MMA Tycoon Game
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Gut Punch (121658) - VIP Manager

Recent Events

01 Apr, 2024 Monday - Aiden Murphy celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
30 Mar, 2024 Saturday - Agnieszka Ostrowski celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
27 Mar, 2024 Wednesday - Dewey Decimal celebrated his birthday - 38 today!
21 Mar, 2024 Thursday - Julian Diaz celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
20 Mar, 2024 Wednesday - Tyrann Madden celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
18 Mar, 2024 Monday - Riley Hatfield celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
07 Mar, 2024 Thursday - Pope Cozad celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
07 Mar, 2024 Thursday - Wingers Son celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
02 Mar, 2024 Saturday - Billy Conforto celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
29 Feb, 2024 Thursday - Average Tycoon Player celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
25 Feb, 2024 Sunday - Mad Hatter celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
23 Feb, 2024 Friday - Prince Ali celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
23 Feb, 2024 Friday - Jimmy Damnation celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
23 Feb, 2024 Friday - John Dory celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
23 Feb, 2024 Friday - Ziggy Rochester celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
21 Feb, 2024 Wednesday - Atticus Finch celebrated his birthday - 40 today!
15 Feb, 2024 Thursday - Dru Quick celebrated his birthday - 38 today!
09 Feb, 2024 Friday - Morello Hawthorne celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
01 Feb, 2024 Thursday - Mike Cozad celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
07 Jan, 2024 Sunday - Won 6 days free VIP on Spin and Win!
07 Jan, 2024 Sunday - Won 82 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
07 Jan, 2024 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Aiden Murphy
05 Jan, 2024 Friday - Agnieszka Ostrowski celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
02 Jan, 2024 Tuesday - Dewey Decimal celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
27 Dec, 2023 Wednesday - Julian Diaz celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
26 Dec, 2023 Tuesday - Tyrann Madden celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
24 Dec, 2023 Sunday - Riley Hatfield celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
13 Dec, 2023 Wednesday - Pope Cozad celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
13 Dec, 2023 Wednesday - Wingers Son celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
08 Dec, 2023 Friday - Billy Conforto celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
06 Dec, 2023 Wednesday - Average Tycoon Player celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
05 Dec, 2023 Tuesday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Stepdad Alex
05 Dec, 2023 Tuesday - Retired a fighter - Stepdad Alex
05 Dec, 2023 Tuesday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Danylo Belenyuk
05 Dec, 2023 Tuesday - Retired a fighter - Danylo Belenyuk
05 Dec, 2023 Tuesday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Patryk Ostrowski
05 Dec, 2023 Tuesday - Retired a fighter - Patryk Ostrowski
02 Dec, 2023 Saturday - Mad Hatter celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
30 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Retired a fighter - Dewey Decimal
30 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Glass Hugo
30 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Patryk Ostrowski
30 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Shanti Anatta
30 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Retired a fighter - Glass Hugo
30 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Jakub Ostrowski
30 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Retired a fighter - Jakub Ostrowski
30 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Danylo Belenyuk
30 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Jimmy Damnation
30 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Prince Ali
30 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Prince Ali
30 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Retired a fighter - Prince Ali
30 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Jimmy Damnation
30 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Retired a fighter - Jimmy Damnation
30 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Jimmy Damnation
30 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Created a new fighter - John Dory
30 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Stepdad Alex
30 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Ziggy Rochester
30 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Prince Ali
29 Nov, 2023 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Ju Dae Hyun
28 Nov, 2023 Tuesday - Atticus Finch celebrated his birthday - 39 today!
25 Nov, 2023 Saturday - Shanti Anatta celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
22 Nov, 2023 Wednesday - Dru Quick celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
16 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Morello Hawthorne celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
