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"Rip" Billy Conforto (377813)

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Billy Conforto
Record 11-11-1 (W-L-D)
Wins 9 (T)KOs (81.82%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
2 Decisions (18.18%)
Losses 9 (T)KOs (81.82%)
1 Subs (9.09%)
1 Decisions (9.09%)
Next Fight None
Song Alabama- Bishop Gunn
Height 185 cm
Weight 185 lbs
Can cut to 168.4 lbs
Age 30
Hometown New Orleans
Country United States
Location Los Angeles
Base Los Angeles
Manager Gut Punch
Bank Balance $140,841.40
Alliance   The Stepdads
Highest Rank 1162 MMA
Creation Date 10th Aug 2021
Billy has Remarkable boxing, Exceptional Muay Thai, Wonderful wrestling and holds a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 1 ($10,000)   
Weight: NA P4P: 4766
0 Days Cuts 0 Days

Sponsored by
Groove Gear [6715]
Contracted to Trophies
Fighter is not signed to a Mixed Martial Arts Organization

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Fighter Bio
Conforto was a gay man who was a friend of Theo Von’s who was a busboy with him. Looked like Don Flamenco. Took a bunch of pills and drove into an embankment. RIP. 5.4

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
Currently wearing


MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
W Leo Bosanac TKO (Strikes) HZN 19 Shredder v Shakes 2024-05-04 185 1 03:29 view
L Cathal Doherty KO (Punch) HZN 12 Ivanovic v Nomura 2024-03-16 185 1 04:06 view
L Sergej Kusnemirpow Submission (RNC) HZN 8 Bollomard v Hendrix 2024-02-18 185 2 03:28 view
L Samuel Sycek TKO (Strikes) SYN 1029 Return of Tarver 2023-11-03 185 1 04:58 view
L Baruto Tonissaar Decision (Unanimous) SYN 1023 Randleman vs Danger 2023-10-08 185 3 05:00 view
D Alan Spence Majority Draw SYN 1008 Maluga vs Haggar 2023-08-04 185 3 05:00 view
L Marko Zrinski TKO (Strikes) SYN 997 Randleman vs Wolf 2023-06-27 185 2 04:49 view
L Adrian Adamos TKO (Strikes) SYN 983 Choke vs. Danger 2023-05-10 185 1 01:41 view
L Samuel Sycek KO (Strikes) Bellicose XLII 2023-04-15 185 1 04:55 view
L Buster Glover TKO (Strikes) Bellicose XXXIII 2023-03-11 185 2 04:54 view
W Khadem Abdul Karim TKO (Punches) Bellicose XXV 2023-02-11 185 1 03:32 view
W Tim Udrich KO (Punch) Bellicose XVII 2023-01-08 185 1 00:51 view
W Jim Johnathan KO (Punch) Bellicose VII 2022-11-27 185 1 02:31 view
L Samuel Sycek TKO (Strikes) Bellicose 148 2022-10-09 185 3 04:29 view
W Antoine Milfort KO (Punch) Bellicose 137 2022-08-28 185 1 00:48 view
W Super Special KO (Punch) Bellicose 125 - Prospects 10 2022-07-27 185 1 02:18 view
W Jake Robertson TKO (Strikes) Bellicose 102 2022-05-27 185 2 02:18 view
L Adam East TKO (Strikes) Bellicose 86 2022-04-16 185 1 04:15 view
L Ola Badmus KO (Punch) GDL 140: Egyptian VS Evans 2022-02-12 185 2 00:34 view
W Casius Laizel TKO (Punches) GDL 136:Biden VS Bleak 2022-01-15 185 1 00:05 view
W Nick Adams TKO (Strikes) GDL 133: Adlehyde VS Hadjilis 2021-12-25 185 1 02:05 view
W Hjalmar Raak Decision (Unanimous) GDL 125: Biden VS Anderson 2021-10-30 185 3 05:00 view
W Mordechai Wrobel Decision (Unanimous) ABB4 2021-08-12 265+ 1 03:00 view

Buzz at "Rip" Billy Conforto (Logged in as )
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"Rip" Billy Conforto's recent buzzes
Billy Conforto replied to Carter Jose De La Cus's Buzz buzzed at Carter Jose De La Cus
The Ol' reverse psychology. Gang gang.  (Aug 11, 2021)

Current Gym : Yellow Lotus Center of Healing and Meditative Arts
Weekly Gym Fees : $ 50  
Gym Quality : Good  

Recent Events

2024-07-27- Bought PWNAGE S1 for $300 at PWNAGE™
2024-07-26- Bought Cozad Signature Series A for $300 at PWNAGE™
2024-07-24- Bought PWNAGE S1 for $300 at PWNAGE™
2024-07-23- Bought Cozad Signature Series A for $300 at PWNAGE™
2024-07-21- Bought Gladiator Striker Shorts for $300 at Warrior's Way
2024-07-20- Bought © Scarface for $300 at Conviction
2024-07-18- Bought PWNAGE S1 for $300 at PWNAGE™
2024-07-16- Bought Cozad Signature Series A for $300 at PWNAGE™
2024-07-15- Bought Medellín Shorts for $300 at NARCOS
2024-07-13- Bought Black t-shirt for $300 at LEIKO CLOTHING (+ Laundry Services, 20% fee)

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