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Mohamed James-Wang (133789) - VIP Manager

Mixed Martial Arts Management - Mohamed James-Wang
user is offline

Historic MMA Record

Record   221-228-3 (0 NCs)
Wins   95 (T)KOs (42.99%)
    58 Subs (26.24%)
    68 Decisions (30.77%)
Losses   141 (T)KOs (61.84%)
    44 Subs (19.30%)
    43 Decisions (18.86%)
Current 0-0-0 (0 NCs)
TWGC 10 - 6
United States United States (P:14)
Los Angeles
Month Rank
Best Rank
Opp Rank
  687 of 40616 (1.69%)
644 (-43 drop)
703 average
Div 7. League 584 (P: 30)
Top Fighter  
Fighters   0
Bank   $502,254.75
Mohamed's quote
Buy my merch or I will kill myself.
Contact Details
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Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2024-07-08 05:30:13
Joined (y/m/d):
2020-05-19 14:05:07
Username: MightyTJB
Recent Events

25 Apr, 2024 Thursday - Released the fighter - Olenev Stepanovich
15 Apr, 2024 Monday - Released the fighter - Darius LeBlanc
14 Apr, 2024 Sunday - Released the fighter - AJ Llewellyn
07 Apr, 2024 Sunday - Released the fighter - Howard Clay
07 Apr, 2024 Sunday - Released the fighter - Luka Alstrup
07 Apr, 2024 Sunday - Released the fighter - Ezekiel Broomsdale
04 Apr, 2024 Thursday - Ezekiel Broomsdale celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
01 Apr, 2024 Monday - Darius LeBlanc celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
31 Mar, 2024 Sunday - Released the fighter - Guy Test
26 Mar, 2024 Tuesday - AJ Llewellyn celebrated his birthday - 36 today!

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Last 20 MMA & Kickboxing Fights (View all Fights)
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   D Olenev Stepanovich Riley Hatfield Majority Draw SMASH: Tryastsyn vs Kringle 2024-04-20 3 05:00
   L Darius LeBlanc Brady Walker TKO (Strikes) FCL - 22 2024-04-14 1 02:38
   L AJ Llewellyn Kohinata Minoru Ii TKO (Strikes) SMASH: White Jr vs Furioto 2024-04-13 1 03:44
   L Luka Alstrup Kruce Kanner TKO (Strikes) HRL76 2024-04-06 1 02:50
   W Ezekiel Broomsdale Leo Bosanac Decision (Unanimous) HZN 14 Bollomard v Leben 2024-03-30 3 05:00
   W AJ Llewellyn Bryan Gracie TKO (Strikes) SMASH: Tryastsyn vs Barboza 2024-03-16 3 00:42
   L Howard Clay Barry Redcola TKO (Strikes) UCF 9: Fontolan v Berishvili 2024-03-16 2 02:38
   L Guy Test Daniel Dux Submission (Triangle) UCF 9: Fontolan v Berishvili 2024-03-16 1 00:30
   L Olenev Stepanovich Richie Alaska Decision (Unanimous) SMASH: Dredd vs Machine 2024-03-10 3 05:00
   L Luka Alstrup Kruce Kanner KO (Punch) HRL68 2024-03-09 1 01:55
   L Darius LeBlanc Bernard McCurtney KO (Superman Punch) FCL - 10 2024-02-29 1 01:24
   L Jett Robins Rogan Josh TKO (Slam) TOF 82 2024-02-25 1 00:57
   W Luka Alstrup Cesar Arbeloa TKO (Cut) HRL63 2024-02-24 1 04:18
   L Vinicius Fontes Joe Stack Decision (Unanimous) RSE 48: Vengeance 2024-02-11 3 05:00
   W AJ Llewellyn Joseph Ducreux Submission (Kimura) SMASH: Prescott vs Benedetti 2024-02-11 1 02:54
   L Olenev Stepanovich Rimtas Kentas Submission (Triangle Armbar) SMASH: Prescott vs Benedetti 2024-02-11 2 04:38
   L Ezekiel Broomsdale Cathal Doherty KO (Punch) HZN 6 Tenryu v Farah 2024-02-09 1 01:13
   W Luka Alstrup Blake West KO (Punch) HRL57 2024-02-03 1 02:14
   L Jett Robins Clarence Boston KO (Punch) TOF 72 2024-01-21 2 03:07
   L Olenev Stepanovich Jacques Turcotte Decision (Unanimous) Nfld 44 2024-01-20 3 05:00
Last 20 TWGC Fights
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   L Jett Robins Julian Hopson Decision TWGC 40 (145lbs, D3): Finals ... 2023-09-13 1 15:09
   W Jett Robins Mitsuhiro Ishida Submission (RNC) TWGC 40 (145lbs, D3): Finals ... 2023-09-12 1 06:51
   W Jett Robins Myuki Yoshida Submission (Armbar) TWGC 40 (145lbs, D3): Finals ... 2023-09-11 1 08:51
   W Jett Robins Hong Myung Submission (RNC) TWGC 40 (145lbs, D3): Rio de ... 2023-09-02 1 10:59
   L Robert Cleese Rudra Yogpeeth Decision TWGC 39 (265lbs, D4): Montrea... 2023-05-16 1 15:01
   W Robert Cleese John Taylor Decision TWGC 39 (265lbs, D4): Montrea... 2023-05-15 1 15:11
   W Robek Robeksson Nino Babel Decision ENIGMA SUB WRESTLING 3 2022-03-13 1 15:02
   W Robek Robeksson Dontae Gutierrez Submission (RNC) ENIGMA SUB WRESTLING 2 2022-02-13 1 05:58
   L Isaia Palamo Seth Rockwell Submission (Armbar) TWGC 36 (205lbs, D4): Finals ... 2022-01-07 1 00:31
   W Isaia Palamo Carr Cartwright Decision TWGC 36 (205lbs, D4): Tokyo Q... 2021-12-30 1 15:02
   L Edward Smart Spar Lad Submission (Triangle Choke) TWGC 36 (145lbs, D3): Tokyo Q... 2021-12-29 1 06:41
   W Isaia Palamo Ross Nyland Submission (Armbar) TWGC 36 (205lbs, D4): Tokyo Q... 2021-12-29 1 03:40
   L Ezekiel Broomsdale Vern Vurris Decision SSGT: Semi Finals Szn1 2021-12-03 1 15:01
   L Colin Penn Covid Gonna Get Submission (Triangle Armbar) TWGC 33 (265lbs, D4): Finals ... 2021-05-18 1 02:40
   W Colin Penn Kyle Rose Submission (Kimura) TWGC 33 (265lbs, D4): London ... 2021-05-11 1 01:33
   W Colin Penn Breno Pinheiro Submission (Armbar) TWGC 33 (265lbs, D4): London ... 2021-05-10 1 09:43
Top Fighter -