08 Nov, 2023 Wednesday - Mike Cozad celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
30 Oct, 2023 Monday - Released the fighter - Danylo Belenuik
20 Oct, 2023 Friday - Glass Hugo celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
20 Oct, 2023 Friday - Jakub Ostrowski celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
15 Oct, 2023 Sunday - Danylo Belenuik celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
12 Oct, 2023 Thursday - Ju Dae Hyun celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
12 Oct, 2023 Thursday - Agnieszka Ostrowski celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
09 Oct, 2023 Monday - Dewey Decimal celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
03 Oct, 2023 Tuesday - Julian Diaz celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
02 Oct, 2023 Monday - Tyrann Madden celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
30 Sep, 2023 Saturday - Riley Hatfield celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
19 Sep, 2023 Tuesday - Pope Cozad celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
19 Sep, 2023 Tuesday - Wingers Son celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
14 Sep, 2023 Thursday - Billy Conforto celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
12 Sep, 2023 Tuesday - Average Tycoon Player celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
08 Sep, 2023 Friday - Mad Hatter celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
04 Sep, 2023 Monday - Atticus Finch celebrated his birthday - 38 today!
03 Sep, 2023 Sunday - Released the fighter - Shane Raffington
01 Sep, 2023 Friday - Shanti Anatta celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
29 Aug, 2023 Tuesday - Dru Quick celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
23 Aug, 2023 Wednesday - Morello Hawthorne celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
22 Aug, 2023 Tuesday - Won 3 super quality supplements on Spin and Win!
22 Aug, 2023 Tuesday - Won 36 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
21 Aug, 2023 Monday - Won a free custom avatar on Spin and Win!
18 Aug, 2023 Friday - Released the fighter - Salyn Sarethi
15 Aug, 2023 Tuesday - Mike Cozad celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
14 Aug, 2023 Monday - Won a fighter IQ test on Spin and Win!
27 Jul, 2023 Thursday - Glass Hugo celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
27 Jul, 2023 Thursday - Jakub Ostrowski celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
22 Jul, 2023 Saturday - Danylo Belenuik celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
19 Jul, 2023 Wednesday - Ju Dae Hyun celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
19 Jul, 2023 Wednesday - Agnieszka Ostrowski celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
16 Jul, 2023 Sunday - Dewey Decimal celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
10 Jul, 2023 Monday - Julian Diaz celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
09 Jul, 2023 Sunday - Tyrann Madden celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
07 Jul, 2023 Friday - Riley Hatfield celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
07 Jul, 2023 Friday - Shane Raffington celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
04 Jul, 2023 Tuesday - Released the fighter - KO Kapustka
27 Jun, 2023 Tuesday - KO Kapustka celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
26 Jun, 2023 Monday - Wingers Son celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
26 Jun, 2023 Monday - Pope Cozad celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
21 Jun, 2023 Wednesday - Billy Conforto celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
19 Jun, 2023 Monday - Average Tycoon Player celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
15 Jun, 2023 Thursday - Mad Hatter celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
13 Jun, 2023 Tuesday - Salyn Sarethi celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
11 Jun, 2023 Sunday - Atticus Finch celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
08 Jun, 2023 Thursday - Shanti Anatta celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
05 Jun, 2023 Monday - Dru Quick celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
31 May, 2023 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Matty Cash
30 May, 2023 Tuesday - Morello Hawthorne celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
22 May, 2023 Monday - Mike Cozad celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
03 May, 2023 Wednesday - Amanda Pena celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
03 May, 2023 Wednesday - Jakub Ostrowski celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
01 May, 2023 Monday - Won $1,728 on Spin and Win!
28 Apr, 2023 Friday - Danylo Belenuik celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
25 Apr, 2023 Tuesday - Ju Dae Hyun celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
25 Apr, 2023 Tuesday - Agnieszka Ostrowski celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
22 Apr, 2023 Saturday - Dewey Decimal celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
16 Apr, 2023 Sunday - Julian Diaz celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
15 Apr, 2023 Saturday - Tyrann Madden celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
13 Apr, 2023 Thursday - Riley Hatfield celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
13 Apr, 2023 Thursday - Shane Raffington celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
03 Apr, 2023 Monday - Created a new fighter - Matty Cash
03 Apr, 2023 Monday - Created a new fighter - KO Kapustka
03 Apr, 2023 Monday - Released the fighter - Raheem Anderson
02 Apr, 2023 Sunday - Pope Cozad celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
02 Apr, 2023 Sunday - Wingers Son celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
28 Mar, 2023 Tuesday - Billy Conforto celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
26 Mar, 2023 Sunday - Average Tycoon Player celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
22 Mar, 2023 Wednesday - Mad Hatter celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
20 Mar, 2023 Monday - Salyn Sarethi celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
18 Mar, 2023 Saturday - Atticus Finch celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
15 Mar, 2023 Wednesday - Shanti Anatta celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
12 Mar, 2023 Sunday - Dru Quick celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
12 Mar, 2023 Sunday - Released the fighter - Adebayo Okoye
06 Mar, 2023 Monday - Morello Hawthorne celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
26 Feb, 2023 Sunday - Mike Cozad celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
07 Feb, 2023 Tuesday - Amanda Pena celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
07 Feb, 2023 Tuesday - Jakub Ostrowski celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
02 Feb, 2023 Thursday - Raheem Anderson celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
02 Feb, 2023 Thursday - Danylo Belenuik celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
31 Jan, 2023 Tuesday - Adebayo Okoye celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
30 Jan, 2023 Monday - Ju Dae Hyun celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
30 Jan, 2023 Monday - Agnieszka Ostrowski celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
27 Jan, 2023 Friday - Dewey Decimal celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
22 Jan, 2023 Sunday - Won $1,320 on Spin and Win!
21 Jan, 2023 Saturday - Julian Diaz celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
21 Jan, 2023 Saturday - Released the fighter - Scotty Murphy
20 Jan, 2023 Friday - Tyrann Madden celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
18 Jan, 2023 Wednesday - Riley Hatfield celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
18 Jan, 2023 Wednesday - Shane Raffington celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
07 Jan, 2023 Saturday - Pope Cozad celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
07 Jan, 2023 Saturday - Wingers Son celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
06 Jan, 2023 Friday - Created a new fighter - Scotty Murphy
02 Jan, 2023 Monday - Billy Conforto celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
31 Dec, 2022 Saturday - Average Tycoon Player celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
27 Dec, 2022 Tuesday - Mad Hatter celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
25 Dec, 2022 Sunday - Salyn Sarethi celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
23 Dec, 2022 Friday - Atticus Finch celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
20 Dec, 2022 Tuesday - Shanti Anatta celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
17 Dec, 2022 Saturday - Dru Quick celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
16 Dec, 2022 Friday - Picked up Shane Raffington from the free agents list
11 Dec, 2022 Sunday - Morello Hawthorne celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
03 Dec, 2022 Saturday - Mike Cozad celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
02 Dec, 2022 Friday - Released the fighter - John Dory
14 Nov, 2022 Monday - Created a new fighter - Jakub Ostrowski
14 Nov, 2022 Monday - Created a new fighter - Amanda Pena
14 Nov, 2022 Monday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Amanda Pena
14 Nov, 2022 Monday - Retired a fighter - Amanda Pena
13 Nov, 2022 Sunday - Released the fighter - Fascist Killer
09 Nov, 2022 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Danylo Belenuik
09 Nov, 2022 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Fascist Killer
09 Nov, 2022 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Raheem Anderson
09 Nov, 2022 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - John Dory
09 Nov, 2022 Wednesday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Danylo Belenuik
09 Nov, 2022 Wednesday - Retired a fighter - Danylo Belenuik
09 Nov, 2022 Wednesday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Raheem Anderson
09 Nov, 2022 Wednesday - Retired a fighter - Raheem Anderson
09 Nov, 2022 Wednesday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Fascist Killer
09 Nov, 2022 Wednesday - Retired a fighter - Fascist Killer
09 Nov, 2022 Wednesday - Un-retired and released a fighter - John Dory
09 Nov, 2022 Wednesday - Retired a fighter - John Dory
07 Nov, 2022 Monday - Created a new fighter - Danylo Belenuik
07 Nov, 2022 Monday - Created a new fighter - Amanda Pena
07 Nov, 2022 Monday - Created a new fighter - Raheem Anderson
