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Misagh Khabiri (134916) - Manager

Mixed Martial Arts Management - Misagh Khabiri
user is offline

Historic MMA Record

Record   62-76-2 (0 NCs)
Wins   53 (T)KOs (85.48%)
    6 Subs (9.68%)
    3 Decisions (4.84%)
Losses   53 (T)KOs (69.74%)
    13 Subs (17.11%)
    10 Decisions (13.16%)
Current 0-0-0 (0 NCs)
Iran Iran (P:106)
New York
Month Rank
Best Rank
Opp Rank
  4846 of 41281 (11.74%)
4846 (0 change)
354 average
Div 7. League 467 (P: 30)
Top Fighter  
Fighters   0
Bank   $381,630.38
Misagh's quote
Expectations are a pathway to disappointment. My discord is Parriyah#5723 if you wanna chat with a stupid, uncultured foreigner.
Contact Details
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Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2021-05-08 17:05:36
Joined (y/m/d):
2020-07-28 13:21:53
Username: Parriyah
Recent Events

04 Aug, 2021 Wednesday - Torraro Fisticuffs celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
31 Jul, 2021 Saturday - Ashkan Farhadi celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
27 Jul, 2021 Tuesday - Koroush Kabir celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
21 Jul, 2021 Wednesday - Khosrov Hashempour celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
21 Jul, 2021 Wednesday - Pierce Perkins celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
21 Jul, 2021 Wednesday - Vahid Azari celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
19 Jul, 2021 Monday - Monte Zuma celebrated his birthday - 46 today!
08 Jul, 2021 Thursday - Ginger Lee celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
05 Jul, 2021 Monday - Sohrab Bahmanzade celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
03 Jul, 2021 Saturday - Amin Farrokhi celebrated his birthday - 29 today!

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Last 20 MMA & Kickboxing Fights (View all Fights)
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   L Punchy McPunchist Lou Stools KO (Punch) Madness Championship Chaos 2021-05-29 1 01:40
   L Monte Zuma #1 Winger KO (Strikes) ALPHA-1: Chaos 2021-05-22 3 02:22
   L Khosrov Hashempour Joshua Cooper TKO (Strikes) GC 387 2021-05-22 1 00:46
   L Amin Farrokhi Demolition Ax Submission (Kimura) OFK 91 - Zaire Vs Pullum 2021-05-22 1 04:06
   L Sohrab Bahmanzade Kaapo Westerinen KO (Head Kick) DMMA 10: Abarai vs Vetorwee 2021-05-19 1 00:47
   L Koroush Kabir Robert Gracie Submission (Kimura) DMMA 10: Abarai vs Vetorwee 2021-05-19 1 02:29
   L Ginger Lee Rimtas Kentas Submission (Kimura) HFC 73 - Wanker vs Maui 2021-05-15 2 00:42
   W Torraro Fisticuffs Maclom Huff TKO (Strikes) Highland 43 2021-05-13 2 00:10
   L Ashkan Farhadi Jacob White TKO (Strikes) BLAZE 27 - SEAN VS HAWK 2021-05-13 2 03:59
   L Pierce Perkins Rolando Marcellini KO (Punch) BBFC 14: Connor Vs. Merel 2021-05-08 1 00:38
   W Torraso Fisticuffs Adam Wright TKO (Punches) IXF XXI 2021-05-05 1 00:51
   L Sorrenco Cistiffufs Isai Anderson Submission (RNC) IXF XXI 2021-05-05 2 02:49
   L Vahid Azari Patrik Mustonen Decision (Unanimous) CMMA 102 2021-05-02 3 05:00
   L Jeremy Motts Demir Kocak TKO (Strikes) HFC 71 - Sosa vs Ford 2021-05-01 2 01:34
   L Sorrenco Cistiffufs Marcus Behnder Submission (Arm Triangle) IXF XIX 2021-05-01 1 01:37
   L Amin Farrokhi Yayi Zinsou KO (Strikes) OFK 85 - Pullum Vs Kutlev 2021-05-01 2 03:59
   W Punchy McPunchist Martins Verdins TKO (Strikes) Birth of a Warrior Round 3 2021-04-24 1 02:56
   L Torraso Fisticuffs Zion Lewis KO (Punches) IXF XVII 2021-04-24 1 01:24
   L Koroush Kabir Dimebag Abbot TKO (Strikes) DMMA 2: Andrianakis vs Kuti 2021-04-21 1 00:37
   D Torraro Fisticuffs Johnny Saigon Majority Draw Highland 27 2021-04-21 3 05:00
Top Fighter -

Record 0-0- (W-L-D)
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Buzz at Misagh Khabiri (Logged in as )
Mike Tycoon
Mike Tycoon replied Misagh Khabiri's Buzz buzzed at Misagh Khabiri (Aug 25, 2020)

Just calculated it and this week it would be $1209.30 per private gym.

view conversation »
Misagh Khabiri's recent buzzes
Misagh Khabiri replied Mike Tycoon's Buzz buzzed at Mike Tycoon
So basically each private gym pays 20k alongside the coach wages correct? (Aug 24, 2020)
What's the best thing to do when you feel like you're gonna die from sleep deprivation, but your insomnia tells you to go get fucked and then sleeping pills don't work? (Aug 24, 2020)
Is it considered weird if I follow my own fighters and have them follow me on buzz? Logically I think it'd make sense cause of a managers relationship with their fighter but here it might be considered padding buzz followers and I ain't trynna get involved into any drama just yet. (Aug 17, 2020)
Misagh Khabiri replied Kelly McGrady's Buzz buzzed at Kelly McGrady
Yeah the censorship here is a complete clusterfuck. It's a shame too cause the country itself is nice, it's just that + the below average internet ruining it. Thank you btw! I'll let you know if I need anything. (Aug 16, 2020)
Misagh Khabiri replied Reginald Budgiehandler's Buzz buzzed at Reginald Budgiehandler
Iran's right. I don't think China's censorship is as bad as Iran's. I can't even access fucking pastebin. (Aug 16, 2020)
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