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Jay Swift (111141) - Manager

Mixed Martial Arts Management - Jay Swift
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Historic MMA Record

Record   26-60-2 (0 NCs)
Wins   13 (T)KOs (50.00%)
    4 Subs (15.38%)
    9 Decisions (34.62%)
Losses   29 (T)KOs (48.33%)
    12 Subs (20.00%)
    19 Decisions (31.67%)
Current 0-0-0 (0 NCs)
  Maui, Hawaii
United States United States (P:1)
Month Rank
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Opp Rank
  8207 of 41040 (20.00%)
8205 (-2 drop)
652 average
Div 7. League 417 (P: 53)
Top Fighter  
Fighters   0
Bank   $275,956.23
Jay's quote
"What is right to be done cannot be done too soon." - Jane Austen
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Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2018-09-30 04:32:04
Joined (y/m/d):
2016-05-06 00:31:43
Username: JaySwift
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Last 20 MMA & Kickboxing Fights (View all Fights)
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   L Bobby Hall One Fortytwo TKO (Knees) IFC Mid Week 19 2018-03-21 1 00:59
   L Jon George Christopher Allan Decision (Unanimous) IFC MW17 2018-03-07 3 05:00
   W Johnny Lawler Sagat Shanti TKO (Cut) KAMIKAZE 73: So What? 2018-01-20 2 02:55
   W Johnny Lawler Tom Papa TKO (Strikes) KAMIKAZE 65: Zephyr 2017-12-01 3 02:25
   D Brandon Lucien Sun Ming Draw UVC 17 2017-11-30 3 05:00
   L Jon George Hector Ortiz TKO (Strikes) UVC 15 Stone VS Coldbane 2017-11-16 1 02:13
   L Bobby Hall James Ejayi KO (Punch) UVC 14 Darrow VS Ethan 2017-11-09 1 01:07
   L Brandon Lucien Maximillian Lydon TKO (Strikes) UVC 14 Darrow VS Ethan 2017-11-09 1 01:32
   L Jon George Janne Lindberg TKO (Strikes) UVC 12 Mcfly VS Reagent 2017-10-26 2 01:30
   L Javier Velasquez ManOfThe PinkHole Submission (RNC) KAMIKAZE 55: Just Fight 2017-09-30 1 00:47
   L Bobby Hall Nikolay Koryagin KO (Punch) UVC 8 2017-09-24 3 01:26
   W Jon George Drew Rossback Decision (Unanimous) UVC 7 2017-09-16 3 05:00
   L Ray Cooper Iv Android Thirteen Submission (Kimura) FF 2 2017-09-15 1 02:56
   L Bobby Hall Brad Foster Decision (Split) UVC 6 2017-09-02 3 05:00
   L Daniel Jones Pernar Nexhip Submission (Strikes) IFC 13: Jones vs Ribeiro 2017-09-02 1 03:44
   W Brandon Lucien Anthony Medrano TKO (Knee) Everett Kickboxing Event 2017-08-26 1 01:34
   L Ray Cooper Iv Jose The Blitz Submission (Arm Triangle) IFC 12: Retaliation 2017-08-26 1 02:59
   L Daniel Jones Florian Summers TKO (Strikes) Mon Fight Night 6 2017-08-21 3 01:58
   L Jon George Janne Lindberg TKO (Strikes) UVC 4 2017-08-19 1 02:18
   L Damien Queen Matvei Krilov Decision (Unanimous) TIT 32 - Glass v Embolo 2017-08-17 3 05:00
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Buzz at Jay Swift (Logged in as )
The Red Guy
The Red Guy replied Jay Swift's Buzz buzzed at Jay Swift (Jul 04, 2017)

Haha Jorden must have rung his bell pretty good with that knockdown, plus Lee deserved it for not going for the finish lol

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Jay Swift's recent buzzes
Selling a 5 seater jet with lvl5 Massage Beds, Cooking Facilities, Movies, Games, Internet Access. With 150% speed and a range of 25 hrs but with the 150 speed it is equivalent to 37.5 hours. All that for only $1mil. Cheaper than buying new with the same features. (Jul 08, 2017)
Jay Swift replied The Red Guy's Buzz buzzed at The Red Guy
I thought Jorden lost today and not sure why it was a draw. Maybe the knockdown but I am down for a rematch if you'd like (Jul 04, 2017)
Jay Swift replied Ryan Thompson's Buzz buzzed at Ryan Thompson
No problem! I will surely buy more when I used these all up (Jun 25, 2017)
Jay Swift buzzed at Fleece Johnson
That was bs! You totally won that fight.. #robbed (Jun 25, 2017)
Jay Swift replied J J Tycooner's Buzz buzzed at J J Tycooner
Thank you for these. I uploaded them to their respective events (May 12, 2016)
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