07 Nov, 2022 Monday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Raheem Anderson
07 Nov, 2022 Monday - Retired a fighter - Raheem Anderson
07 Nov, 2022 Monday - Created a new fighter - Fascist Killer
07 Nov, 2022 Monday - Created a new fighter - Adebayo Okoye
07 Nov, 2022 Monday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Fascist Killer
07 Nov, 2022 Monday - Retired a fighter - Fascist Killer
07 Nov, 2022 Monday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Fyodor Melnik
07 Nov, 2022 Monday - Retired a fighter - Fyodor Melnik
07 Nov, 2022 Monday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Szymon Bartosz
07 Nov, 2022 Monday - Retired a fighter - Szymon Bartosz
07 Nov, 2022 Monday - Released the fighter - Adebayo Okoye
06 Nov, 2022 Sunday - Won 32 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
06 Nov, 2022 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Fascist Killer
06 Nov, 2022 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Fyodor Melnik
06 Nov, 2022 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Ju Dae Hyun
06 Nov, 2022 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Raheem Anderson
06 Nov, 2022 Sunday - Created a new fighter - John Dory
06 Nov, 2022 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Szymon Bartosz
06 Nov, 2022 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Adebayo Okoye
06 Nov, 2022 Sunday - Agnieszka Ostrowski celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
03 Nov, 2022 Thursday - Dewey Decimal celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
29 Oct, 2022 Saturday - Started a new company - Arlo’s Backyar Brawls
28 Oct, 2022 Friday - Julian Diaz celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
27 Oct, 2022 Thursday - Tyrann Madden celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
25 Oct, 2022 Tuesday - Riley Hatfield celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
14 Oct, 2022 Friday - Pope Cozad celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
14 Oct, 2022 Friday - Wingers Son celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
09 Oct, 2022 Sunday - Billy Conforto celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
07 Oct, 2022 Friday - Average Tycoon Player celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
03 Oct, 2022 Monday - Mad Hatter celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
01 Oct, 2022 Saturday - Salyn Sarethi celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
29 Sep, 2022 Thursday - Atticus Finch celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
26 Sep, 2022 Monday - Shanti Anatta celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
24 Sep, 2022 Saturday - Released the fighter - Jocko Goggins
23 Sep, 2022 Friday - Dru Quick celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
17 Sep, 2022 Saturday - Morello Hawthorne celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
09 Sep, 2022 Friday - Mike Cozad celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
28 Aug, 2022 Sunday - Picked up Salyn Sarethi from the free agents list
28 Aug, 2022 Sunday - Won first dibs on a free agent playing Spin and Win!
22 Aug, 2022 Monday - Won a free custom avatar on Spin and Win!
16 Aug, 2022 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Akimbo Spice
13 Aug, 2022 Saturday - Agnieszka Ostrowski celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
10 Aug, 2022 Wednesday - Retired a fighter - Arlo Rochester
10 Aug, 2022 Wednesday - Dewey Decimal celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
09 Aug, 2022 Tuesday - Akimbo Spice celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
08 Aug, 2022 Monday - Retired a fighter - Arlo Rochester
04 Aug, 2022 Thursday - Julian Diaz celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
03 Aug, 2022 Wednesday - Tyrann Madden celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
03 Aug, 2022 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Liam Murphy
01 Aug, 2022 Monday - Riley Hatfield celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
29 Jul, 2022 Friday - Jocko Goggins celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
23 Jul, 2022 Saturday - Released the fighter - Nasir Prince
21 Jul, 2022 Thursday - Pope Cozad celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
21 Jul, 2022 Thursday - Wingers Son celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
20 Jul, 2022 Wednesday - Changed name from Aydan The Wandering Spirit to Gut Punch.
16 Jul, 2022 Saturday - Billy Conforto celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
14 Jul, 2022 Thursday - Average Tycoon Player celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
11 Jul, 2022 Monday - Liam Murphy celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
11 Jul, 2022 Monday - Won 92 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
10 Jul, 2022 Sunday - Mad Hatter celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
09 Jul, 2022 Saturday - Released the fighter - Igor Lomachenko
06 Jul, 2022 Wednesday - Atticus Finch celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
03 Jul, 2022 Sunday - Shanti Anatta celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
30 Jun, 2022 Thursday - Dru Quick celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
26 Jun, 2022 Sunday - Released the fighter - Pohaku Scott
24 Jun, 2022 Friday - Morello Hawthorne celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
16 Jun, 2022 Thursday - Mike Cozad celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
05 Jun, 2022 Sunday - Won 34 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
27 May, 2022 Friday - Igor Lomachenko celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
21 May, 2022 Saturday - Nasir Prince celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
21 May, 2022 Saturday - Arlo Rochester celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
20 May, 2022 Friday - Agnieszka Ostrowski celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
17 May, 2022 Tuesday - Dewey Decimal celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
16 May, 2022 Monday - Akimbo Spice celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
16 May, 2022 Monday - Picked up Akimbo Spice from the free agents list
12 May, 2022 Thursday - Released the fighter - Tommy Gavin
11 May, 2022 Wednesday - Julian Diaz celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
11 May, 2022 Wednesday - Pohaku Scott celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
10 May, 2022 Tuesday - Tyrann Madden celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
08 May, 2022 Sunday - Riley Hatfield celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
05 May, 2022 Thursday - Jocko Goggins celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
03 May, 2022 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Cayden Cadman
27 Apr, 2022 Wednesday - Pope Cozad celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
27 Apr, 2022 Wednesday - Wingers Son celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
27 Apr, 2022 Wednesday - Fighter: Cayden Cadman moved base to - Los Angeles
27 Apr, 2022 Wednesday - Picked up Cayden Cadman from the free agents list
24 Apr, 2022 Sunday - Released the fighter - Twisty Kneereaper
24 Apr, 2022 Sunday - Picked up Twisty Kneereaper from the free agents list
23 Apr, 2022 Saturday - Picked up Tommy Gavin from the free agents list
22 Apr, 2022 Friday - Billy Conforto celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
21 Apr, 2022 Thursday - Fighter: Igor Lomachenko moved base to - Los Angeles
20 Apr, 2022 Wednesday - Average Tycoon Player celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
20 Apr, 2022 Wednesday - Picked up Igor Lomachenko from the free agents list
17 Apr, 2022 Sunday - Liam Murphy celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
16 Apr, 2022 Saturday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Danylo Belenuik
16 Apr, 2022 Saturday - Retired a fighter - Danylo Belenuik
16 Apr, 2022 Saturday - Mad Hatter celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
15 Apr, 2022 Friday - Released the fighter - Guilherme Pereira
12 Apr, 2022 Tuesday - Atticus Finch celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
09 Apr, 2022 Saturday - Shanti Anatta celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
08 Apr, 2022 Friday - Released the fighter - Hugo Conte
06 Apr, 2022 Wednesday - Dru Quick celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
31 Mar, 2022 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Morello Hawthorne
31 Mar, 2022 Thursday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Morello Hawthorne
31 Mar, 2022 Thursday - Retired a fighter - Morello Hawthorne
31 Mar, 2022 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Hugo Conte
31 Mar, 2022 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Morello Hawthorne
31 Mar, 2022 Thursday - Started a new company - Unruly Stepchild Fighting Ring
28 Mar, 2022 Monday - Released the fighter - Igor Warlovski
28 Mar, 2022 Monday - Picked up Igor Warlovski from the free agents list
23 Mar, 2022 Wednesday - Mike Cozad celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
21 Mar, 2022 Monday - Released the fighter - John Dory
11 Mar, 2022 Friday - Won 49 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
10 Mar, 2022 Thursday - John Dory celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
25 Feb, 2022 Friday - Nasir Prince celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
25 Feb, 2022 Friday - Arlo Rochester celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
24 Feb, 2022 Thursday - Agnieszka Ostrowski celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
21 Feb, 2022 Monday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Hugo Kulusevski
21 Feb, 2022 Monday - Retired a fighter - Hugo Kulusevski
21 Feb, 2022 Monday - Released the fighter - Morello Hawthorne
21 Feb, 2022 Monday - Dewey Decimal celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
15 Feb, 2022 Tuesday - Pohaku Scott celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
15 Feb, 2022 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Test One
15 Feb, 2022 Tuesday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Trevor Moore
15 Feb, 2022 Tuesday - Retired a fighter - Trevor Moore
14 Feb, 2022 Monday - Created a new fighter - Trevor Moore
14 Feb, 2022 Monday - Created a new fighter - Morello Hawthorne
14 Feb, 2022 Monday - Created a new fighter - Hugo Kulusevski
14 Feb, 2022 Monday - Created a new fighter - Tyrann Madden
14 Feb, 2022 Monday - Released the fighter - Cameron Roosevelt
14 Feb, 2022 Monday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Mister Tumnus
