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"The Underdog" Kazimir Evgeni (275287) - Retired

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Kazimir Evgeni
Record 5-5-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 3 (T)KOs (60.00%)
1 Subs (20.00%)
1 Decisions (20.00%)
Losses 2 (T)KOs (40.00%)
2 Subs (40.00%)
1 Decisions (20.00%)
Next Fight None
Song Bones - Trash
Height 189 cm
Weight 189 lbs
Can cut to 173.2 lbs
Age 65
Hometown Pargolovo, St. Petersburg
Country Russia
Location London
Base London
Manager Retired
Bank Balance $31,818.89
Alliance   -
Highest Rank 4108 MMA
Creation Date 4th Jun 2015
Kazimir has Remarkable boxing, Woeful Muay Thai, Strong wrestling and holds a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Weight: NA P4P: 0
0 Days Cuts 0 Days

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Contracted to Trophies
Fighter is not signed to a Mixed Martial Arts Organization

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Fighter Bio
Evgeni was born in Pargolovo, St. Petersburg, Russia. He was bullied when he was younger. At 14 years old, he finally had enough and started lifting weights to put on muscle and, he hoped, to help him deal with these bullies. Kazimir only took up martial arts at the age of 16 in Wrestling and Boxing. He is training at NACF KT Pitbull Academy in London.

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
Currently wearing

Magic White T-Shirt

MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  

Managed by Rabid Goat (37042)
L Julian Eduardo Demaestri Decision (Unanimous) BRFC 34 2016-05-07 185 3 05:00 view

Managed by Veruska Bermejo (108436)
L Brazilian Army TKO (Strikes) BRFC 27 2016-03-19 185 2 00:17 view
L Airton Silverio Submission (Armbar) BRFC 24 2016-02-20 185 1 02:58 view

Managed by Matt Donovan (105278)
W Mark Hales TKO (Punches) Tradition LXXIII 2015-11-25 185 2 04:58 view
L Igor Byhenikov KO (Punch) Excursion 32: TBS vs Vendetta 2015-10-09 205 1 01:50 view
L David Jones Submission (RNC) ICON- London 3 2015-09-11 205 1 01:19 view
W David Walker KO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2015-08-04 205 1 01:24 view
W Lamar Jonhson Submission (Americana) Quick Fight Championship 2015-07-11 205 2 04:43 view
W Rod Cook TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2015-06-15 205 2 01:58 view
W Randolph Pratt Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fight Championship 2015-06-06 205 3 05:00 view

Buzz at "The Underdog" Kazimir Evgeni (Logged in as )
buzzed at Kazimir Evgeni

#MuchRespect to you,..I trained for you like it was a title fight. You raised me up to this moment,..and I think that you may be the most honest, respectful and enjoyable of my Managers opponents to date. #BombSquadVsVendetta #Respect Lets get a beer,.the first 3 are on me. Ever have a Black Butte Porter ? My manager imports the good stuff from Oregon.  (Oct 09, 2015)

view conversation »
"The Underdog" Kazimir Evgeni's recent buzzes
Kazimir Evgeni buzzed at Cole Ohmsford
Cole Ohmsford can you accept this fight? Its in 2 days and I flew all the way from London for this fight! (Oct 23, 2015)
Kazimir Evgeni
Thank you, same to you as well. You we're the better fighter tonight. Hats off to team Vendetta. Yeah I could use a drink. Never had it before so this will be a first. Cheers #MuchRespect #BombSquadVsVendetta (Oct 09, 2015)
Kazimir Evgeni replied to Ken Enlow's Buzz buzzed at Ken Enlow
@M100641 I have to wait til someone buys the org or til it closes since the current owner is Inactive since the 21 of august. Sorry about the delay. Can't wait for #TBS vs #Vendetta (Sep 13, 2015)
Kazimir Evgeni
Thank you @F265220 Same to you as well. Win or lose let's put on a show. #BombsquadVsVendetta #Respect (Sep 04, 2015)
Kazimir Evgeni buzzed at The Bomb Squad
I've got a fight on the 11th. When would this take place if it does? (Aug 26, 2015)

No training.

Recent Events

2024-09-24- Kazimir Evgeni celebrated his birthday - 65 today!
2024-07-01- Kazimir Evgeni celebrated his birthday - 64 today!
2024-04-07- Kazimir Evgeni celebrated his birthday - 63 today!
2024-01-13- Kazimir Evgeni celebrated his birthday - 62 today!
2023-10-20- Kazimir Evgeni celebrated his birthday - 61 today!
2023-07-27- Kazimir Evgeni celebrated his birthday - 60 today!
2023-05-03- Kazimir Evgeni celebrated his birthday - 59 today!
2023-02-07- Kazimir Evgeni celebrated his birthday - 58 today!
2022-11-14- Kazimir Evgeni celebrated his birthday - 57 today!
2022-08-21- Kazimir Evgeni celebrated his birthday - 56 today!

Previous Managers

Veruska Bermejo

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