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Kimbo Slice (379343) - Retired

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Kimbo Slice
Record 9-5-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 9 (T)KOs (100.00%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
0 Decisions (0.00%)
Losses 2 (T)KOs (40.00%)
2 Subs (40.00%)
1 Decisions (20.00%)
Next Fight None
Song None
Height 190 cm
Weight 215 lbs
Can cut to 197.2 lbs
Age 36
Hometown Nassau
Country Bahamas
Location Montreal
Base Montreal
Manager Retired
Bank Balance $25,001.00
Alliance   -
Highest Rank 738 MMA
Creation Date 16th Oct 2021
Kimbo has Feeble boxing, Wonderful Muay Thai, Proficient wrestling and holds a white belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 2 ($2,000)   KO of the night: 3 ($3,000)   
Weight: NA P4P: 0
0 Days Cuts 0 Days

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Contracted to Trophies
Fighter is not signed to a Mixed Martial Arts Organization

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Fighter Bio
The shit talking, bluff calling, fight taking, jaw breaking, fighting machine. Known for his natural fighting IQ, and explosive power.

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
Currently wearing

Dirty Commie $50
Dirty Commie $50

MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  

Managed by Stewie Griffin (139913)
L Heinrich Klose TKO (Strikes) SMASH: Kowalkiewicz vs Borgia 2022-08-13 205 1 02:58 view
L Liam James KO (Punches) SMASH: Johnson vs Face 2022-07-24 205 1 02:05 view
W Stanislav Strakapoud KO (Punch) Bellicose 110 - Prospects 7 2022-06-15 205 1 00:34 view
L Hunt Mfer Submission (Kimura) Bellicose 97 2022-05-15 205 1 00:48 view
W Dan Koloa KO (Punch) CDFC 37:Slice vs Koloa 2022-04-23 205 2 00:33 view

Managed by Art Of War (140601)
L Arto Jarvinen Decision (Unanimous) CDFC 29 Slice vs Jarvinen 2022-03-12 205 5 05:00 view
W Ryan Hall KO (Punch) CDFC 22: Baltaretu vs Slice 2022-02-05 205 1 01:57 view
W Bjj Ace TKO (Strikes) CDFC 18: Ace vs Slice 2 2022-01-15 205 1 00:49 view
L Bjj Ace Submission (Triangle) CDFC 13: Slice vs Ace 2021-12-25 205 1 01:58 view
W Jed Chandler TKO (Strikes) CDFC 8 NY: Chandler vs Slice 2021-11-27 205 1 01:21 view
W James Aya KO (Punch) CDFC 4 NY: Palo vs Runduski 2021-11-06 205 1 01:08 view
W Forrest Gump TKO (Punches) Quick Fight Championship 2021-10-22 205 3 01:38 view
W Manquell Draper TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2021-10-20 205 1 01:59 view
W Seth Rockwell TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2021-10-18 205 1 01:56 view

Buzz at Kimbo Slice (Logged in as )
Xander Scott
Xander Scott buzzed at Kimbo Slice

You talk to much for such ordinary tir 3 mom' house backyard fighter like you are. Pathetic.  (Feb 13, 2022)

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Kimbo Slice's recent buzzes
Kimbo Slice replied to Ryan Hall's Buzz buzzed at Ryan Hall
That choking me out comment didn’t age well did it? Get humbled, you got carried out with shit in your pants and a broken ego #ChampShit (Feb 06, 2022)
Kimbo Slice replied to Harvey Hent's Buzz buzzed at Harvey Hent
records don’t matter when it’s all against bums, shows how much of a bum you must be as well (Jan 28, 2022)
Kimbo Slice buzzed at Ryan Hall
Hey Andrei Baltaretu, you’re blessed to be getting this title shot and remember that. You’ve beat nobody credible in MMA, and I’m the grave digger of this division and organization. Like I warned you before you’re playing a dangerous game walking into the fire with me and at CDFC 22 you’re getting carried out with shit in your pants while I celebrate my first defense of the 205 Championship. #WhoTheFuckIsThisGuy
Kimbo Slice buzzed at Bjj Ace
Bjj Ace, congratulations on winning our matchup. you’re proficient on the ground and I was confident I could keep the fight away from there. I’ll get that rematch soon enough and the result will be different. But I am a man of my word, and humble in defeat. So congratulations (Dec 25, 2021)
Kimbo Slice buzzed at Ryan Locke
Ryan Locke Bjj Ace isn’t gonna hop in the ring with you kid, this guy is gonna get dropped on his head and roll around in his own shit until the ref stops the fight. If he ends up putting the gloves on with you I’ll be ringside eating popcorn to watch you destroy him. lmfao #BjjCase #AceDoesntShower (Dec 21, 2021)

No training.

Recent Events

2024-05-08- Kimbo Slice celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
2024-02-13- Kimbo Slice celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
2023-11-20- Kimbo Slice celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
2023-08-27- Kimbo Slice celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
2023-06-03- Kimbo Slice celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
2023-03-10- Kimbo Slice celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
2022-12-15- Kimbo Slice celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
2022-09-21- Kimbo Slice celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
2022-06-28- Kimbo Slice celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
2022-04-04- Kimbo Slice celebrated his birthday - 27 today!

Previous Managers

Art Of War Stewie Griffin

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