14 Feb, 2022 Monday - Retired a fighter - Shanti Anatta
13 Feb, 2022 Sunday - Won 70 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
13 Feb, 2022 Sunday - Started a new company - Arlo’s Backyard Brawls
13 Feb, 2022 Sunday - Released the fighter - Akimbo Spice
12 Feb, 2022 Saturday - Danylo Belenuik celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
12 Feb, 2022 Saturday - Riley Hatfield celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
10 Feb, 2022 Thursday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Judicael Jaacquet
10 Feb, 2022 Thursday - Retired a fighter - Judicael Jaacquet
10 Feb, 2022 Thursday - Released the fighter - Robert Cure
09 Feb, 2022 Wednesday - Jocko Goggins celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
07 Feb, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Shanti Anatta moved base to - Los Angeles
07 Feb, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Wingers Son moved base to - Los Angeles
07 Feb, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Agnieszka Ostrowski moved base to - Los Angeles
07 Feb, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Akimbo Spice moved base to - Los Angeles
05 Feb, 2022 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Robert Cure
05 Feb, 2022 Saturday - Released the fighter - Tyrann Madden
05 Feb, 2022 Saturday - Fighter: Pohaku Scott moved base to - Los Angeles
05 Feb, 2022 Saturday - Fighter: Liam Murphy moved base to - Los Angeles
04 Feb, 2022 Friday - Fighter: Tyrann Madden moved base to - Los Angeles
04 Feb, 2022 Friday - Created a new fighter - Tyrann Madden
04 Feb, 2022 Friday - Created a new fighter - Judicael Jaacquet
04 Feb, 2022 Friday - Fighter: Pope Cozad moved base to - Los Angeles
04 Feb, 2022 Friday - Started a new Premium Gym - Yellow Lotus Center of Healing and Meditative Arts
03 Feb, 2022 Thursday - Guilherme Pereira celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
02 Feb, 2022 Wednesday - Fighter: Mister Tumnus moved base to - Los Angeles
01 Feb, 2022 Tuesday - Pope Cozad celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
01 Feb, 2022 Tuesday - Wingers Son celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
31 Jan, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Jocko Goggins moved base to - Los Angeles
31 Jan, 2022 Monday - Moved base to Los Angeles
31 Jan, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Dewey Decimal moved base to - Los Angeles
31 Jan, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Nasir Prince moved base to - Los Angeles
31 Jan, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Average Tycoon Player moved base to - Los Angeles
31 Jan, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Danylo Belenuik moved base to - Los Angeles
31 Jan, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Mike Cozad moved base to - Los Angeles
31 Jan, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Atticus Finch moved base to - Los Angeles
31 Jan, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Arlo Rochester moved base to - Los Angeles
31 Jan, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Billy Conforto moved base to - Los Angeles
31 Jan, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Mad Hatter moved base to - Los Angeles
31 Jan, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Riley Hatfield moved base to - Los Angeles
31 Jan, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Dru Quick moved base to - Los Angeles
31 Jan, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Guilherme Pereira moved base to - Los Angeles
30 Jan, 2022 Sunday - Released the fighter - Aiden Murphy
27 Jan, 2022 Thursday - Billy Conforto celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
25 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Seamus Murphy
25 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Average Tycoon Player celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
23 Jan, 2022 Sunday - Won a fighter IQ test on Spin and Win!
22 Jan, 2022 Saturday - Liam Murphy celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
21 Jan, 2022 Friday - Mad Hatter celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
18 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Mister Tumnus celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
17 Jan, 2022 Monday - Atticus Finch celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
14 Jan, 2022 Friday - Shanti Anatta celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
11 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Dru Quick celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
06 Jan, 2022 Thursday - Seamus Murphy celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
03 Jan, 2022 Monday - Won 66 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
31 Dec, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - Cameron Roosevelt
31 Dec, 2021 Friday - Released the fighter - Carlos Villanueva
28 Dec, 2021 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Carlos Villanueva
28 Dec, 2021 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Mike Cozad
28 Dec, 2021 Tuesday - Won 46 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
28 Dec, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Butch Frewin
15 Dec, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - John Dory
15 Dec, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Aiden Murphy
12 Dec, 2021 Sunday - Won 49 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
10 Dec, 2021 Friday - Released the fighter - Sage Rochester
08 Dec, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Sage Rochester
07 Dec, 2021 Tuesday - Butch Frewin celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
02 Dec, 2021 Thursday - Nasir Prince celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
02 Dec, 2021 Thursday - Arlo Rochester celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
02 Dec, 2021 Thursday - Released the fighter - Gniewomir Lach
01 Dec, 2021 Wednesday - Agnieszka Ostrowski celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
28 Nov, 2021 Sunday - Dewey Decimal celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
27 Nov, 2021 Saturday - Akimbo Spice celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
22 Nov, 2021 Monday - Started a new company - Stepdad Brewery
22 Nov, 2021 Monday - Pohaku Scott celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
21 Nov, 2021 Sunday - Won $61,600 on Spin and Win!
19 Nov, 2021 Friday - Riley Hatfield celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
19 Nov, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - Danylo Belenuik
19 Nov, 2021 Friday - Released the fighter - Billy Banter
16 Nov, 2021 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Jocko Goggins
16 Nov, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Vonnegut Bukowski
15 Nov, 2021 Monday - Won $2,784 on Spin and Win!
15 Nov, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Billy Banter
13 Nov, 2021 Saturday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Unpaid Intern
13 Nov, 2021 Saturday - Retired a fighter - Mister Tumnus
13 Nov, 2021 Saturday - Started a new company - Groove Gear
12 Nov, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - Vonnegut Bukowski
12 Nov, 2021 Friday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Cameron Roosevelt
12 Nov, 2021 Friday - Retired a fighter - Cameron Roosevelt
12 Nov, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - Cameron Roosevelt
12 Nov, 2021 Friday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Cameron Roosevelt
12 Nov, 2021 Friday - Retired a fighter - Cameron Roosevelt
12 Nov, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - Cameron Roosevelt
12 Nov, 2021 Friday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Ned Kelly
12 Nov, 2021 Friday - Retired a fighter - Ned Kelly
11 Nov, 2021 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Ned Kelly
11 Nov, 2021 Thursday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Jack Swift
11 Nov, 2021 Thursday - Retired a fighter - Jack Swift
10 Nov, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Jack Swift
10 Nov, 2021 Wednesday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Steve Dory
10 Nov, 2021 Wednesday - Retired a fighter - Steve Dory
10 Nov, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Steve Dory
10 Nov, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Guilherme Pereira
10 Nov, 2021 Wednesday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Benito Roncalli
10 Nov, 2021 Wednesday - Retired a fighter - Benito Roncalli
10 Nov, 2021 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Jack Hammer
08 Nov, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Wingers Son
08 Nov, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Jack Hammer
08 Nov, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Benito Roncalli
08 Nov, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Pope Cozad
08 Nov, 2021 Monday - Won $4,860 on Spin and Win!
03 Nov, 2021 Wednesday - Billy Conforto celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
01 Nov, 2021 Monday - Average Tycoon Player celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
31 Oct, 2021 Sunday - Released the fighter - Brandon Shamrock
29 Oct, 2021 Friday - Liam Murphy celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
28 Oct, 2021 Thursday - Mad Hatter celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
27 Oct, 2021 Wednesday - Gniewomir Lach celebrated his birthday - 40 today!
25 Oct, 2021 Monday - Released the fighter - Aleksandra Kaminski
25 Oct, 2021 Monday - Mister Tumnus celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
24 Oct, 2021 Sunday - Won a free custom avatar on Spin and Win!
24 Oct, 2021 Sunday - Atticus Finch celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
21 Oct, 2021 Thursday - Shanti Anatta celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
18 Oct, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Akimbo Spice moved base to - Amsterdam
18 Oct, 2021 Monday - Dru Quick celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
17 Oct, 2021 Sunday - Released the fighter - Jimmy Damnation
17 Oct, 2021 Sunday - Picked up Akimbo Spice from the free agents list
16 Oct, 2021 Saturday - Aleksandra Kaminski celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
13 Oct, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Seamus Murphy
12 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - John Dory
12 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Fighter: Gniewomir Lach moved base to - Amsterdam
12 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Picked up Gniewomir Lach from the free agents list
