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Clarence "Sweet Feet" McGee (255801) - Retired

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Clarence McGee
MMA 21-20-2 (W-L-D)
MMA Wins 10 (T)KOs (47.62%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
11 Decisions (52.38%)
MMA Losses 4 (T)KOs (20.00%)
3 Subs (15.00%)
13 Decisions (65.00%)
KT Record 0-5-1 (W-L-D)
KT Wins 0 (T)KOs (%)
0 Decisions (%)
KT Losses 2 (T)KOs (40.00%)
3 Decisions (60.00%)
Next Fight None
Song None
Height 177 cm
Weight 170 lbs
Can cut to 154.5 lbs
Age 62
Hometown Iowa
Country United States
Location Las Vegas
Base Las Vegas
Manager Retired
Bank Balance $28,069.34
Alliance   -
Highest Rank 427 MMA
Creation Date 7th Aug 2014
Clarence has Exceptional boxing, Elite Muay Thai, Exceptional wrestling and holds a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 6 ($24,500)   
Weight: NA P4P: 0
0 Days Cuts 0 Days

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Contracted to Trophies
Fighter is not signed to a Mixed Martial Arts Organization

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Fighter Bio

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
Currently wearing

Tokyo United Fightwear
Tokyo United Fightwear

MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  

Managed by Richard Davenport (10647)
L Leo Leka Decision (Unanimous) CEC 628 2018-11-16 155 3 05:00 view
L Dag Daghammar TKO (Strikes) CEC 622 2018-10-19 155 1 04:35 view
L Dyllz Tahere Decision (Unanimous) CEC 613 2018-09-07 155 3 05:00 view
W Ambrose Chisholm Decision (Unanimous) Lupe 12 2018-07-14 155 3 05:00 view
W Roger Dawson Decision (Unanimous) Lupe 7 Firework 2018-06-16 155 3 05:00 view
W Bart Bunga TKO (Strikes) Lupe 1 Fame 2018-05-05 155 3 00:27 view
L Kick Boxer Decision (Unanimous) Quick Fight Championship 2018-03-16 155 3 05:00 view

Managed by Juice Malone (1989)
L Mike McGuire Decision (Unanimous) Ascension 0715 2017-07-15 170 3 05:00 view
D Mike McGuire Majority Draw Ascension 0701 2017-07-01 170 3 05:00 view
L Lukas Hanak Decision (Unanimous) Ascension 0610 2017-06-10 170 5 05:00 view
W Manolito Damhuis Decision (Unanimous) Ascension 0520 2017-05-20 170 3 05:00 view
W Riza Rakija TKO (Head Kick) Ascension 0426 2017-04-26 155 2 01:56 view
D Mystery Perfect Draw Ascension 0401 2017-04-01 155 3 05:00 view
L En Sabah Nur Decision (Unanimous) Ascension 0315 2017-03-15 155 3 05:00 view
L Trent Cotchin Decision (Unanimous) Ascension 0225 2017-02-25 155 3 05:00 view
W Ashton Eaton Decision (Unanimous) Ascension 0204 2017-02-04 155 3 05:00 view
L Ilafat Urskilz TKO (Strikes) Death Squad 366:Mike v Sean 2016-12-24 155 3 00:05 view
W Jose Brandao Decision (Unanimous) Death Squad 362:Pablo v Ville 2016-12-03 155 3 05:00 view
W Michael Hayes Decision (Unanimous) Death Squad 351:Sionis v Pablo 2016-10-29 155 3 05:00 view
W Andy La Plegua Decision (Split) Death Squad 346:Todd v Duffy 2016-10-08 155 3 05:00 view
W Brady Barnes Decision (Unanimous) Death Squad 340:Karol v Alex 2016-09-17 155 3 05:00 view
L Ric Flores Submission (Triangle) Death Squad 334:Wang v Breaker 2016-08-27 155 3 02:53 view
L Georges Batroc Decision (Unanimous) PFC 44: Seagram vs. Morello 2016-07-16 170 3 05:00 view
L Tim Pierno Submission (Triangle Armbar) PFC: Fight Night 46 2016-07-02 170 1 01:44 view
W Lou Hole KO (Punch) PFC: Fight Night 44 2016-06-08 170 3 02:17 view
W Oliver Queen TKO (Knees) PFC: Fight Night 40 2016-05-14 170 3 00:59 view
L Sergiu Petrescu Decision (Majority) USFC 111 2016-04-16 185 3 05:00 view
W Jerome Seinfeld Decision (Unanimous) USFC 102 2016-03-05 185 3 05:00 view
L Michael Van Roost Decision (Unanimous) USFC 96 2016-01-31 185 3 05:00 view
W Marcus Child Decision (Unanimous) USFC 90 2016-01-01 185 3 05:00 view
L Michael Van Roost Decision (Unanimous) USFC 83 2015-12-05 185 3 05:00 view
W Bosco O Neill Decision (Unanimous) USFC 77 2015-10-31 185 3 05:00 view
L Tourney Champ Decision (Unanimous) USFC 70 2015-10-02 170 3 05:00 view
L Ovaltine Jenkins TKO (Strikes) USFC 62 2015-08-29 170 2 00:50 view
L Tourney Champ Decision (Unanimous) USFC 54 2015-07-24 170 3 05:00 view
L Rony Moraes Submission (Arm Triangle) USFC 46 2015-06-20 170 2 01:19 view
W Anderson Silva TKO (Cut) ECFC 21 MCGEE VS SILVA JR 2015-05-23 185 1 02:13 view
W Chris Frank KO (Knee) ECFC 19 FRANK VS MCGEE 2015-04-25 185 3 02:44 view
W Rick Warhead TKO (Knees) ECFC 17 STEVENSON VS PLASKOTA 2015-03-28 170 1 02:10 view
W Titus Theodoreau TKO (Knee & Punches) ECFC 15 DIM VS LOBLAW 2 2015-02-28 170 2 04:46 view
L Adrik Vasilev KO (Punch) ECFC FN 12 LOBLAW VS DIM 2015-02-07 170 1 00:37 view
W Simon Scott KO (Knee) ECFC 11 VASILEV VS BRASTO 2015-01-01 185 1 03:33 view
W Jean Paul Leblanc TKO (Cut) ECFC FIGHT NIGHT 8 2014-12-13 185 2 01:53 view

