The Brandals (130290) -
MMA Management
MMA Record |
Record |
0-0-0 (0 NCs) |
Wins |
(T)KOs (0.00%) |
Subs (0.00%) |
Decisions (0.00%) |
Losses |
(T)KOs (0.00%) |
Subs (0.00%) |
Decisions (0.00%) |
Hype |
Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2021-08-29 02:30:31 |
(y/m/d): 2019-08-16 22:42:45 |
Thebrandals |
17 Nov, 2021 Wednesday - Toni Brandals celebrated his birthday - 21 today! 24 Aug, 2021 Tuesday - Toni Brandals celebrated his birthday - 20 today! 31 May, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Toni Brandals 29 Jun, 2020 Monday - Preman Penajan celebrated his birthday - 24 today! 26 Jun, 2020 Friday - Joe Exotic celebrated his birthday - 19 today! 10 Apr, 2020 Friday - Picked up Joe Exotic from the free agents list 05 Apr, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Preman Penajan 11 Nov, 2019 Monday - Big Brandals celebrated his birthday - 26 today! 09 Nov, 2019 Saturday - Jimi Brandals celebrated his birthday - 22 today! 02 Nov, 2019 Saturday - Rhuhs Sonjaya celebrated his birthday - 21 today! |