11 Oct, 2021 Monday - Released the fighter - Mordechai Wrobel
04 Oct, 2021 Monday - Released the fighter - Voodoo Child
26 Sep, 2021 Sunday - Won 84 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
23 Sep, 2021 Thursday - Released the fighter - Stepan Borysov
20 Sep, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Stepan Borysov
16 Sep, 2021 Thursday - Released the fighter - Trevor Moore
16 Sep, 2021 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Trevor Moore
15 Sep, 2021 Wednesday - John Dory celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
14 Sep, 2021 Tuesday - Fighter: Aleksander Balkan moved base to - Amsterdam
14 Sep, 2021 Tuesday - Picked up Aleksander Balkan from the free agents list
13 Sep, 2021 Monday - Won $1,638 on Spin and Win!
09 Sep, 2021 Thursday - Won a free custom avatar on Spin and Win!
08 Sep, 2021 Wednesday - Nasir Prince celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
08 Sep, 2021 Wednesday - Arlo Rochester celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
07 Sep, 2021 Tuesday - Agnieszka Ostrowski celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
04 Sep, 2021 Saturday - Dewey Decimal celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
03 Sep, 2021 Friday - Started a new company - Icarus MMA
03 Sep, 2021 Friday - Retired a fighter - Unpaid Intern
03 Sep, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - Unpaid Intern
02 Sep, 2021 Thursday - Released the fighter - Jack Braddock
01 Sep, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Jack Braddock
01 Sep, 2021 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Jack Thomas
31 Aug, 2021 Tuesday - Moved base to Amsterdam
30 Aug, 2021 Monday - Un-retired a fighter - Arlo Rochester
30 Aug, 2021 Monday - Moved base to Sydney
29 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Pohaku Scott celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
29 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Jimmy Damnation celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
29 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Brandon Shamrock celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
26 Aug, 2021 Thursday - Riley Hatfield celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
22 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Won $864 on Spin and Win!
22 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Won $60 on Spin and Win!
22 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Won $315 on Spin and Win!
13 Aug, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - Jack Thomas
12 Aug, 2021 Thursday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Billy Pilgrim
12 Aug, 2021 Thursday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Jules Gill
12 Aug, 2021 Thursday - Retired a fighter - Jules Gill
12 Aug, 2021 Thursday - Retired a fighter - Billy Pilgrim
10 Aug, 2021 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Billy Conforto
10 Aug, 2021 Tuesday - Won $1,302 on Spin and Win!
10 Aug, 2021 Tuesday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Hercules Hemingway
10 Aug, 2021 Tuesday - Retired a fighter - Hercules Hemingway
09 Aug, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Voodoo Child
09 Aug, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Hercules Hemingway
09 Aug, 2021 Monday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Socrates Supertramp
09 Aug, 2021 Monday - Retired a fighter - Socrates Supertramp
09 Aug, 2021 Monday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Voodoo Child
09 Aug, 2021 Monday - Retired a fighter - Voodoo Child
09 Aug, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Voodoo Child
09 Aug, 2021 Monday - Released the fighter - Zuzanna Kaminski
09 Aug, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Socrates Supertramp
09 Aug, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Billy Pilgrim
09 Aug, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Jules Gill
09 Aug, 2021 Monday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Daan Van Dijk
09 Aug, 2021 Monday - Retired a fighter - Daan Van Dijk
09 Aug, 2021 Monday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Purple Haze
09 Aug, 2021 Monday - Retired a fighter - Purple Haze
09 Aug, 2021 Monday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Jules Gill
09 Aug, 2021 Monday - Retired a fighter - Jules Gill
08 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Jules Gill
08 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Alexander Supertramp
08 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Retired a fighter - Alexander Supertramp
08 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Purple Haze
08 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Mordechai Wrobel
08 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Titus King
08 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Retired a fighter - Titus King
08 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Franciszek Wrobel
08 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Retired a fighter - Franciszek Wrobel
08 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Daan Van Dijk
08 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Average Tycoon Player
08 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Released the fighter - Mordechai Kowalczyk
