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Cayden "The Crusher " Cadman (316204) - Retired

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Cayden  Cadman
Record 25-15-1 (W-L-D)
Wins 18 (T)KOs (72.00%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
7 Decisions (28.00%)
Losses 12 (T)KOs (80.00%)
1 Subs (6.67%)
2 Decisions (13.33%)
TWGC 8-5
Next Fight None
Song None
Height 176 cm
Weight 167 lbs
Can cut to 152.2 lbs
Age 52
Hometown the bay
Country United States
Location Los Angeles
Base Los Angeles
Manager Retired
Bank Balance $32,901.00
Alliance   -
Highest Rank 211 MMA
Creation Date 12th May 2017
Cayden has Wonderful boxing, Wonderful Muay Thai, Exceptional wrestling and holds a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 4 ($33,000)   KO of the night: 1 ($1,000)   
Weight: NA P4P: 0
0 Days Cuts 0 Days
Grappling Hype
  Grap Rank
Weight: NA P4P: 0

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Contracted to Trophies
Fighter is not signed to a Mixed Martial Arts Organization

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Fighter Bio

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
Currently wearing


MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  

Managed by Mister Twister (140266)
L Irong Kasamsun Decision (Unanimous) CFC 455: Smith v Lacplesis 2022-01-23 155 3 05:00 view
L Arriorus Adee TKO (Strikes) CFC 449: Smith v Shamrock 2022-01-02 155 3 03:38 view
W Beta Knox Decision (Unanimous) CFC 440: Tiotio v Lindholm 2021-11-25 155 3 05:00 view
W Brando Reigns TKO (Punches) CFC 437: DeSilva vs Holmes Jr 2021-11-07 155 3 02:48 view

Managed by Jo Blue (131764)
L James Smith KO (Punches) SMASH: Nekele vs Knox 2021-02-20 155 1 03:57 view

Managed by Kdsofkds Fodskfods (132872)
L Josh Morgan KO (Punch) SMASH: Lacplesis vs Trump 2021-01-16 155 1 02:24 view
L Jack Lynn TKO (Strikes) SMASH: McQuirre vs Bang 2020-12-05 155 2 04:58 view
W Michael Manhandler Decision (Unanimous) SMASH: Mazziotti vs Juntta 2020-11-07 155 3 05:00 view
W Bart Cubbedge TKO (Strikes) SMASH: Mazziotti vs Festation 2020-10-10 155 2 00:32 view
W Chrys Kyle Decision (Majority) SMASH: Oxlade vs Pulkinen 2020-09-05 155 3 05:00 view
W Russell Northrop TKO (Strikes) SYN Perpetuum 2020-08-15 170 1 00:39 view
L Marciano Cobb TKO (Strikes) Syn 699 Borjigin vs Cobb 2020-07-11 170 2 00:23 view
L Jackson Portis KO (Punch) Syn 691 Dog vs Rockwell 2020-06-06 170 3 03:16 view
W Caius Cosades Decision (Unanimous) Syn 685 Toivonen vs Dog 2020-05-08 170 3 05:00 view

Managed by Eric Jackson (117920)
L Manny Puno KO (Slam) CEC Christmas 2019-12-25 155 1 03:21 view
W Sparky Anderson Decision (Unanimous) CEC 685 2019-11-24 155 3 05:00 view
L Galen Dall KO (Punch) CEC Halloween 3 2019-10-31 155 1 00:59 view
D Manny Puno Majority Draw CEC 678.51 2019-10-07 155 3 05:00 view
W Sheev Palpatine TKO (Strikes) NSC 57: 2019-09-17 155 1 02:58 view
W Do Ho Joy KO (Punch) NSC 47 PPV 2019-08-13 155 1 02:11 view
W Elijah David KO (Superman Punch) NSC 38: Takeishi vs Chaelsson 2019-07-09 155 1 02:10 view
W Toktogulovich Bakiyev KO (Punch) NSC 29: Singh vs Dupree 2019-06-04 155 1 01:06 view
W Vladimir Tarlac KO (Punch) NSC 22: Power vs Frost 2019-05-14 155 2 02:33 view
W Roger Dawson TKO (Strikes) NSC 15: Nielsen vs Hoyo 2019-04-16 155 2 01:32 view
L Artur Osinen KO (Head Kick) NSC 8: Cadman vs Osinen 2019-03-19 155 2 01:17 view
W Dong Uk KO (Punch) NSC 4 : Bear vs. Udovich 2019-02-26 155 1 01:07 view
L Osiris Egyptian TKO (Strikes) DARE 95 2019-01-19 155 1 01:51 view
L Marat Magomedov TKO (Strikes) DARE 89 2018-12-22 155 3 01:44 view
W Ibbe Ribbler Decision (Unanimous) TGC 80 2018-11-10 155 3 05:00 view
L Iker Ramirez TKO (Strikes) TGC 75 2018-10-06 155 1 04:55 view
W Paddy Fagan TKO (Strikes) TGC 68: Triple Threat 2 2018-08-04 155 1 02:49 view
L Diego Escobar Submission (Triangle) TGC 67: Baby vs Babakov 2018-07-28 155 1 03:58 view
W Drake Basket Case TKO (Punches) GRS 180 2018-06-16 155 1 03:31 view
W Solomon Wilson TKO (Strikes) RS 177 2018-05-05 155 5 02:28 view
W Drake Basket Case TKO (Strikes) RS 173 Overkill 2018-03-17 155 2 01:40 view
W Jin Jin Ipa KO (Punch) RS 159 Full Of Rage 2017-12-09 155 2 01:30 view
W Chul Gun Joon Decision (Unanimous) RS Friday Night Fights XIV 2017-11-24 155 3 05:00 view
L Jin Jin Ipa Decision (Unanimous) RS 153 Breakin' Bones 2017-10-28 155 3 05:00 view
W Yi Ruogang TKO (Strikes) RS 148 Caged Combat 2017-09-23 155 2 00:05 view
W Derrek Dorfsen KO (Punch) RS Friday Night Fights 2017-08-11 155 1 03:31 view
W Kyu Okami TKO (Strikes) GK 140 Rising Stars 2017-07-29 155 2 03:36 view

