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John "Johnnie" Walker (266874) - Retired

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - John Walker
MMA 16-8-1 (W-L-D)
MMA Wins 9 (T)KOs (56.25%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
7 Decisions (43.75%)
MMA Losses 3 (T)KOs (37.50%)
2 Subs (25.00%)
3 Decisions (37.50%)
KT Record 10-8-0 (W-L-D)
KT Wins 3 (T)KOs (30.00%)
7 Decisions (70.00%)
KT Losses 1 (T)KOs (12.50%)
7 Decisions (87.50%)
Next Fight None
Song Another One Bites the Dust
Height 185 cm
Weight 199 lbs
Can cut to 180.4 lbs
Age 60
Hometown Ayrshire
Country Scotland
Location Amsterdam
Base Amsterdam
Manager Retired
Bank Balance $27,448.57
Alliance   -
Highest Rank 1089 MMA / 12 KT
Creation Date 17th Jan 2015
John has Sensational boxing, Sensational Muay Thai, Sensational wrestling and holds a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: Fight of the night: 5 ($15,000)   KO of the night: 2 ($4,000)   
Weight: NA P4P: 0
0 Days Cuts 0 Days
Kickboxing Hype
  KT Rank
Weight: NA P4P: NA

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Contracted to Trophies
Fighter is not signed to a Mixed Martial Arts Organization

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Fighter Bio
A very good fighter, but if you pick him up for MMA, be a little careful of one of his stats. He should be able to compete just fine, but one key stat is a little lower than I personally would have liked for an older guy.

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
Currently wearing

My$tic Clothing ~ (`10%Laundry`)
My$tic Clothing ~ (`10%Laundry`)

MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  

Managed by Vincent Moss (117824)
W Bob Dock TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2018-08-20 185 1 03:05 view
W Mihai Viteazul TKO (Strikes) Quick Fight Championship 2018-08-09 185 3 02:15 view

Managed by Rodrigo Rojas (101547)
W Ernesto Panado KO (Head Kick) Quick Fight Championship 2018-04-12 185 2 01:26 view
W Beeboy Batongbakal Decision (Unanimous) USFC 157 2017-05-13 185 3 05:00 view
L Marcus Child Decision (Unanimous) USFC 151 2017-04-15 185 3 05:00 view
L Bobby Godfrey Decision (Unanimous) USFC 144 2017-03-18 185 3 05:00 view
L Philo Beddoe Submission (Guillotine) USFC 138 2017-02-17 185 3 04:35 view
W Kevin Durant KO (Punch) USFC 133 2017-01-21 185 1 04:56 view
W Eva Contonio Decision (Unanimous) USFC 129 2016-12-25 185 3 05:00 view
L Alex Graves Submission (Kimura) USFC 124 2016-11-26 185 2 04:54 view
D Eva Contonio Draw PF 18 - Darrow vs Wasa 2 2016-10-30 185 5 05:00 view
W Joe Ranieri TKO (Strikes) PF 16 - Stewart vs Terror 2016-10-15 185 3 03:08 view
W Emiliano Zapata Decision (Unanimous) PF 12 - Oppelaar va Barkley 2016-09-10 185 2 10:00 view
L Beast Boy TKO (Strikes) PF 9 - Beast vs Walker 2016-08-20 185 1 08:47 view
W Charles Richmond TKO (Strikes) UGD 13:Gallagher Vs Fleshou 2016-07-09 185 3 02:58 view
W Charles Richmond TKO (Strikes) UGD 11: 2000 Seater 2016-06-25 185 3 01:37 view
W Axe Jagger Decision (Unanimous) UGD 8:Shevchenko Vs Rocca 2016-06-04 185 3 05:00 view
W Roland De Roncevaux Decision (DQ) UGD 5:Maulovski Vs Shevchenko 2016-05-14 185 3 05:00 view
W Jamaal Charles Decision (Unanimous) UGD 2:Shevchenko Vs Beefrock 2016-04-23 185 3 05:00 view
W Tacito Abrantes KO (Head Kick) UPFU 7:Moore Vs Plitt 2016-03-19 185 1 02:41 view
L Charles Richmond TKO (Kick & Punches) UPFU 4:Moore Vs Mon Ami 2016-02-27 185 2 00:15 view
L King Bradley Decision (Unanimous) DFC Excursion 44 2016-01-09 205 3 05:00 view
W Kit Walker TKO (Punch and Knee) DFC Exscursion 41 2015-12-19 205 1 02:57 view
W Rocha Freire Decision (Unanimous) DFC Excursion 36 2015-11-14 185 3 05:00 view
L Ellis Knight KO (Punches) Excursion 34 2015-10-23 185 2 00:46 view