Kickboxing Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
L Markus Remoreras Decision (Unanimous) PKL 1.7 2017-10-06 155 3 03:00 view
L Sutter Cane TKO (Punch) PKL 1.5 2017-09-22 155 3 02:20 view
D Kick Boxer Draw PKL 1.4 2017-09-15 155 3 03:00 view
L Coco Cobb Decision (Split) PKL 1.3 2017-09-08 155 3 03:00 view
L Tourney Fighter TKO (Head Kick) PKL 1.2 2017-09-01 155 1 01:17 view
L Ozzie Price Decision (Unanimous) PKL 1.1 2017-08-25 155 3 03:00 view

Buzz at Clarence "Sweet Feet" McGee (Logged in as )
Michael Van Roost
Michael Van Roost buzzed at Clarence McGee

Hey (Clarence McGee) you son of a bitch how's your life going eh? You moved to PFC and already calling me out for the trilogy there? C'mon bitch how about trying to sort your shit through first? I am fighting for the USFC belt and I am kinda busy unlike you, fighting for your pathetic career and shit? I tell ya bitch I will come to the PFC as the former USFC champ and stomp ya ass for the third time. I go wherever you go, let's go chum... (May 09, 2016)

view conversation »
Clarence "Sweet Feet" McGee's recent buzzes
Ovaltine Jenkins is going to get his skull caved in tomorrow! (Aug 28, 2015)

No training.

Recent Events

2024-11-02- Clarence McGee celebrated his birthday - 62 today!
2024-08-09- Clarence McGee celebrated his birthday - 61 today!
2024-05-16- Clarence McGee celebrated his birthday - 60 today!
2024-02-21- Clarence McGee celebrated his birthday - 59 today!
2023-11-28- Clarence McGee celebrated his birthday - 58 today!
2023-09-04- Clarence McGee celebrated his birthday - 57 today!
2023-06-11- Clarence McGee celebrated his birthday - 56 today!
2023-03-18- Clarence McGee celebrated his birthday - 55 today!
2022-12-23- Clarence McGee celebrated his birthday - 54 today!
2022-09-29- Clarence McGee celebrated his birthday - 53 today!

Previous Managers

Juice Malone Alexander Biro Richard Davenport Larry Hawk

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