07 Aug, 2021 Saturday - Released the fighter - Hayato Watanabe
05 Aug, 2021 Thursday - Liam Murphy celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
04 Aug, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Mad Gaffer
04 Aug, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Alexander Supertramp
04 Aug, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Titus King
04 Aug, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Franciszek Wrobel
04 Aug, 2021 Wednesday - Released the fighter - John McCain
04 Aug, 2021 Wednesday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Mad Gaffer
04 Aug, 2021 Wednesday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Meditating Monk
04 Aug, 2021 Wednesday - Retired a fighter - Meditating Monk
04 Aug, 2021 Wednesday - Retired a fighter - Mad Gaffer
04 Aug, 2021 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Mr Tumnus
01 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Meditating Monk
01 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Mad Gaffer
01 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Mr Tumnus
01 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Mister Tumnus
31 Jul, 2021 Saturday - Atticus Finch celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
28 Jul, 2021 Wednesday - Shanti Anatta celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
28 Jul, 2021 Wednesday - Started a new company - Arlo’s Backyard Brawls
25 Jul, 2021 Sunday - Dru Quick celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
23 Jul, 2021 Friday - Zuzanna Kaminski celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
23 Jul, 2021 Friday - Aleksandra Kaminski celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
20 Jul, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Mad Gaffer
20 Jul, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Alexander Supertramp
20 Jul, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Average Mma Tycoon Player
19 Jul, 2021 Monday - Mordechai Kowalczyk celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
17 Jul, 2021 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Mad Gaffer
13 Jul, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Felix Jaroslav
12 Jul, 2021 Monday - Started a new company - Arlo's Backyard Brawls
12 Jul, 2021 Monday - Released the fighter - Mike Cozad
08 Jul, 2021 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Alexander Supertramp
07 Jul, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Hayato Watanabe
07 Jul, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Average MMA Tycoon Player
07 Jul, 2021 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Average Mma Tycoon Player
03 Jul, 2021 Saturday - Released the fighter - Tuf Cookie
22 Jun, 2021 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Tuf Cookie
22 Jun, 2021 Tuesday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Aerial Hellweenie
22 Jun, 2021 Tuesday - Retired a fighter - Aerial Hellweenie
22 Jun, 2021 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Average MMA Tycoon Player
22 Jun, 2021 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - John Dory
22 Jun, 2021 Tuesday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Deputy Moderator
22 Jun, 2021 Tuesday - Retired a fighter - Deputy Moderator
22 Jun, 2021 Tuesday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Alejandro Scott
22 Jun, 2021 Tuesday - Retired a fighter - Arlo Rochester
21 Jun, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Aerial Hellweenie
21 Jun, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Deputy Moderator
21 Jun, 2021 Monday - Released the fighter - Ricky Greene
20 Jun, 2021 Sunday - Released the fighter - John Dory
20 Jun, 2021 Sunday - Won 99 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
17 Jun, 2021 Thursday - Created a new fighter - John Dory
17 Jun, 2021 Thursday - Un-retired and released a fighter - William Strickland
17 Jun, 2021 Thursday - Retired a fighter - William Strickland
17 Jun, 2021 Thursday - Created a new fighter - William Strickland
17 Jun, 2021 Thursday - Un-retired and released a fighter - William Strickland
17 Jun, 2021 Thursday - Retired a fighter - William Strickland
17 Jun, 2021 Thursday - Created a new fighter - William Strickland
16 Jun, 2021 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Carlos Villarreal
16 Jun, 2021 Wednesday - Carlos Villarreal celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
15 Jun, 2021 Tuesday - Nasir Prince celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
15 Jun, 2021 Tuesday - Felix Jaroslav celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
15 Jun, 2021 Tuesday - Arlo Rochester celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
14 Jun, 2021 Monday - Agnieszka Ostrowski celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
11 Jun, 2021 Friday - Dewey Decimal celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
10 Jun, 2021 Thursday - John McCain celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
05 Jun, 2021 Saturday - Jimmy Damnation celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
05 Jun, 2021 Saturday - Brandon Shamrock celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
05 Jun, 2021 Saturday - Pohaku Scott celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
04 Jun, 2021 Friday - Alejandro Scott celebrated his birthday - 40 today!
02 Jun, 2021 Wednesday - Riley Hatfield celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
12 May, 2021 Wednesday - Liam Murphy celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
11 May, 2021 Tuesday - Mike Cozad celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
07 May, 2021 Friday - Atticus Finch celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
04 May, 2021 Tuesday - Shanti Anatta celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
01 May, 2021 Saturday - Dru Quick celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
29 Apr, 2021 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Aleksandra Kaminski
29 Apr, 2021 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Zuzanna Kaminski
29 Apr, 2021 Thursday - Started a new company - Ban Hammer MMA
26 Apr, 2021 Monday - Won $666 on Spin and Win!
26 Apr, 2021 Monday - Won 36 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
25 Apr, 2021 Sunday - Mordechai Kowalczyk celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
22 Apr, 2021 Thursday - Released the fighter - Jocko Goggins
12 Apr, 2021 Monday - Fighter: John McCain moved base to - Amsterdam
12 Apr, 2021 Monday - Ricky Greene celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
12 Apr, 2021 Monday - Picked up John McCain from the free agents list
07 Apr, 2021 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Tyson Asakura
28 Mar, 2021 Sunday - Released the fighter - Cobweb Cooter
23 Mar, 2021 Tuesday - Carlos Villarreal celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
22 Mar, 2021 Monday - Nasir Prince celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
22 Mar, 2021 Monday - Felix Jaroslav celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
22 Mar, 2021 Monday - Arlo Rochester celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
21 Mar, 2021 Sunday - Agnieszka Ostrowski celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
18 Mar, 2021 Thursday - Dewey Decimal celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
13 Mar, 2021 Saturday - Picked up Cobweb Cooter from the free agents list
12 Mar, 2021 Friday - Jimmy Damnation celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
12 Mar, 2021 Friday - Brandon Shamrock celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
12 Mar, 2021 Friday - Pohaku Scott celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
11 Mar, 2021 Thursday - Alejandro Scott celebrated his birthday - 39 today!
09 Mar, 2021 Tuesday - Riley Hatfield celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
02 Mar, 2021 Tuesday - Won 46 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
22 Feb, 2021 Monday - Released the fighter - Mad Gaffer
20 Feb, 2021 Saturday - Tyson Asakura celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
16 Feb, 2021 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Liam Murphy
15 Feb, 2021 Monday - Started a new company - Lucky Liam's Irish Pub
15 Feb, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Mike Cozad
11 Feb, 2021 Thursday - Atticus Finch celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
11 Feb, 2021 Thursday - Picked up Tyson Asakura from the free agents list
10 Feb, 2021 Wednesday - Fighter: Tyson Asakura moved base to - Amsterdam
08 Feb, 2021 Monday - Shanti Anatta celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
07 Feb, 2021 Sunday - Jocko Goggins celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
05 Feb, 2021 Friday - Won 57 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
05 Feb, 2021 Friday - Dru Quick celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
31 Jan, 2021 Sunday - Released the fighter - Evil Dead
30 Jan, 2021 Saturday - Mordechai Kowalczyk celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
29 Jan, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - Mad Gaffer
25 Jan, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Evil Dead moved base to - Amsterdam
25 Jan, 2021 Monday - Picked up Evil Dead from the free agents list
22 Jan, 2021 Friday - Released the fighter - Chris Payne
22 Jan, 2021 Friday - Released the fighter - Max Payne
22 Jan, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - Max Payne
22 Jan, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - Chris Payne
22 Jan, 2021 Friday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Innokenty Boleslav
22 Jan, 2021 Friday - Retired a fighter - Innokenty Boleslav
21 Jan, 2021 Thursday - Released the fighter - Delvin Mallory
17 Jan, 2021 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Innokenty Boleslav
17 Jan, 2021 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Delvin Mallory
17 Jan, 2021 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Ricky Greene
16 Jan, 2021 Saturday - Released the fighter - Pizza Rat
09 Jan, 2021 Saturday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Chris Payne
09 Jan, 2021 Saturday - Retired a fighter - Chris Payne
09 Jan, 2021 Saturday - Released the fighter - Karma Samadhi
02 Jan, 2021 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Karma Samadhi
02 Jan, 2021 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Chris Payne
29 Dec, 2020 Tuesday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Enrique Castillo
29 Dec, 2020 Tuesday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Chris Payne
29 Dec, 2020 Tuesday - Retired a fighter - Enrique Castillo
29 Dec, 2020 Tuesday - Retired a fighter - Chris Payne
28 Dec, 2020 Monday - Carlos Villarreal celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
27 Dec, 2020 Sunday - Felix Jaroslav celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
27 Dec, 2020 Sunday - Arlo Rochester celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
27 Dec, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Enrique Castillo
27 Dec, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Nasir Prince
27 Dec, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Chris Payne
27 Dec, 2020 Sunday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Henry David Walden
27 Dec, 2020 Sunday - Retired a fighter - Henry David Walden
26 Dec, 2020 Saturday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Personal Assistant
26 Dec, 2020 Saturday - Retired a fighter - Alejandro Scott
26 Dec, 2020 Saturday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Yukon Cornelius
26 Dec, 2020 Saturday - Retired a fighter - Yukon Cornelius
26 Dec, 2020 Saturday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Delvin Mallory
26 Dec, 2020 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Yukon Cornelius
26 Dec, 2020 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Agnieszka Ostrowski
26 Dec, 2020 Saturday - Retired a fighter - Delvin Mallory
26 Dec, 2020 Saturday - Released the fighter - Hakeem Green
23 Dec, 2020 Wednesday - Dewey Decimal celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
18 Dec, 2020 Friday - Created a new fighter - Hakeem Green
18 Dec, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Karma Samadhi
18 Dec, 2020 Friday - Created a new fighter - Delvin Mallory
18 Dec, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Jay Hemingway
17 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Started a new Premium Gym - Liberals Only. No Men!
