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Akhmed Dudayev (356377)

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Akhmed Dudayev
Record 34-27-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 26 (T)KOs (76.47%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
8 Decisions (23.53%)
Losses 26 (T)KOs (96.30%)
1 Subs (3.70%)
0 Decisions (0.00%)
Next Fight None
Song None
Height 180 cm
Weight 160 lbs
Can cut to 146.9 lbs
Age 38
Hometown Grozny
Country Russia
Location Rio de Janeiro
Base Rio de Janeiro
Manager Darren Russell
Bank Balance $55,919.56
Alliance   Los Gringos
Highest Rank 94 MMA
Creation Date 25th Nov 2019
Akhmed has Sensational boxing, Sensational Muay Thai, Sensational wrestling and holds a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 5 ($22,900)   KO of the night: 2 ($10,090)   
Weight: 188 P4P: 1634
6 Days Cuts 0 Days

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Fighter Bio
Akhmed was born in Grozny during the first Battle of Grozny. His father, a Chechen separatist fled the country with Akhmed in 1996 amid tensions beginning to rise in the region. They settled in New York where Mohammed, Akhmed's father; trained Akhmed in Muay Thai and Sambo Wrestling. Akhmed excelled in Muay-Thai. He eventually began his MMA career at 18 eventually becoming BFC/BBFC Lightweight Champion. Having a historic and memorable reign over the title.

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
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MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
L Javier Arroyo KO (Head Kick) C326: Albatross vs Chulalong 2024-07-21 155 1 01:45 view

Managed by Reggie Dunlop (107559)
L Jacques Turcotte KO (Punch) C312: Jiang vs Maurits II 2024-06-02 155 3 03:07 view
L Khabib Nurmagomedov KO (Slam) C307: Queiroz vs Martin 2024-05-19 155 2 00:40 view
L Jacques Turcotte KO (Punch) C300: Marley vs Olsen III 2024-04-28 155 2 00:39 view
L Jakov Pavlek KO (Punch) C297: Albatross vs Payer III 2024-04-21 155 2 00:36 view
W Irong Kasamsun TKO (Strikes) C290: Gunnar vs Nakagawa III 2024-03-24 155 2 01:47 view
W Yodsingkhun Sitsongrit TKO (Strikes) C285: Billabong vs Jiang 2024-03-10 155 2 02:23 view
L Apophis Kalmisto KO (Strikes) WVT 219: Jiang v Assndrop 2024-02-03 155 1 01:32 view
L Eero Jukola KO (Punch) WVT 211: Mathieu v Kok 2024-01-17 155 1 01:08 view
W Marek Cervenka KO (Punches) WVT 205: Bang v Jukola 2023-12-30 155 1 01:57 view
W Brett Keane KO (Punches) WVT 199: Mathieu v Andrei 2023-12-16 155 1 02:43 view
W Richard Cheese Decision (Unanimous) WVT 188: Mahogany v Johnson 2023-11-24 155 3 05:00 view
W Valtteri Badass TKO (Strikes) WVT 183: Haggar v Railio 2023-11-11 155 1 00:25 view
L Charles Eric Cheese KO (Superman Punch) WVT 176: Assndrop v Haudegen 2023-10-27 155 1 02:34 view
W Magomed Sitsongrit KO (Punch) WVT 167: Fedetenko v Thompson 2023-10-06 155 1 03:45 view
W Ono Kuronoa TKO (Strikes) WVT 162: Anderson v Ihantala 2023-09-23 155 2 00:59 view
L Azriel Pandens TKO (Strikes) WVT 153: Ryoto v Marko 2023-09-02 155 1 01:35 view
L Juan Corona KO (Head Kick) WVT 143: Mathieu v Knox 2023-08-12 155 2 00:26 view
L Yusuke Urameshi KO (Punches) WVT 134: Souza v Bloodaxe 2023-07-22 155 3 00:51 view
W Wulfgang Bleak KO (Punch) WVT 127: Takahashi v Bloodaxe 2023-07-08 155 1 00:53 view
L DeShawn West TKO (Strikes) WVT 113: Simone v Wojcik 2023-06-09 155 2 00:59 view
W John Burdon KO (Punch) WVT 108: Mahogany v Wojcik 2023-05-26 155 1 00:15 view
W Mason Rogers Decision (Majority) WVT 96: Corassa v Surianglek 3 2023-04-28 155 3 05:00 view
W Klaus Chugman Decision (Unanimous) WVT 85: Machado v Torvik 2023-03-25 155 3 05:00 view
L One Fortythree KO (Punch) WVT 78: Nti v Torvik 2023-03-05 155 2 01:50 view
W Brett Keane TKO (Strikes) WVT 70: Karockas v Obilic 2023-02-10 155 2 00:05 view
W Denis Denisov Decision (Unanimous) WVT 58: Maestre v Motts 3 2022-12-28 155 3 05:00 view
L Mac Bandini KO (Punch) WVT 52: Maestre v Beukeboom 2022-12-07 155 3 02:23 view
W Pawel Nastula KO (Punch) Quick Fight Championship 2022-11-11 145 1 01:50 view
W Sam Salter KO (Punch) Quick Fight Championship 2022-11-02 145 2 03:48 view

