Feb 05, 2011 23:36 GMT |
An Interview With Kris Killa After Beating Brandon Haynes to death for 4 1/2 rounds. Then Ending The Fight by nearly ripping his arm off.
Kris How Do you feel after the fight?
KK: I feel Tired, I hit that Mutha with so many lefts, Did you hear him gasping and begging me to hit him with a right. I was hitting him so much , I think he thought he was surrounded.
Does Feel Good to get revenge..
KK::: That last fight was Bullshit, I am terribley glad they fixed the reffering in the fight engine. I got stood up for trying to fininsh the fight the last time.. It was like Dan Murguliotta was reffing it. Bull Shit. YOU CANT CONTROL THE INFAMOUS , And That last Fight he caught me with a luckey punch.
are you glad you finished the fight?
KK::: Of course I am Glad, you know I am 1 class away from a brown Belt, So My first Sub Victory. He is gonna have some issues with that arm for the rest of his carrer. I made sure of it. That was payback for the lucky punch. He is lucky I let him keep it (his Arm).
Mai Thai's At My house tonight LADIES.. I would Like to thank Fight CLub Clothing For sponsoring me, Yankees Fight League for being THE BEST ORG IN NY, and TT EAT A DICK muthaaa fukaaaas
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