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Quebro "Pfeifer182" Tua Cara (381232)

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Quebro  Tua Cara
Record 8-6-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 7 (T)KOs (87.50%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
1 Decisions (12.50%)
Losses 1 (T)KOs (16.67%)
1 Subs (16.67%)
4 Decisions (66.67%)
Next Fight Darryl Haze
Song None
Height 170 cm
Weight 168 lbs
Can cut to 152.4 lbs
Age 29
Hometown Encruzilhada do Sul
Country Brazil
Location Las Vegas
Base Las Vegas
Manager Ricardo Cruz
Bank Balance $349,691.00
Alliance   -
Highest Rank 829 MMA
Creation Date 1st Dec 2021
Quebro has Sensational boxing, Sensational Muay Thai, Wonderful wrestling and holds a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 1 ($10,000)   KO of the night: 1 ($5,000)   
Weight: 284 P4P: 2875
0 Days Cuts 0 Days

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Mixed Martial Arts Sponsorship
Contracted to Trophies
Global Association of MMA [296]

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Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
Currently wearing


MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
L Jian Zhao KO (Punches) GAMMA#1078 River v Ritori 2024-07-13 155 3 04:31 view
L Jeff Lee Decision (Unanimous) GAMMA#1069 Giant v Kurt 2024-06-15 155 3 05:00 view
L Pultti Pyssy Decision (Unanimous) GAMMA#1058 Wrecks v Zweihander 2024-04-27 155 3 05:00 view
L Dick Niaz Submission (RNC) GAMMA#1050 Kolla v William 2024-03-30 155 1 04:59 view
L Baki Hanma Decision (Unanimous) WVT 218: Matikainen v Cheese 2024-02-02 155 3 05:00 view
W Gabriel Soares Decision (Unanimous) OFK 363 - Kim Vs Drozd 2023-12-30 155 3 05:00 view
L Ziggy Stardust Decision (Unanimous) OFK 351 - 2023-11-18 155 3 05:00 view
W Frederick Zwirn TKO (Strikes) OFK 343 - Marek Vs Knox 2023-10-21 155 1 00:16 view
W Gabriel Soares TKO (Strikes) OFK 321 - Hiro Vs Jaroslav 2023-08-05 155 1 01:41 view
W Van Peta TKO (Knees) OFK 309Byczkiewicz Vs Naulakko 2023-06-24 155 1 00:43 view
W Dawindi Buktot KO (Punch) Quick Fight Championship 2023-05-28 155 1 00:38 view
W Rico Salvacion TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2023-05-25 155 1 02:20 view
W Kulata Bitok KO (Punch) Quick Fight Championship 2023-05-21 155 1 00:05 view
W Kulata Bitok KO (Punches) Quick Fight Championship 2023-05-14 155 1 00:14 view

Buzz at Quebro "Pfeifer182" Tua Cara (Logged in as )
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Current Gym : Roosters Coop
Weekly Gym Fees : $ 1000  
Gym Quality : Excellent  

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Recent Events

2024-07-20- Bought CNQR: Shorts 02 for $300 at Conquer
2024-07-20- Bought CNQR: All Day Series 02 for $300 at Conquer
2024-06-23- Quebro Tua Cara celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
2024-06-20- Bought CNQR: Shorts 08 for $300 at Conquer
2024-06-20- Bought CNQR Legends: Manu Okoro for $300 at Conquer
2024-03-30- Quebro Tua Cara celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
2024-02-07- Bought Tiger League URfs for $50 at Uncle Rufus Clothing .Co
2024-02-07- Bought MMA 2 white URfs for $100 at Uncle Rufus Clothing .Co
2024-01-05- Quebro Tua Cara celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
2023-12-13- Bought CNQR: Shorts 03 for $300 at Conquer

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