Kickboxing Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
L Biggie Righty Handy Decision (Unanimous) ORC 14: Headstrong 2018-06-16 185 3 03:00 view
W Ramon Gallegos TKO (Head Kick) ORC 10: Immortal 2018-05-26 185 2 02:12 view
L Ted Mosby Decision (Unanimous) Dynasty 33 2018-02-10 185 3 03:00 view
L Ezekel Rage Decision (Unanimous) Dynasty Fight Night 24 2018-01-10 185 3 03:00 view
L Aldo O Donno Decision (Unanimous) Dynasty 25 2017-12-16 185 3 03:00 view
L Patrick McGuire Decision (Unanimous) Dynasty Fight Night 17 2017-11-22 185 3 03:00 view
L Aldo O Donno TKO (Punch) Dynasty 18 2017-10-28 185 3 02:47 view
W Bruce Kang Decision (Unanimous) GAMT 69 Kang v Walker 2017-09-23 185 5 03:00 view
W Ezekel Rage TKO (Punch) GAMT 64 Kang v Chan Chai 2017-08-27 185 3 02:47 view
W Big J Smiles TKO (Punch) Venom Fight Night 5 2017-08-05 185 4 02:41 view
W DBrickashaw Stevens Decision (Unanimous) GAMT 52 Magnavox v Bug 2017-06-24 185 5 03:00 view
W Pele Madriano Decision (Unanimous) NACF 28-Romo vs McCaned 2015-09-19 185 3 05:00 view
W Kyle Sackrider Decision (Unanimous) NACF Fight Night 2 - 2015-07-18 185 3 05:00 view
W Blake Flynn Decision (Unanimous) NACF Fight Night 1 2015-07-01 185 3 05:00 view
L Robin Banks Decision (Majority) NACF 15- 2015-06-07 185 3 05:00 view
W Nieky Paauwers Decision (Majority) NACF Tournament Part 5 2015-05-02 185 3 05:00 view
W Pele Madriano Decision (Unanimous) NACF 9- Hanson vs Borikav 2015-04-04 185 3 05:00 view
L Robin Banks Decision (Unanimous) NACF Hilo 1- Hanson VS Ciosek 2015-03-07 185 3 05:00 view

Buzz at John "Johnnie" Walker (Logged in as )
No one buzzed at this fighter. Be the first to buzz at him!
John "Johnnie" Walker's recent buzzes
Back in Brazil working on grappling again. Ready to take a MMA fight soon. PM my manager for contracts (Mar 22, 2018)
Finally back to my roots, at least for a feeling. I'm back training and competing in kickboxing. I'll be fighting for the Global Association of Muay Thai. Damn, I missed this feeling.  (May 31, 2017)
John Walker buzzed at Joe Ranieri
Hey man, I see you don't have a fight booked, neither do I. Let´s put on a good one for the fans (Oct 03, 2016)
John Walker buzzed at Beast Boy
Damn man, I was just getting warmed up. Let's do it again sometime (Aug 20, 2016)
John Walker buzzed at Ellis Knight
Damn. Guess the smaller gloves didn't do me any good. Anyway, thanks for the fight Mr. Knight, it was a good one. (Oct 23, 2015)

No training.

Recent Events

2024-10-26- John Walker celebrated his birthday - 60 today!
2024-08-02- John Walker celebrated his birthday - 59 today!
2024-05-09- John Walker celebrated his birthday - 58 today!
2024-02-14- John Walker celebrated his birthday - 57 today!
2023-11-21- John Walker celebrated his birthday - 56 today!
2023-08-28- John Walker celebrated his birthday - 55 today!
2023-06-04- John Walker celebrated his birthday - 54 today!
2023-03-11- John Walker celebrated his birthday - 53 today!
2022-12-16- John Walker celebrated his birthday - 52 today!
2022-09-22- John Walker celebrated his birthday - 51 today!

Previous Managers

Rodrigo Rojas Vincent Moss

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