Managed by Dillo The Manager (129212)
L Francis Oosthuizen TKO (Strikes) GC 460: King VS Kiran 2022-10-08 155 1 02:58 view
W Sterling Draper KO (Head Kick) GC 454: Flair VS Nuragomidova 2022-08-27 155 1 03:58 view
L Mate Orsic TKO (Punches) GC 449: Raczynski VS Sailcirc 2022-07-31 155 2 01:47 view
L Hans Peter Baxxter KO (Head Kick) GC 442: Ench�rya VS King 2022-07-09 155 1 02:59 view
W Long Thai Decision (Unanimous) GC 436: Ench�rya VS Raczynski 2022-06-12 155 3 05:00 view
L Daniel Barbosa TKO (Strikes) Slavic FL 28: Welcome to L.A. 2022-05-04 155 1 04:58 view
L Sebastion Lynar Submission (Armbar) Slavic FL 22 2022-04-08 155 1 02:19 view
W Micah Hawk TKO (Strikes) HFC 121 - Higgins vs Randleman 2022-02-12 155 1 00:56 view

Managed by Cody W (6712)
L Kaino Ukkonen TKO (Strikes) HFC 105 - Babinski vs Bigg 2021-10-23 155 1 04:30 view

Managed by Ado Adovic (137752)
L Death Minister TKO (Strikes) HFC 98 - Tai Kung vs Petrov 2021-09-18 155 1 02:53 view

Managed by Brian Gatz (131458)
L Rebel Smith KO (Punch) HFC 89 - Tonissaar vs McGregor 2021-08-07 155 2 03:31 view
L Miami Vice KO (Punch) HFC 82 - Stardust vs Smith 2021-07-02 155 2 00:17 view
W Tyson Law Decision (Unanimous) BBFC 15: Krutel Vs. Bitch II 2021-05-15 155 3 05:00 view

Managed by Igor Valopran (73178)
L Enzo Mendoza KO (Punches) BBFC 10 Todd Vs. Chontamenti 2021-04-10 155 2 00:44 view

