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Jungle Lord (125682) - Manager

Mixed Martial Arts Management - Jungle Lord
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Historic MMA Record

Record   74-56-2 (0 NCs)
Wins   44 (T)KOs (59.46%)
    17 Subs (22.97%)
    13 Decisions (17.57%)
Losses   23 (T)KOs (41.07%)
    12 Subs (21.43%)
    21 Decisions (37.50%)
Current 0-0-0 (0 NCs)
United States United States (P:14)
New York
Month Rank
Best Rank
Opp Rank
  2538 of 40616 (6.25%)
2340 (-198 drop)
1,570 average
Div 7. League 634 (P: 2)
Top Fighter  
Fighters   0
Bank   $1,452,234.49
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Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2024-04-05 04:04:37
Joined (y/m/d):
2018-09-09 17:12:53
Username: junglelord
Recent Events

10 May, 2024 Friday - Phil Myler celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
10 May, 2024 Friday - Paul Jake celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
08 May, 2024 Wednesday - Mark Paul celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
15 Feb, 2024 Thursday - Phil Myler celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
15 Feb, 2024 Thursday - Paul Jake celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
13 Feb, 2024 Tuesday - Mark Paul celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
25 Dec, 2023 Monday - Released the fighter - Akuma Manivong
20 Dec, 2023 Wednesday - Akuma Manivong celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
22 Nov, 2023 Wednesday - Phil Myler celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
22 Nov, 2023 Wednesday - Paul Jake celebrated his birthday - 27 today!

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Last 20 MMA & Kickboxing Fights (View all Fights)
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   W Phil Myler Troika Tercero TKO (Cut) HRL9: Kovacevic vs Mike 2023-08-18 1 02:57
   L Mark Paul Christopher Allan TKO (Strikes) RSE 7: Unchained 2023-08-05 1 00:44
   L Paul Jake Kimo Apolo KO (Punch) HFC 59:Inhanamoto vs Mferi 2023-08-05 1 01:58
   L Phil Myler Jing Xin Yi TKO (Strikes) HRL2: Kovacevic vs Jungle 2023-07-23 2 04:27
   W Paul Jake Calidale Holiday TKO (Strikes) HFC 56:John vs Slater 2023-07-15 3 01:30
   L Mark Paul Chris Allan KO (Punches) RSE 4: Conquer All 2023-07-08 3 02:52
   L Phil Myler John McCoy TKO (Punches) The Island Season 14, 155 lbs... 2023-07-02 2 03:09
   L Akuma Manivong Hiro Manowaru Decision (Unanimous) Sucker Punch Pro Series 264 2023-06-30 3 05:00
   W Phil Myler Andrew Childers Decision (Unanimous) KIFC 87 2023-06-17 3 05:00
   L Phil Myler Haruki Muramaki Decision (Unanimous) KIFC 79 2023-06-03 3 05:00
   L Akuma Manivong The Devils Outlaw Decision (Unanimous) Sucker Punch Pro Series 256 2023-05-31 3 05:00
   W Phil Myler Ben Kingsley TKO (Cut) KIFC 69 2023-05-19 2 01:42
   W Paul Jake Sergey Ilichev TKO (Strikes) Cobra Kai: No Mercy 9 2023-05-07 1 02:36
   L Akuma Manivong Thoth Chontamenti Decision (Unanimous) Sucker Punch Pro Series 249 2023-04-28 3 05:00
   W Paul Jake Screaming Leg TKO (Strikes) AVKT 18: Through The Wall 2023-04-15 1 03:29
   W Phil Myler Bryan Petrosyan TKO (Cut) KIFC 48 2023-04-15 1 02:56
   L Akuma Manivong ZaDarius Haden Decision (Unanimous) Sucker Punch Pro Series 243 2023-04-02 3 05:00
   W Phil Myler Michael McConnell TKO (Strikes) KIFC 40 2023-04-02 2 01:23
   W Phil Myler Humberto Quaresma TKO (Cut) KIFC 29 2023-03-22 2 04:54
   W Paul Jake Erick Wright TKO (Strikes) QFC Tournament 1137 Round 4 2023-03-16 1 02:50
Top Fighter -

Record 0-0- (W-L-D)
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Buzz at Jungle Lord (Logged in as )
Patrick Sherley
Patrick Sherley buzzed at Jungle Lord (May 18, 2019)

I know I am fairly new to the game, but I am an experienced writer in real life, and would like to write an article for the paper in the game. Do I email it to you or contact you another way?

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Jungle Lord's recent buzzes
Jungle Lord replied Ken Enlow's Buzz buzzed at Ken Enlow
becuase thats how much momado spammed buzz back when he was playing..... (Dec 30, 2018)
Jungle Lord replied Donald Trump's Buzz buzzed at Donald Trump
he lost 7 in a row while in heritage..... (Dec 29, 2018)
Jungle Lord rebuzzed Synchronicity's buzz
Make sure to check out Syn 611 Saturday December 29th! Watch Kimbo Slice face Pierre St. Georges in the main event for the Heavyweight Championship! Orlando Diggs take on Benson Whyte in the co-main event for the Welterweight title! #SYN #Synchronicity (Dec 28, 2018)
upset they wont unban him from forums so his plan is to crush cans to reach the #1 spot.... yeah that wont help your case humors (Dec 28, 2018)
Jungle Lord replied Alex K.'s Buzz buzzed at Alex K.
he must be taking lessons from humors (Dec 25, 2018)
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