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Efraim Rothschild (142576) - Manager

Mixed Martial Arts Management - Efraim Rothschild
user is offline

Historic MMA Record

Record   64-65-1 (0 NCs)
Wins   36 (T)KOs (56.25%)
    16 Subs (25.00%)
    12 Decisions (18.75%)
Losses   32 (T)KOs (49.23%)
    15 Subs (23.08%)
    18 Decisions (27.69%)
Current 36-32-0 (0 NCs)
  New York City
Israel Israel (P:32)
New York
Month Rank
Best Rank
Opp Rank
  215 of 40616 (0.53%)
210 (-5 drop)
197 average
Div 4. League 9 (P: 6)
Top Fighter   James Dean
Fighters   4
Bank   $327,543.60
Efraim's quote
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Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2024-07-23 17:09:06
Joined (y/m/d):
2022-12-11 15:25:58
Username: EfraimRoth
Recent Events

23 Jul, 2024 Tuesday - Released a fighter - Glenn Banks
07 Jul, 2024 Sunday - Released the fighter - Suade Loc
27 Jun, 2024 Thursday - Justice Washington celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
25 Jun, 2024 Tuesday - Giancarlo Zuniga celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
19 Jun, 2024 Wednesday - James Dean celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
19 Jun, 2024 Wednesday - Suade Loc celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
12 Jun, 2024 Wednesday - Julius Benedict celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
10 Jun, 2024 Monday - Picked up Glenn Banks from the free agents list
10 Jun, 2024 Monday - Picked up Suade Loc from the free agents list
03 Jun, 2024 Monday - Won 24 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!

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Last 20 MMA & Kickboxing Fights (View all Fights)
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   L Justice Washington Gregor Reilly Submission (Kimura) MILF 105 Young VS Igwe 2024-07-20 1 03:31
   W James Dean Jimar Kinkead KO (Punch) MILF 104 Jovonovich vs Coutur... 2024-07-17 2 01:18
   L Julius Benedict Lee Murray TKO (Punches) STRIKE! 25 Kickboxing Event 2024-07-06 1 00:52
   L Justice Washington Marc Schlager Submission (RNC) MILF 100 Vargas vs Nguana 2024-06-29 1 04:36
   W James Dean Samir Reid KO (Punch) MILF 95 Hamland vs Serrano 2024-06-28 1 02:17
   W Glenn Banks Kainalu Kekoa TKO (Strikes) MILF 97 Rahim VS Tanaka 2024-06-28 2 01:45
   W Suade Loc Jonah Morah Submission (Armbar) MILF 92 Stout VS Galecki 2024-06-26 2 01:58
   L Justice Washington Augustus Walls TKO (Strikes) MILF 93 Walls VS Washington 2024-06-26 1 02:11
   L Giancarlo Zuniga Jeramiah Pony Submission (Americana) MILF 93 Walls VS Washington 2024-06-26 1 03:55
   W Julius Benedict Alex Alexandrov KO (Punch) STRIKE! 21 Kickboxing Event 2024-06-15 1 01:37
   W Justice Washington Adonis Ford Submission (Kimura) MILF 82 Leeuwenhoek VS Montan... 2024-06-15 1 02:55
   L Giancarlo Zuniga Blazej Maleszewski Submission (Armbar) MILF 82 Leeuwenhoek VS Montan... 2024-06-15 2 04:56
   W Glenn Banks Leroy Dukes KO (Strikes) MILF 81 McCoy vs Roy 2024-06-14 1 02:57
   L James Dean Antti Kokko KO (Punch) MILF 76 Veainu vs Parisini 2024-06-08 2 04:55
   W Justice Washington Xavier Knight Submission (Triangle Choke) MILF 71 Stout VS Dakat 3 2024-06-01 1 00:39
   W Julius Benedict Alex Alexandrov KO (Head Kick) STRIKE! 18 Kickboxing Event 2024-05-26 2 01:13
   L James Dean Chick Hamland TKO (Strikes) MILF 66 McCoy vs Roy 2024-05-26 3 03:47
   L Giancarlo Zuniga Mike Miami Decision (Unanimous) MILF 68 Serrano VS Walton 2 2024-05-26 3 05:00
   W Justice Washington Malakai Rios Submission (Guillotine) MILF 61 Reilly vs Leeuwenhoek 2024-05-19 1 01:23
   L Rufus Rutger Sparring John Decision (Unanimous) HZN 21 Ivanovic v McBean II 2024-05-18 5 05:00
Top Fighter - James Dean

Madness Island League Fighting (400k) 7346
Record 7-7-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 7 (T)KOs (100.00%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
0 Decisions (0.00%)
Losses 5 (T)KOs (71.43%)
2 Subs (28.57%)
0 Decisions (0.00%)
TWGC 0-0
Next Fight Nick Santorino
Last 5 Fights
W Jimar Kinkead KO (Punch)
W Samir Reid KO (Punch)
L Antti Kokko KO (Punch)
L Chick Hamland TKO (Strikes)
L Pitter Patter KO (Punches)
Fighters (see upcoming fights)
Name Weight Record Last 5 fights W/C P4P
Julius Benedict Higher Hyped as a Kickboxer 205 (15-11-0) L,W,W,L,W 14 133
James Dean 185 (7-7-0) W,W,L,L,L 138 1072
Giancarlo Zuniga 135 (6-6-0) L,L,L,L,W 163 2275
Justice Washington 155 (8-8-0) L,L,L,W,W 204 1939
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