Xavier Miller (123730) -
MMA Management
MMA Record |
Record |
0-0-0 (0 NCs) |
Wins |
(T)KOs (0.00%) |
Subs (0.00%) |
Decisions (0.00%) |
Losses |
(T)KOs (0.00%) |
Subs (0.00%) |
Decisions (0.00%) |
Historic |
13-10-0 (0 NCs) |
0 - 2 |
Hype |
Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2021-01-12 07:50:41 |
(y/m/d): 2018-04-18 19:33:44 |
1234az |
24 Sep, 2020 Thursday - Jorge Romero celebrated his birthday - 25 today! 11 Sep, 2020 Friday - Fester Addams celebrated his birthday - 26 today! 11 Sep, 2020 Friday - Lurch Addams celebrated his birthday - 26 today! 01 Jul, 2020 Wednesday - Jorge Romero celebrated his birthday - 24 today! 18 Jun, 2020 Thursday - Fester Addams celebrated his birthday - 25 today! 18 Jun, 2020 Thursday - Lurch Addams celebrated his birthday - 25 today! 01 Jun, 2020 Monday - Released the fighter - Solomon Bundy 30 May, 2020 Saturday - Picked up Solomon Bundy from the free agents list 29 May, 2020 Friday - Picked up Jorge Romero from the free agents list 25 May, 2020 Monday - Picked up Fester Addams from the free agents list |