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Post event - SyFi - End Prequel

Organization: Sydney Fights (322k+ Fighters)
Event Name: SyFi - End Prequel
Event Commentary: View Commentary / View PBP
Event Discussion: Click here
Date: 2019-01-12
City: Sydney
Arena: The Bridge (10,000)
Number of fights: 10
Rules: MMA
Ticket Price: High
Ring / Cage: Cage
Pay per View?: Yes
PPV Length (hours): 3
PPV sales: 61,025
Event Rating: 346.33
Attendance: 10000
Disclosed fighter pay: $273400
Award amount: $2000
 KO of the night: Wayne Williams
Sub of the night: -
Fight of the night: Edgar Avetisyan vs Kevin Daughtrey
Merchandise Partner: None
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The fights
Weight Rnds Winner Loser Method Round Time    
265 lbs 3 Gyukosho Fujimoto Santu Avisu Kona KO (Punch) 1 03:11
185 lbs 3 Dan Gee Wayne Benning Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
185 lbs 3 Zedidiah Goldberg Kaz McStafferson Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
170 lbs 3 Edgar Avetisyan Kevin Daughtrey Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
265 lbs 3 Milton Friedman Manu Mikkonen TKO (Strikes) 2 02:24
135 lbs 3 Wayne Williams Hiroki Tomori TKO (Strikes) 1 01:55
135 lbs 3 Murzol Gro Ulfimph Diego Carlitto Decision (Split) 3 05:00
145 lbs 3 Crush Bandicoot Chief Cheyenne TKO (Strikes) 2 00:16
205 lbs 3 Isaiah Cooley Pope Drunkizkus TKO (Strikes) 2 00:57
205 lbs 3 Richie Fortune Yormomza Built TKO (Cut) 2 01:12
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