Managed by Ispa Murhapuro (24323)
L Scooter Bob KO (Punch) BBFC 5: Butcher Vs. Izmaylov 2 2021-03-06 155 1 03:29 view
L Ziggy Ozbourne TKO (Strikes) BFC 35: Dudayev Vs. Ozbourne 2021-01-30 155 1 04:59 view
W Rebel Smith TKO (Strikes) BFC NEW YEARS BLOOD CEREMONY 2021-01-01 155 2 00:09 view
L Chief Aztec TKO (Strikes) BFC 30: BFC Vs Checkmate 1 2020-12-12 155 2 01:36 view
W Edgar Bravo Decision (Unanimous) BFC 27: Dudayev Vs. Bravo 2020-11-14 155 5 05:00 view
W Samuel Rodrigues TKO (Strikes) BFC HALLOWEEN BASH: REVENGE 2020-10-31 155 1 04:37 view
W The Cucumber TKO (Strikes) BFC Fight Night 5 2020-09-18 155 4 01:06 view
W Samuel Rodrigues TKO (Strikes) BFC 19 : Dudayev Vs. Rodrigues 2020-08-22 155 2 03:54 view
W Rudy Giuliani KO (Punch) BFC 16: Rodrigues Vs. Lane 2020-07-31 155 1 01:39 view

Managed by Mark Roland (131621)
W Balink Tarlah TKO (Strikes) BFC BLOODBATH 1 2020-06-19 155 2 04:12 view
W Wayne Hart TKO (Strikes) BFC HARDCORE 1 2020-05-24 155 1 01:32 view
W Frederick Zwirn Decision (Unanimous) WCF 18: Dudayev vs Zwirn 2020-04-25 155 5 05:00 view
W Sitichai Silachai TKO (Knees) WCF 14: Dudayev vs Silachai 2020-03-21 155 1 00:34 view
W Chance Shamrock KO (Knee) WCF 10: Hradek vs Sage 2020-02-15 155 1 03:37 view
W Kribb Furgesson KO (Knee) WCF 6: Dudayev vs Furgesson 2020-01-18 155 1 01:22 view
W Luciano Piccio TKO (Knees) WCF 3: Santana vs Hradek 2019-12-28 155 1 03:30 view
W Michael Riffaldy TKO (Knee & Punches) Quick Fight Championship 2019-11-27 155 2 00:32 view

Buzz at Akhmed Dudayev (Logged in as )
Lamar Ball
Lamar Ball replied to Akhmed Dudayev's Buzz buzzed at Akhmed Dudayev

Mike add Miami (May 04, 2022)

view conversation »
Akhmed Dudayev's recent buzzes
I also want to thank and say big respect to Sterling Draper for taking that fight on short notice. Two different opponents refused to accept or even give an answer but this legend stepped up on like a week notice. Big fucking respect! (Aug 28, 2022)
Maybe I should do kickboxing. That head kick was NASTY. (Aug 28, 2022)
This is bull shit. Its 2 weeks until fight night and my opponent hasn’t accepted the offer at all! Its been a month! (Aug 16, 2022)
I been on a two fight skid, so I played it safe last night.. I'm sorry. That was a boring fucking fight and that just ain't me. Got the W but I wish it was more definitive that just 30-27's across the board. Wish I put his lights out.. (Jun 13, 2022)
Akhmed Dudayev buzzed at Daniel Barbosa
Tomorrow I go to war with Daniel Barbosa (20-12). We're gonna win FOTN in LA baby mark my words! (May 03, 2022)

Current Gym : Alpha Brasil
Weekly Gym Fees : $ 1000  
Gym Quality : Brand new  

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Recent Events

2024-07-21- Akhmed Dudayev celebrated his birthday - 38 today!
2024-06-22- Moved base to Rio de Janeiro
2024-06-11- Released By []
2024-06-04- Bought Shirt for $300 at Top Shop 10 % Laundry
2024-04-27- Akhmed Dudayev celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
2024-04-22- Bought Shirt for $300 at Top Shop 10 % Laundry
2024-04-05- Bought Shirt for $300 at Top Shop 10 % Laundry
2024-03-04- Bought Shirt for $300 at Top Shop 10 % Laundry
2024-03-02- Bought Black Shorts for $25 at Brooklyn Threads
2024-02-22- Bought High Energy Pro 160Q for $125 at Brooklyn Apothecary

Previous Managers

Mark Roland Ispa Murhapuro P J Jones Igor Valopran Brian Gatz
Ado Adovic Cody W Dillo The Manager Reggie Dunlop

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