smith trying to remain calm as Kilgore controls from the top position.
Smith is trying to get back to half guard. He's pushing on Kilgore's leg. He's managed it. Nice work.
Smith tries to strike from the bottom but it doesn't land.
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.
Smith wants to improve his position but Kilgore is controlling well.
Kilgore is trying to control the action in half guard but Smith is working away on the bottom, looking perhaps to get back to full guard.
Smith manages to get to full guard.

Smith is throwing his legs up, looking for submissions. Kilgore is aware though and is defending well.

That's seven minutes gone in the round.

Smith working away from the bottom but not quite defensive enough there because Kilgore has passed into half guard!
Kilgore perhaps working for something from half guard, or maybe not. It looks like he's just sitting there.
Smith is looking to improve his position.
The referee calls for the fighters to work.
Smith is looking to improve his position.

That's eight minutes gone in the round.
There's not a lot going on here and the crowd are letting the fighters know they're not willing to tolerate a lack of action.
Kilgore controlling the action here.
Smith is looking to regain full guard. Not this time though.
Kilgore is trying to control. Smith wants to improve his position but can't escape this time.

Smith looking for submissions off his back.
Smith is trying to get back to full guard.

The referee decides to stand the fighters back up.

That's nine minutes gone in the round.
Kilgore throws a head kick but Smith moves out of range.
Kilgore misses with a double jab

and Smith decides to take the opportunity to score a takedown. He's landed in Kilgore's guard.
Smith throwing strikes from guard but Kilgore blocks nicely.
Smith working from the guard for now, landing some ground and pound.
The crowd thankful this round is nearly over.
Smith working some strikes from top position.
Smith missing there with some ground and pound from the guard.
Smith is sitting in guard, working some ground and pound.

And that's the end of the fight!
That was a close round. You could make an argument for either fighter but I would give it to Mike Smith.
I think Kilgore has won this one but let's see whether the judges agree with me. Over to the ring announcer for the scorecards.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.
Judge Gregory Folan scores the fight 28:29
Judge Robert Douchet scores the fight 27:30
Judge William Peck scores the fight 27:30

In favor of your winner, by unanimous decision... Jeremy Kilgore!

Jeremy Kilgore is the new light heavyweight champion!
A very excited looking Jeremy Kilgore made sure he remembered to thank all the fans both in the arena and on the internet. He said all the coolest people spend all day on MMA websites, which got a big reaction.
The defeated Mike Smith had this to say: 'I'm sorry for this performance. I've not represented the U S of A as I should. I'll be back.'.
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