MMA Tycoon Game

MMA Hype -42- (988207)

Organization: MMA Hype Promotions (406k)
Date: 15 Mar 2025
City: Las Vegas (10:00 GMT)
Arena: Hard Knocks - Las Vegas (3,000)
Rules: MMA
Ring/Cage: Cage
Judging System: 10 point must
Ticket price: Premium
Pay per view?: No
Merchandise Partner: Bloodbath MMA Clothing
Bookmakers: Sin City Bookies
Event Discussion: Click here
Confirmed fights
Weight Rnds Mins Fighters (Best Odds)  
145 lbs 5 5 Francisco Garcia (-150) v Kurt Lemon (-150) Add to my spoiler fight list. 145 lbs title    
145 lbs 3 5 Savion Mora (-150) v Marcus Spring (-150) Add to my spoiler fight list.    
155 lbs 3 5 Cayden Caldwell (-150) v Gromoboy Surovij (-150) Add to my spoiler fight list.    
265 lbs 3 5 Ralph Beasley (-150) v Billy Hammond (-150) Add to my spoiler fight list.    
205 lbs 3 5 Steven French (-150) v Aldo Maccione (-150) Add to my spoiler fight list.    
145 lbs 3 5 Joff Kriss (-150) v Handsome Mail (-150) Add to my spoiler fight list.    
170 lbs 3 5 O Brian Nortega (-150) v Blake Wise (-150) Add to my spoiler fight list.    
170 lbs 3 5 Boy Kamatis (-150) v Kole Camacho (-150) Add to my spoiler fight list.    
205 lbs 3 5 Jasper Hartman (-150) v Cael Compton (-150) Add to my spoiler fight list.    
185 lbs 3 5 Urjiah Chen (-150) v Jorah Mormont (-150) Add to my spoiler fight list.    
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