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Stepping Stone Grappling & KT

Org name: Stepping Stone Grappling & KT
Kickboxing Hype:
TWGC Hype:
Fighters signed: 130
Number of events: 369
Base: New York
Owner: David Septim
Ranking (Global): 47 MMA (3 Kickboxing)
Ranking (City): 4 MMA (1 Kickboxing)
Satisfaction rating: 99% from 33 ratings.
Website: Forum Page
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Merch partner: Fantasy Nutrition & Laundry (15%)
About us: A semi-open weight Grappling and KT(398k+) Org
Latest News: Stepping Stone is adding KT!
  Stepping Stone Grappling is a Semi Open-Weight grappling and Kickboxing org.

Lowbie grappling is 2 classes split around 185lbs.
High level grappling is 186 pounds above and below.
KT is 170-~220lbs.

Lowbie grappling is signing Brown and Black belts up to Exceptional/Black (255 points).
Minimum is Useless/Brown or 100 points.
KT is signing 18 year old creations 398k and above.

Lowbie grappling matchups are determined first on total skill points (WR+BJJ), then fighter ID, then if you've fought the other guy recently.

Sub of the Night is the fastest submission and FOTN is the longest fight with a submission.
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Division Fighters Avg. Age Avg. ID Avg. Hype Notes
135 0 0 0 0 NA
145 0 0 0 0 NA
155 0 0 0 0 NA
170 0 0 0 0 NA
185 31 31 367247 37 Higher-skilled grappling division.
205 27 20 401636 25 KT 'Cruiserweight' Division: Creation Date Aug 2023
265 26 31 371849 40 Higher-skilled grappling division.
265+ 46 24 363534 32 Skill restricted semi-openweight grappling division. ~185lbs +/-
Upcoming Events
SSG 335 Maximus vs Gomes 2024-07-28 Rio de Janeiro
SSG 336 Solo vs Finn 2024-07-28 New York
SSG 337 Bar vs Ozymandias 2024-07-28 Montreal
SSKT 20 Destruction Kickboxing Event 2024-08-03 Rio de Janeiro
SSG 338 2024-08-04 New York
SSG 339 2024-08-04 Las Vegas
SSG 340 2024-08-04 Los Angeles
SSG 341 2024-08-11 New York
SSG 342 2024-08-11 Los Angeles
Today's Events / Recent Events
SSG 334 Johnson vs Macker 2024-07-21 Los Angeles
SSG 333 Helvig vs Hunt 2024-07-21 Las Vegas
SSG 332 Silalahi vs Gerbandi 2024-07-21 New York
SSG 331 Soderberg vs Hunt 2024-07-14 Las Vegas
SSG 330 Hall vs Gomes 2024-07-14 New York

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Top 20 Ranked Fighters (Grappling)
  Name TWGC Rank
1 Huckleberry Finn 2
2 Pablo Octavio 8
3 Ronaldo Gomes 11
4 Scott Hall 15
5 Dan Macker 16
6 CC Chai 19
7 Wilhelm Bar 20
8 Bjørn Helvig 23
9 Alexander Maximus 25
10 Dreynos Elvul 28
11 Krister Soderberg 31
12 Sergey Makarov 33
13 Seemah Feet 35
14 Hand Solo 38
15 Rolf Ottke 40
16 Paul Gascoigne 41
17 Mike Hunt 43
18 Mecilvus Gabenagus 47
19 Drake Johnson 55
20 Cyrus Ozymandias 56
Weight Name Last Win
185 Huckleberry Finn Seemah Feet
205 Isamu San Chai Irlav Jarol
265 Ronaldo Gomes Scott Hall

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Staff / Contacts
Owner:   David Septim
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