Record 0-0- (W-L-D)
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Last 5 Fights

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Fighters (see upcoming fights)
Name Weight Record Last 5 fights W/C P4P

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Hall of Fame - Retired / Previously Managed Fighters
Name Weight Record Highest Rank
Joshua Cooper250lbs(8-10-0)2435
Robek Robeksson291lbs(6-4-0)1883
Colin Penn256lbs(14-11-0)683
Ezekiel Broomsdale186lbs(21-12-0)668
AJ Llewellyn196lbs(22-17-0)534
Olenev Stepanovich165lbs(26-14-2)94
Buzz at Mohamed James-Wang (Logged in as )
Antonio Brown
Antonio Brown replied Charlie Olives's Buzz buzzed at Mohamed James-Wang (Mar 16, 2022)

Complain to the management talk to the assistant manager Mohammad. I complained and they redid my deal. It's still fuck that org though.

view conversation »
Mohamed James-Wang's recent buzzes
Mohamed James-Wang replied Tim Neer's Buzz buzzed at Tim Neer
Hespect (May 08, 2021)
Mohamed James-Wang rebuzzed Ashbourne Events (360k+)'s buzz
Ashbourne Events (360k+)
Our man with the hair Peter Woodcock is back with Episode 2 of A&E Spotlight. This week, he sat down with Monty Pyke, John PG, The Requis and Ivan Wong's advocate - Mr. Nathan. Many topics were discussed. Secrets revealed. As well as a little magic. Click here to catch the latest episode of A&E ... (Jun 20, 2020)
Mohamed James-Wang rebuzzed Ashbourne Events (360k+)'s buzz
Ashbourne Events (360k+)
It's a weekend doubleheader here at A&E with so much on the line. Can Monty Pyke solidify his shot at the 205lbs title? Or will Bison Jury shock the world? Is Ethan Hawk as good as we think he is? Will Dolph Lindgren or Davit Jaqeli be the first fighter to win twice under the A&E banner? Is Tourn Ki... (Jun 20, 2020)
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