Joe Macias (117609) -
MMA Management
MMA Record |
Record |
0-0-0 (0 NCs) |
Wins |
(T)KOs (0.00%) |
Subs (0.00%) |
Decisions (0.00%) |
Losses |
(T)KOs (0.00%) |
Subs (0.00%) |
Decisions (0.00%) |
Hype |
Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2020-04-02 22:25:15 |
(y/m/d): 2017-03-27 00:25:45 |
fastjackg |
01 Jul, 2020 Wednesday - Turbo Epicity celebrated his birthday - 39 today! 16 Jun, 2020 Tuesday - Sandor Clegane celebrated his birthday - 50 today! 20 May, 2020 Wednesday - Junior Vilson celebrated his birthday - 36 today! 10 May, 2020 Sunday - Vincent Billingslea celebrated his birthday - 25 today! 07 Apr, 2020 Tuesday - Turbo Epicity celebrated his birthday - 38 today! 07 Apr, 2020 Tuesday - Picked up Turbo Epicity from the free agents list 07 Apr, 2020 Tuesday - Picked up Sandor Clegane from the free agents list 01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Picked up Vincent Billingslea from the free agents list 31 Mar, 2020 Tuesday - Picked up Junior Vilson from the free agents list 31 Mar, 2020 Tuesday - Won $3,120 on Spin and Win! |