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Sebastian Alcantara (143687) - Manager

Mixed Martial Arts Management - Sebastian  Alcantara
user is offline

Historic MMA Record

Record   10-11-1 (0 NCs)
Wins   5 (T)KOs (50.00%)
    2 Subs (20.00%)
    3 Decisions (30.00%)
Losses   7 (T)KOs (63.64%)
    0 Subs (0.00%)
    4 Decisions (36.36%)
Current 0-0-0 (0 NCs)
TWGC 2 - 4
  Pasco, Washington
United States United States (P:14)
Month Rank
Best Rank
Opp Rank
  1705 of 40616 (4.20%)
1361 (-344 drop)
2,977 average
Div 7. League 204 (P: 1)
Top Fighter  
Fighters   0
Bank   $33,550.20
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Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2024-01-21 20:23:02
Joined (y/m/d):
2023-07-29 21:33:22
Username: ZenZekey
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15 Jan, 2024 Monday - Benny Igbko celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
31 Dec, 2023 Sunday - Diloktham Singhapat celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
27 Dec, 2023 Wednesday - John Cosman celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
25 Dec, 2023 Monday - Released the fighter - Sebastian Laksfoss
23 Oct, 2023 Monday - Sebastian Laksfoss celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
22 Oct, 2023 Sunday - Benny Igbko celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
07 Oct, 2023 Saturday - Diloktham Singhapat celebrated his birthday - 19 today!

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Last 20 MMA & Kickboxing Fights (View all Fights)
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   L John Cosman Jackson Brown Decision (Unanimous) NYF 51 :Traumen vs Santos 2024-01-27 3 05:00
   L Diloktham Singhapat Triton Koski KO (Punch) SUPREME 6 2024-01-20 1 00:11
   L Benny Igbko Mike Beltran TKO (Punches) HZN 3 Lancaster v Tenryu 2024-01-19 1 03:30
   W John Cosman Hideyoshi Yamasaki TKO (Strikes) NYF Fight Night 18 2023-12-29 1 01:27
   L Diloktham Singhapat Jaylin Ferguson KO (Punch) Quick Fight Championship 2023-12-24 2 00:22
   L Sebastian Laksfoss Zeducous Zarandous KO (Punch) HRL45 2023-12-23 1 00:35
   W Diloktham Singhapat Abagiu Mihai Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fight Championship 2023-12-15 3 05:00
   W Benny Igbko Makebono Bowen Submission (Armbar) Quick Fight Championship 2023-12-09 1 04:19
   W Diloktham Singhapat Ben Nut Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fight Championship 2023-12-08 3 05:00
   W John Cosman Frito Lei TKO (Punches) Quick Fight Championship 2023-12-08 1 00:05
   L Sebastian Laksfoss Zeducous Zarandous KO (Strikes) HRL40 2023-12-03 1 00:32
   L Sebastian Laksfoss Zeducous Zarandous KO (Punch) HRL29 Jackson vs Glover 2023-10-28 1 00:33
   L Diloktham Singhapat Flash Evans Decision (Unanimous) ALLSTAR KT Kickboxing Event 2023-10-28 3 03:00
   L John Cosman Francesco Garrone TKO (Punches) AFC #25 2023-09-30 1 01:32
   W Diloktham Singhapat Chuck Allan Decision (Unanimous) ALLSTAR KT: Neich Vs Joon Kickboxing Event 2023-09-28 3 03:00
   L John Cosman Toby Rees Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fight Championship 2023-08-13 3 05:00
   W John Cosman Harry Livingstone TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2023-08-10 1 00:09
   W John Cosman FrankFurt Livingstone TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2023-08-07 1 00:36
   L Diloktham Singhapat Tamas Lakatos Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fight Championship 2023-08-03 3 05:00
   W John Cosman Muhammet Celik TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2023-08-03 1 03:58
Last 20 TWGC Fights
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   W Benny Igbko Ivan Ivanovic Submission (Guillotine) SSG 233 McCain vs Finn 2023-11-26 1 00:43
   L Benny Igbko Sea Snake Decision SSG 223 Gaul vs Gro Ulfimph 2023-11-05 1 15:09
   L Benny Igbko Teddy Driscoll Jr Submission (Americana) SSG 214 Elvul vs Shalit 2023-10-15 1 02:56
   L Benny Igbko Bemabe Juarez Submission (Kimura) SSG 199 Johnson vs Warrior 2023-09-17 1 05:55
   W Benny Igbko Wesley Carrington Submission (Guillotine) SSG 195 Ulatov vs Cheese 2023-09-03 1 05:24
   L Benny Igbko Tobias Bergman Submission (Kimura) SSG 185 Johnson vs Ottke 2023-08-13 1 03:50
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