Grappling Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C  

Managed by Cody W (6712)
L Liam George Decision TWGC 35 (185lbs, D2): Finals - Round 3 2021-09-22 185 view
W Get Wet About Don Decision TWGC 35 (185lbs, D2): Finals - Round 2 2021-09-21 185 view
W Jorge Dos Santos Decision TWGC 35 (185lbs, D2): Finals - Round 1 2021-09-20 185 view
W Zee Land Decision TWGC 35 (185lbs, D2): London Qualifier - Round 2 2021-09-12 185 view
W Brandon Stark Decision TWGC 35 (185lbs, D2): London Qualifier - Round 1 2021-09-11 185 view
W Atte Savitaipale Decision CWC 253 2021-08-15 155 view
L Joe Gatsby Submission (Kimura) CACC 242 2021-08-08 155 view
W Koryu Miyagi Decision CACC 232 2021-07-25 155 view
L Toshi Hijikata Decision CWC 230 2021-07-18 155 view
L Ken Irrawaddy Decision TWGC 34 (155lbs, D2): Finals - Round 1 2021-07-08 155 view
W Winslow Berhardt Decision TWGC 34 (155lbs, D2): Amsterdam Qualifier - Round 2 2021-06-30 155 view
W Finnish Experiment Decision TWGC 34 (155lbs, D2): Amsterdam Qualifier - Round 1 2021-06-29 155 view
L Atte Savitaipale Submission (RNC) CACC Rio 2021-06-06 155 view

Buzz at Cayden "The Crusher " Cadman (Logged in as )
King Diamond
King Diamond replied to 's Buzz buzzed at Cayden Cadman

Thank you, Mr. Camara. Your endorsement means a lot. My camp was prepping for a fight with Cedric Lancaster but we're now setting our sights on the North Star Combat lightweight title! Hoping to get on the card at NSC 11 or 12. Hell, I'd fight on the next card in two days if I could. Swang and bang, baby! #Blessed (Mar 24, 2019)

view conversation »
Cayden "The Crusher " Cadman 's recent buzzes
Cayden Cadman buzzed at Solomon Wilson
Hey I hope you are fucking ready for war! Whether you knock/sub/ or have your hand raised at the end of our bout know that I'm bring my fucking A game  (Mar 26, 2018)
Cayden Cadman buzzed at Jules Winnfield
Tell Cesare I'm ready to bang heads just let me know when he stops running :) (Sep 27, 2017)
It's funny because your 6yrs older than me but I will still make you look up to me. To bad it won't be by choice it will be me knocking you the f*ck out in the first round (Sep 27, 2017)

No training.

Recent Events

2025-03-27- Cayden Cadman celebrated his birthday - 52 today!
2025-01-15- Cayden Cadman celebrated his birthday - 51 today!
2024-10-22- Cayden Cadman celebrated his birthday - 50 today!
2024-07-29- Cayden Cadman celebrated his birthday - 49 today!
2024-05-05- Cayden Cadman celebrated his birthday - 48 today!
2024-02-10- Cayden Cadman celebrated his birthday - 47 today!
2023-11-17- Cayden Cadman celebrated his birthday - 46 today!
2023-08-24- Cayden Cadman celebrated his birthday - 45 today!
2023-05-31- Cayden Cadman celebrated his birthday - 44 today!
2023-03-07- Cayden Cadman celebrated his birthday - 43 today!

Previous Managers

Eric Jackson Kdsofkds Fodskfods Jo Blue Cody W
Gut Punch

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