17 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Pohaku Scott
17 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Karma Samadhi
17 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Jay Hemingway
17 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Brandon Shamrock
17 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Jimmy Damnation
17 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Henry David Walden celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
16 Dec, 2020 Wednesday - Alejandro Scott celebrated his birthday - 38 today!
16 Dec, 2020 Wednesday - Retired a fighter - Personal Assistant
16 Dec, 2020 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Personal Assistant
14 Dec, 2020 Monday - Riley Hatfield celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
14 Dec, 2020 Monday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Bob Suf
14 Dec, 2020 Monday - Fighter: Riley Hatfield moved base to - Amsterdam
14 Dec, 2020 Monday - Fighter: Felix Jaroslav moved base to - Amsterdam
14 Dec, 2020 Monday - Fighter: Carlos Villarreal moved base to - Amsterdam
14 Dec, 2020 Monday - Fighter: Shanti Anatta moved base to - Amsterdam
14 Dec, 2020 Monday - Fighter: Dewey Decimal moved base to - Amsterdam
14 Dec, 2020 Monday - Fighter: Mordechai Kowalczyk moved base to - Amsterdam
14 Dec, 2020 Monday - Fighter: Arlo Rochester moved base to - Amsterdam
14 Dec, 2020 Monday - Fighter: Atticus Finch moved base to - Amsterdam
14 Dec, 2020 Monday - Fighter: Jocko Goggins moved base to - Amsterdam
14 Dec, 2020 Monday - Fighter: Alejandro Scott moved base to - Amsterdam
13 Dec, 2020 Sunday - Moved base to Amsterdam
08 Dec, 2020 Tuesday - Released the fighter - De Forest Treadwell
07 Dec, 2020 Monday - Pizza Rat celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
02 Dec, 2020 Wednesday - De Forest Treadwell celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
30 Nov, 2020 Monday - Won $3,024 on Spin and Win!
24 Nov, 2020 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Buster McDiggle
23 Nov, 2020 Monday - Released the fighter - Dawid Gadzinski
18 Nov, 2020 Wednesday - Atticus Finch celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
16 Nov, 2020 Monday - Bob Suf celebrated his birthday - 39 today!
15 Nov, 2020 Sunday - Shanti Anatta celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
14 Nov, 2020 Saturday - Jocko Goggins celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
12 Nov, 2020 Thursday - Dru Quick celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
12 Nov, 2020 Thursday - Won 4 super quality supplements on Spin and Win!
06 Nov, 2020 Friday - Oganeditse Gaolathe celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
03 Nov, 2020 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Whitey Mcfighty
26 Oct, 2020 Monday - Picked up Felix Jaroslav from the free agents list
25 Oct, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Olukoye Baderinwa
20 Oct, 2020 Tuesday - Picked up Oganeditse Gaolathe from the free agents list
17 Oct, 2020 Saturday - Dawid Gadzinski celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
16 Oct, 2020 Friday - Buster McDiggle celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
15 Oct, 2020 Thursday - Picked up De Forest Treadwell from the free agents list
14 Oct, 2020 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Edgy Brah
13 Oct, 2020 Tuesday - Started a new company - Yellow Lotus Supplements
13 Oct, 2020 Tuesday - Won 3 super quality supplements on Spin and Win!
11 Oct, 2020 Sunday - Picked up Alejandro Scott from the free agents list
04 Oct, 2020 Sunday - Won 18 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
04 Oct, 2020 Sunday - Won $1,500 on Spin and Win!
04 Oct, 2020 Sunday - Carlos Villarreal celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
03 Oct, 2020 Saturday - Edgy Brah celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
03 Oct, 2020 Saturday - Arlo Rochester celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
29 Sep, 2020 Tuesday - Dewey Decimal celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
28 Sep, 2020 Monday - Picked up Edgy Brah from the free agents list
25 Sep, 2020 Friday - Un-retired a fighter - Arlo Rochester
25 Sep, 2020 Friday - Retired a fighter - Bob Suf
25 Sep, 2020 Friday - Picked up Bob Suf from the free agents list
25 Sep, 2020 Friday - Picked up Buster McDiggle from the free agents list
23 Sep, 2020 Wednesday - Unmedicated Aydan celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
23 Sep, 2020 Wednesday - Picked up Fredrik Rienfeldt from the free agents list
21 Sep, 2020 Monday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Lil Marco
21 Sep, 2020 Monday - Released the fighter - Mark Jovic
21 Sep, 2020 Monday - Retired a fighter - Lil Marco
21 Sep, 2020 Monday - Released the fighter - Hippie Merry Man
20 Sep, 2020 Sunday - Riley Hatfield celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
17 Sep, 2020 Thursday - Released the fighter - G Wads Minion
15 Sep, 2020 Tuesday - Olukoye Baderinwa celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
14 Sep, 2020 Monday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Chris Christie
14 Sep, 2020 Monday - Created a new fighter - Hippie Merry Man
14 Sep, 2020 Monday - Retired a fighter - Chris Christie
14 Sep, 2020 Monday - Created a new fighter - Chris Christie
14 Sep, 2020 Monday - Released the fighter - Sunny Gregucci
13 Sep, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Pizza Rat
13 Sep, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Lil Marco
13 Sep, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Sunny Gregucci
13 Sep, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - G Wads Minion
07 Sep, 2020 Monday - Released the fighter - Midget King
03 Sep, 2020 Thursday - Released the fighter - Mike Cozad
02 Sep, 2020 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Enlightened Zoidberg
31 Aug, 2020 Monday - Created a new fighter - Whitey Mcfighty
30 Aug, 2020 Sunday - Won 12 days free VIP on Spin and Win!
25 Aug, 2020 Tuesday - Atticus Finch celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
22 Aug, 2020 Saturday - Shanti Anatta celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
19 Aug, 2020 Wednesday - Dru Quick celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
05 Aug, 2020 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Enlightened Zoidberg
05 Aug, 2020 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Soldier Mia
27 Jul, 2020 Monday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Moldy Peach
27 Jul, 2020 Monday - Created a new fighter - Soldier MIA
27 Jul, 2020 Monday - Created a new fighter - Midget King
27 Jul, 2020 Monday - Released the fighter - The Stepdad
27 Jul, 2020 Monday - Retired a fighter - Moldy Peach
25 Jul, 2020 Saturday - Created a new fighter - The Stepdad
25 Jul, 2020 Saturday - Released the fighter - Young Lean
24 Jul, 2020 Friday - Created a new fighter - Dawid Gadzinski
22 Jul, 2020 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Eduardo Estevez
11 Jul, 2020 Saturday - Carlos Villarreal celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
10 Jul, 2020 Friday - Arlo Rochester celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
06 Jul, 2020 Monday - Dewey Decimal celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
05 Jul, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Mark Jovic
05 Jul, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Matt Subotic
05 Jul, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Matt Subotic
30 Jun, 2020 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Unmedicated Aydan
29 Jun, 2020 Monday - Created a new fighter - Mike Cozad
28 Jun, 2020 Sunday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Bubba Randall
28 Jun, 2020 Sunday - Retired a fighter - Bubba Randall
28 Jun, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Unmedicated Aydan
28 Jun, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Innokenty Boleslav
28 Jun, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Elliott Guthrie
27 Jun, 2020 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Riley Hatfield
26 Jun, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Mikolaj Burdon
24 Jun, 2020 Wednesday - Moldy Peach celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
22 Jun, 2020 Monday - Olukoye Baderinwa celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
22 Jun, 2020 Monday - Eduardo Estevez celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
19 Jun, 2020 Friday - Created a new fighter - Mikolaj Burdon
19 Jun, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Wojciech Sadowski
15 Jun, 2020 Monday - Created a new fighter - Wojciech Sadowski
13 Jun, 2020 Saturday - Released the fighter - Arkadiusz Burdon
09 Jun, 2020 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Unmedicated Aydan
08 Jun, 2020 Monday - Won $2,430 on Spin and Win!
04 Jun, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Elliott Guthrie
04 Jun, 2020 Thursday - Released the fighter - Tree Hugger
01 Jun, 2020 Monday - Atticus Finch celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
29 May, 2020 Friday - Shanti Anatta celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
26 May, 2020 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Young Lean
26 May, 2020 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Dutch Weston
