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Mikey C (132940) - VIP Manager

Mixed Martial Arts Management - Mikey C
user is offline

Historic MMA Record

Record   255-145-4 (0 NCs)
Wins   141 (T)KOs (55.29%)
    41 Subs (16.08%)
    73 Decisions (28.63%)
Losses   68 (T)KOs (46.90%)
    13 Subs (8.97%)
    64 Decisions (44.14%)
Current 232-103-6 (0 NCs)
  Las Vegas
United States United States (P:15)
Las Vegas
Month Rank
Best Rank
Opp Rank
  590 of 40616 (1.45%)
485 (-105 drop)
139 average
Div 7. League 553 (P: 18)
Top Fighter   Billy Cubbedge
Fighters   11
Bank   $5,198,628.77
Mikey's quote
At the age of 23, Mikey C was arrested after he publicly littered.
Contact Details
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Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2023-12-09 01:31:22
Joined (y/m/d):
2020-03-15 23:32:09
Username: MikeyC
The Rubber Guard Emporium
Recent Events

14 Jul, 2024 Sunday - Robbie McBobbie celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
02 Jul, 2024 Tuesday - Ispa Perkele celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
29 Jun, 2024 Saturday - Billy Cubbedge celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
15 Jun, 2024 Saturday - Iago Farfan celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
10 Jun, 2024 Monday - Matrix Man celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
08 Jun, 2024 Saturday - Eusebio Montoya celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
03 Jun, 2024 Monday - John Burdon celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
31 May, 2024 Friday - Yago Steve celebrated his birthday - 42 today!
29 May, 2024 Wednesday - Erasmo Bezerra celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
16 May, 2024 Thursday - Kratos Karumaa celebrated his birthday - 34 today!

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Last 20 MMA & Kickboxing Fights (View all Fights)
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   W Iago Farfan Einar Kyrvänsyylä TKO (Strikes) DC 104: Sitsongrit V Sicariou... 2023-11-04 1 02:50
   W Yago Steve Zack Rize TKO (Punches) Nfld live 50 2023-11-04 3 00:15
   W Robbie McBobbie Anti Happy TKO (Strikes) OFK 347 - Boles Vs Jaroslav 2023-11-04 3 01:56
   W Erasmo Bezerra Miroslav Drozd TKO (Strikes) OFK 347 - Boles Vs Jaroslav 2023-11-04 2 03:42
   L Matrix Man Kronos Doomsday Submission (RNC) C245: Yarborough vs Obaminato... 2023-10-29 2 04:57
   W Billy Cubbedge Marlon Gazersky Decision (Unanimous) OFK 346 - Cubbedge Vs Gazersk... 2023-10-29 5 05:00
   L John Burdon Eli Pope TKO (Strikes) DC 103: Burdon v Pope 2023-10-29 1 00:40
   L Kratos Karumaa Aslanbek Akhtankhanov Decision (Unanimous) DMMA 252 Fisher vs Rahamies 2023-10-22 3 05:00
   L Vasil Petrov Mason Jones Decision (Unanimous) SMASH: Barkley vs Dredd 2023-10-22 3 05:00
   W Eusebio Montoya Martin Burns TKO (Strikes) NYF 39: Sillalahi vs Peterson 2023-10-21 3 01:05
   L Robbie McBobbie Bob Probert KO (Punches) OFK 341 - Escalante Vs Bizih 2023-10-14 3 04:54
   L Matrix Man Mikey Marciano Decision (Unanimous) C238: Marciano vs Man III 2023-10-08 5 05:00
   W John Burdon Wilbur Ratt TKO (Strikes) DC 97: Burdon v Ratt 2023-10-08 5 03:42
   W Billy Cubbedge Jax Chambers KO (Knees) OFK 339 - Cubbedge Vs Chamber... 2023-10-07 2 00:34
   W Kratos Karumaa Kotaro Asakura Decision (Unanimous) DMMA 243 Bleak vs Roll 2023-09-30 3 05:00
   L Vasil Petrov Jayden Sven KO (Punch) SMASH: Tryastsyn vs Dankovich 2023-09-24 3 01:22
   W Robbie McBobbie Felix Jaroslav TKO (Strikes) OFK 335 - Ninja Vs Brown 2023-09-23 2 03:42
   W Matrix Man Keisuke Matsuzaka Decision (Unanimous) C230: Ji Woo vs Alderidge 2023-09-17 3 05:00
   W Billy Cubbedge Marwin Mueller TKO (Cut) OFK 332 - Jankovic Vs Marek 2023-09-10 3 04:11
   W Kratos Karumaa Frank Rizzo Decision (Unanimous) DMMA 233 Okongwu vs Lovanov 2023-09-03 3 05:00
Top Fighter - Billy Cubbedge

Odense MMA - Fight Or Die 6034
Record 24-8-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 20 (T)KOs (83.33%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
4 Decisions (16.67%)
Losses 5 (T)KOs (62.50%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
3 Decisions (37.50%)
TWGC 0-0
Next Fight None
Last 5 Fights
W Marlon Gazersky Decision (Unanimous)
W Jax Chambers KO (Knees)
W Marwin Mueller TKO (Cut)
W Marlon Gazersky Decision (Unanimous)
L Alborz Mumu Decision (Unanimous)
Fighters (see upcoming fights)
Name Weight Record Last 5 fights W/C P4P
Yago Steve - (36-11-0) W,W,W,W,W 0 2735
Vasil Petrov - (30-13-1) L,L,W,L,W 0 2712
Ispa Perkele - (30-17-3) W,L,W,L,W 0 4655
Matrix Man - (28-14-2) L,L,W,W,L 0 2358
Kratos Karumaa - (21-13-0) L,W,W,W,L 0 2876
Erasmo Bezerra 155 (20-10-0) W,W,W,W,W 304 3030
Iago Farfan - (19-8-0) W,W,W,W,L 0 2287
Robbie McBobbie 145 (11-5-0) W,L,W,W,L 266 3499
Billy Cubbedge 265 (24-8-0) W,W,W,W,L 167 1402
John Burdon - (11-3-0) L,W,W,W,W 0 2899
Eusebio Montoya - (2-1-0) W,W,L,-,- 0 23697

Hall of Fame - Retired / Previously Managed Fighters
Name Weight Record Highest Rank
Wolfgang Muller265lbs(33-14-0)24
Buzz at Mikey C (Logged in as )
Teyo Ken
Teyo Ken buzzed at Mikey C (Jun 14, 2022)

I am a coach on the 2ND season of Tycoon TUF hosted by saklain a fellow smesh. We are up against Mikey C and his group of rejects, we’re gonna give those bums hell ain’t that right Mike? #Outgunned #TUF

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Mikey C's recent buzzes
Mikey C replied Kyle F's Buzz buzzed at Kyle F
It was so close! What a great battle all month. Good luck in Div 3 man! (Nov 07, 2020)
Mikey C buzzed at Longsun Zhao
There are whispers that Longsun Zhao will be Longtime Dead after Psiris Fuhren delivers him to the grave on Aug. 19, 2020, the same day Zhao's wife meets her future husband. (Aug 10, 2020)
Mikey C buzzed at Thoth Chontamenti
Injuries, sicknesses, big weight-cuts, Hurricane Ophelia, you can't stop the Rumble Express. Choo-choo motherf***er! (Jul 20, 2020)
Mikey C buzzed at Bigga Baddaboom
Six feet four and 263 pounds. Boy, until I met you I didn't know they could stack crap that high. (Jun 04, 2020)
Mikey C buzzed at Mamoru Takamura
Your death is imminent. The Scourge is waiting. (Jun 04, 2020)
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