Michael Brewer (129868) -
MMA Management
MMA Record |
Record |
0-0-0 (0 NCs) |
Wins |
(T)KOs (0.00%) |
Subs (0.00%) |
Decisions (0.00%) |
Losses |
(T)KOs (0.00%) |
Subs (0.00%) |
Decisions (0.00%) |
Hype |
Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2020-10-10 20:03:01 |
(y/m/d): 2019-07-16 01:33:28 |
mtb2453 |
03 Jan, 2021 Sunday - Jack Thomas celebrated his birthday - 19 today! 26 Dec, 2020 Saturday - Michael Brewer celebrated his birthday - 26 today! 24 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Ekkei Satori celebrated his birthday - 31 today! 28 Oct, 2020 Wednesday - Simon Busch celebrated his birthday - 25 today! 11 Oct, 2020 Sunday - Picked up Ekkei Satori from the free agents list 11 Oct, 2020 Sunday - Picked up Simon Busch from the free agents list 10 Oct, 2020 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Jack Thomas 02 Oct, 2020 Friday - Created a new fighter - Michael Brewer 09 Oct, 2019 Wednesday - David Dales celebrated his birthday - 20 today! 09 Oct, 2019 Wednesday - Chris Boylen celebrated his birthday - 21 today! |