26 May, 2020 Tuesday - Dru Quick celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
24 May, 2020 Sunday - Won 3 super quality supplements on Spin and Win!
21 May, 2020 Thursday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Mickey OCallaghan
21 May, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Dutch Weston
21 May, 2020 Thursday - Retired a fighter - Mickey OCallaghan
21 May, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Mickey OCallaghan
21 May, 2020 Thursday - Released the fighter - Yung Prodigy
17 May, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Yung Prodigy
17 May, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Billy Conforto
13 May, 2020 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Billy Conforto
13 May, 2020 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Young Soulja
10 May, 2020 Sunday - Won 31 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
10 May, 2020 Sunday - Won 88 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
09 May, 2020 Saturday - Bubba Randall celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
06 May, 2020 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Young Soulja
06 May, 2020 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Willie Stroker
01 May, 2020 Friday - Created a new fighter - Willie Stroker
01 May, 2020 Friday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Drew Breezy
01 May, 2020 Friday - Retired a fighter - Drew Breezy
01 May, 2020 Friday - Created a new fighter - Drew Breezy
01 May, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Jebediah Kinsella
01 May, 2020 Friday - Created a new fighter - Innokenty Boleslav
01 May, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Innokenty Boleslav
30 Apr, 2020 Thursday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Drew Breezy
30 Apr, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Jebediah Kinsella
30 Apr, 2020 Thursday - Retired a fighter - Drew Breezy
30 Apr, 2020 Thursday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Jebediah Kinsella
29 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Drew Breezy
29 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Retired a fighter - Jebediah Kinsella
29 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Removed Eduardo Estevez from the free agent list.
28 Apr, 2020 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Jebediah Kinsella
28 Apr, 2020 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Eduardo Estevez
25 Apr, 2020 Saturday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Innokenty Boleslav
25 Apr, 2020 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Innokenty Boleslav
25 Apr, 2020 Saturday - Retired a fighter - Innokenty Boleslav
24 Apr, 2020 Friday - Created a new fighter - Innokenty Boleslav
24 Apr, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Innokenty Boleslav
20 Apr, 2020 Monday - Created a new fighter - Innokenty Boleslav
20 Apr, 2020 Monday - Released the fighter - Innokenty Boleslav
19 Apr, 2020 Sunday - Won 56 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
17 Apr, 2020 Friday - Carlos Villarreal celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
16 Apr, 2020 Thursday - Arlo Rochester celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
13 Apr, 2020 Monday - Created a new fighter - Arkadiusz Burdon
13 Apr, 2020 Monday - Released the fighter - Vladimir Tarlac
12 Apr, 2020 Sunday - Dewey Decimal celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Tree Hugger
31 Mar, 2020 Tuesday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Mikolaj Burdon
31 Mar, 2020 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Moldy Peach
31 Mar, 2020 Tuesday - Retired a fighter - Mikolaj Burdon
30 Mar, 2020 Monday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Jebediah Kinsella
30 Mar, 2020 Monday - Created a new fighter - Mikolaj Burdon
30 Mar, 2020 Monday - Retired a fighter - Jebediah Kinsella
30 Mar, 2020 Monday - Created a new fighter - Jebediah Kinsella
30 Mar, 2020 Monday - Released the fighter - Frito Lei Jr
29 Mar, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Frito Lei Jr
29 Mar, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Innokenty Boleslav
29 Mar, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Eduardo Estevez
29 Mar, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Olukoye Baderinwa
22 Mar, 2020 Sunday - Won 45 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
15 Mar, 2020 Sunday - Won $495 on Spin and Win!
08 Mar, 2020 Sunday - Atticus Finch celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
05 Mar, 2020 Thursday - Shanti Anatta celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
02 Mar, 2020 Monday - Dru Quick celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
26 Feb, 2020 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Billy Conforto
26 Feb, 2020 Wednesday - Started a new company - Groove Gear
23 Feb, 2020 Sunday - Won $846 on Spin and Win!
23 Feb, 2020 Sunday - Won 2 super quality supplements on Spin and Win!
16 Feb, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Holden Caulfield
15 Feb, 2020 Saturday - Billy Conforto celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
14 Feb, 2020 Friday - Bubba Randall celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
08 Feb, 2020 Saturday - Vladimir Tarlac celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
02 Feb, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Darnell Cane
01 Feb, 2020 Saturday - Darnell Cane celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
27 Jan, 2020 Monday - Won $2,940 on Spin and Win!
27 Jan, 2020 Monday - Won a free custom avatar on Spin and Win!
27 Jan, 2020 Monday - Won 57 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
27 Jan, 2020 Monday - Won 23 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
27 Jan, 2020 Monday - Won $1,232 on Spin and Win!
26 Jan, 2020 Sunday - Won $152 on Spin and Win!
25 Jan, 2020 Saturday - Won $994 on Spin and Win!
23 Jan, 2020 Thursday - Carlos Villarreal celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
22 Jan, 2020 Wednesday - Arlo Rochester celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
21 Jan, 2020 Tuesday - Retired a fighter - Arlo Rochester
18 Jan, 2020 Saturday - Dewey Decimal celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
05 Jan, 2020 Sunday - Won a private jet on Spin and Win!
29 Dec, 2019 Sunday - Picked up Darnell Cane from the free agents list
22 Dec, 2019 Sunday - Released the fighter - Manu Ahonen
22 Dec, 2019 Sunday - Picked up Manu Ahonen from the free agents list
14 Dec, 2019 Saturday - Atticus Finch celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
11 Dec, 2019 Wednesday - Shanti Anatta celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
08 Dec, 2019 Sunday - Dru Quick celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
08 Dec, 2019 Sunday - Holden Caulfield celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
24 Nov, 2019 Sunday - Released the fighter - Gut Punch Jr
22 Nov, 2019 Friday - Billy Conforto celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
21 Nov, 2019 Thursday - Bubba Randall celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
18 Nov, 2019 Monday - Won $4,864 on Spin and Win!
15 Nov, 2019 Friday - Vladimir Tarlac celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
11 Nov, 2019 Monday - Changed name from Gut Punch to Aydan The Wandering Spirit.
03 Nov, 2019 Sunday - Won 4 super quality supplements on Spin and Win!
03 Nov, 2019 Sunday - Won $11,520 on Spin and Win!
30 Oct, 2019 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Carlos Villarreal
29 Oct, 2019 Tuesday - Arlo Rochester celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
28 Oct, 2019 Monday - Won 69 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
25 Oct, 2019 Friday - Dewey Decimal celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
13 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Won $1,440 on Spin and Win!
13 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Won $1,836 on Spin and Win!
13 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Started a new Premium Gym - Yellow Lotus Center of Healing and Meditative Arts
13 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Fighter: Shanti Anatta moved base to - Los Angeles
13 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Fighter: Dru Quick moved base to - Los Angeles
13 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Fighter: Holden Caulfield moved base to - Los Angeles
13 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Fighter: Vladimir Tarlac moved base to - Los Angeles
13 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Fighter: Dewey Decimal moved base to - Los Angeles
13 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Fighter: Bubba Randall moved base to - Los Angeles
13 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Fighter: Gut Punch Jr moved base to - Los Angeles
13 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Fighter: Atticus Finch moved base to - Los Angeles
13 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Fighter: Aoki Aoki moved base to - Los Angeles
06 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Won 33 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!

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