MMA Tycoon Game

MMA Rankings - Manager Rankings

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Most Hyped

1 Chris Karter United States

2316-916-43 (13 NCs)
2 Action Jackson United States

1073-525-26 (2 NCs)
3 Not Vaz United Kingdom

152-79-2 (0 NCs)
4 Jason Swanson Canada

552-280-8 (2 NCs)
5 Ispa Murhapuro Finland

1482-651-27 (9 NCs)
6 Akira Shigeru Japan

301-115-2 (0 NCs)
7 Malikoy Muza Finland

663-308-11 (0 NCs)
8 Blue Soyster Cult United States

1107-704-28 (5 NCs)
9 Theksit Ruengruong Thailand

627-263-23 (0 NCs)
10 Rodrigo Dorito Brazil

219-98-4 (0 NCs)


1 Don Frye Scotland

829-406-23 (2 NCs)
2 Ivan Drago Russia

582-297-6 (2 NCs)
3 Devin Skrumbellos United States

419-262-11 (2 NCs)
4 Not Antonio Mexico

498-193-2 (6 NCs)
5 Marky Mark Finland

2274-1472-81 (7 NCs)
6 Mentor Guru Corleone United Kingdom

1522-822-35 (4 NCs)
7 David Morrison United States

774-386-25 (0 NCs)
8 Alfred Winterbottom England

1507-1121-32 (4 NCs)
9 Alex Maniatakos Greece

387-230-15 (0 NCs)
10 Emily Chenet France

323-88-4 (0 NCs)
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